Acidic Musk Glands is a Skaven active ability unique to the Clan Moulder faction. It is gained when applying the Acidic Fear Musk augment to a unit in the Flesh Laboratory.
A sudden discharge of highly-concentrated acid douses everyone nearby, melting away armour and burning skin.
Effect[ | ]
- Active Ability
- Type: Direct Damage (Area)
- Self/Ally
Damage Per Second: 81-162
Armour: -30 - Enemy
Damage Per Second: 81-162
Armour: -30 - Effect range: 35m
- Duration: 19s
- Cooldown: 60s
- Affected units: Affects allies in range(all)
Affects enemies in range(all) - Causes damage to combatants
- Strong vs multiple combatants
- Weak vs a single combatant
Units[ | ]
Category | Unit |
Monsters & Beasts |