Annoyance of Netlings is a Wood Elves passive ability.
Scurrying over their host with feverish abandon, Netlings snag the weapons of enemies that come too close with webs of magical filaments.
Effect[ | ]
Passive Ability
- Type:
Hex (Area)
Base Weapon Damage: -10%
Armour-Piercing Weapon Damage: -10%
Melee Attack: -5
- Effect range: 35m
- Duration:
- Affected units: Affects enemies in range(all)
Units[ | ]
Coeddil (campaign only)
Units with the Annoyance of Netlings trait can gain this ability:
Ancient Treeman (campaign only)
Malevolent Ancient Treeman (campaign only)
Branchwraith (campaign only)
Malevolent Branchwraith (campaign only)
Items[ | ]
Notes[ | ]
This ability can be gained by:
Mechanics[ | ]
Gathering of the Ancients - Selecting a Lord to the -
Ancient of Threllock - office, grants Annoyance of Netlings to that Lord.
Traits[ | ]
Annoyance of Netlings trait, grants Annoyance of Netlings to the Lord or Hero with the trait.
Durthu's trait, grants Annoyance of Netlings for all Treemen units in his army.