Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki

Armoury is a Bretonnia military support building in Total War: Warhammer.

"A trove of exquisite weaponry and armour, some said to be as old as the Grail Companions themselves."

Background[ | ]

Castle armouries of the oldest families are collections of antiques as well as practical equipment stores and workshops. It is said that in the armouries in the palace of Couronne, there are relics of the Grail Companions, one of Gilles le Breton's suits of armour, and even weapons of Elven origin - artefacts abandoned when the Elves left the Old World.

Effects[ | ]

  • Melee defence: +10 for all units when defending (local armies)
  • Construction cost: -5% for all buildings (all regions in this province)
  • Armour: +2 for all units (all armies)
  • Armour: +10 for all units when defending (local armies)
  • Global recruitment capacity: +1
  • Local recruitment capacity: +1

Building Chain[ | ]

  • Tier II - Smithy
    • Tier IV - Armoury