Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki
Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki
Battle unit abilities

Abilities are a very broad category described as particular actions that things (eg: units, the player, or the AI) are capable of doing or being affected by in battle in the Total War: Warhammer series.

Overview[ | ]

How abilities work[ | ]

First, there are a few things to note:

  • Not cumulative: having multiple sources providing the same ability to a unit, for example, does not make the ability stronger, last longer and allow it to be used more times or more often
  • Cannot be permanently lost: abilities cannot be permanently lost during battle or on the campaign map
  • Can be temporarily suppressed: abilities can be temporarily ignored during a battle due to other abilities or effects
  • Mixed effects: abilities can provide buffs Unit effect positive, debuffs Unit effect negative or mixed effects Unit effect both

Duration[ | ]

All abilities are subdivided according to their duration, namely:

  • Active abilities are abilities which have to be manually "started" by the player and have a specific duration
  • Passive abilities are abilities that "start" and "end" automatically, once certain conditions are met, and do not require player intervention

Subsets[ | ]

All abilities can be clustered according to where they originate from, whether items or units, and their respective subsets.

Ancillaries[ | ]

  • Banner abilities are exclusive to banner ancillaries

Items[ | ]

Units[ | ]

  • Army abilities are activatable abilities by the player during battle
  • Character abilities are exclusive to all hero and lord units
  • Lord abilities are limited to lord units, standard and legendary alike
  • Hero abilities are restricted to hero units, standard and legendary alike
  • Unit abilities are available to all units, including hero and lord units

Spells[ | ]

Main article: Winds of Magic

Spells are a special type of active ability usable by spellcaster units (and occasionally other units) within the Magic game mechanic. Please see our page on the Winds of Magic for an explanation of the mechanic.

Rarity[ | ]

All abilities have an inherent rarity that roughly translates to how powerful they are:

  • Icon rarity common small Common
  • Icon rarity uncommon small Uncommon
  • Icon rarity rare small Rare
  • Icon rarity legendary small Unique
  • Icon rarity crafted small Crafted

Introduction[ | ]

The "ability" mechanic was introduced in Total War: Warhammer with new abilities added in subsequent versions. Abilities are "game cumulative" meaning all abilities added in older game versions are included in newer versions, albeit and usually updated for balance purposes. This means the same ability can have slightly different effects depending on which game version is being played.

Note: This Wiki has individual pages for each ability and each game version. Category pages track the different categories and sub-categories which are hyperlinked above, where relevant.

Common abilities[ | ]

Spellcasters only:

Faction-Specific[ | ]

The Empire[ | ]

Warrior Priests, Arch Lectors and Volkmar the Grim:

Greenskins[ | ]

Dwarfs[ | ]

-Master Engineer

-Runelords and Runesmiths

Vampire Counts[ | ]

Warriors of Chaos[ | ]

Bretonnia[ | ]

Beastmen[ | ]

Wood Elves[ | ]

Norsca[ | ]

Lizardmen[ | ]

Skaven[ | ]

High Elves[ | ]

Dark Elves[ | ]

Tomb Kings[ | ]

Vampire Coast[ | ]

  • Extra Powder (Vampire Coast)

Kislev[ | ]

Khorne[ | ]

Cathay[ | ]

Tzeentch[ | ]

Nurgle[ | ]

Slaanesh[ | ]

Ogre Kingdoms[ | ]

Legendary Lord specific[ | ]




Grimgor Ironhide

Grom the Paunch

Markus Wulfhart

Boris Todbringer


Ungrim Ironfist

Grombrindal the White Dwarf


Thorek Ironbrow

Mannfred von Carstein

Heinrich Kemmler

Vlad von Carstein

Isabella von Carstein

The Red Duke (Playable only upon confederation)

Kholek Suneater

Malagor the Dark Omen

Morghur the Shadowgave

Taurox the Brass Bull

Fay Enchantress

King Louen Leoncoeur

Alberic de Bordelaux

Repanse de Lyonesse



Sisters of Twilight


Wulfrik the Wanderer



Nakai the Wanderer





Deathmaster Snikch

Ikit Claw

Lord Skrolk

Queek Headtaker

Tretch Creventail

Throt the Unclean




  • Blood Frenzy

Lokhir Fellheart

Malus Darkblade


Alith Anar:



Alarielle the Radiant



High Queen Khalida

Settra the Imperishable

Arkhan the Black

Grand Hierophant Khatep

Aranessa Saltspite

Count Noctilus

Cylostra Direfin

Luthor Harkon


Breath attacks[ | ]

Certain mounts only:

Contact Effects[ | ]

Contact Effect (Abilities imbued by hitting an enemy).

Unique spells[ | ]

Main article: Unique spells

Unique spells are specific to one or two characters, and do not truly belong to a regular lore of magic.
