“ | There's nothing to see but a tranquil treeline… and projectiles flying from it with pinpoint precision. | „ |
Akshina Ambushers is a Kislev missile infantry unit introduced in Total War: Warhammer III with Shadows of Change.
Recruitment[ | ]
Unlocked with: Eerie Woods
Description[ | ]
Created as a secretive military order in the reign of Tsar Alekus the Red, the Akshina became a force to be feared, rooting out conspirators and eliminating them without trial or compunction. In times of war, these agents ensure utter loyalty from the generals of Kislev, often keeping them in line through fear alone. Yet the enemies of the Motherland are no safer from their machinations. Akshina Ambushers often haunt such foes with murderous intent, putting their unusual skills to use on the battlefield. As elite assassins, they stalk their enemies from afar, often making use of cover to lurk unseen, even in the heat of combat. Every quarrel from their crossbows finds its mark, piercing the heart or burrowing deep into an enemy's skull.
Attributes[ | ]
Missile Infantry
- ▲ Vanguard Deployment: This unit can deploy in an expanded deployment area, allowing it to start the battle within striking distance of the enemy - or somewhere unexpected.
- ▲ Stealthy: This unit is more proficient at hiding and thus more difficult for enemy units to spot.
- ▲ Stalk: This unit can move hidden in any terrain.
- ▲ No Forest Penalty: Large units do not suffer penalties when moving through forest, simply smashing through the undergrowth instead.
Unit Abilities[ | ]
Passive Abilities[ | ]
Strategy[ | ]
Kislev Shades, basically. With the Stalk and Vanguard passives they can quickly deal with any artillery and light ranged the enemy was foolish enough to bring with them, and hit the enemy line from behind. You can use sleds to draw isolated enemy units into devastating killboxes, if you bring enough of them. Strangely enough, this unit has a considerable amount of AP damage making it even more devastating.
Unlike most of Kislev infantries, this unit is not hybrid. With very low-average combat stats, try to use them to snipe the enemy from hidden locations but don't expect them to stand their own ground in melee.
Where possible, aim Akshina at lighter units that aren't expecting them. Notably the Daughters of the Forest can give them Snipe almost straight away through the tech tree, which coupled with their range makes them absurdly powerful against the AI.
Gallery[ | ]