Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki

The path to Ruinous glory is strewn with the butchered remains of those who fell by the wayside.

Aspiring Champions are a Warhost of the Apocalypse Warriors of Chaos melee infantry unit introduced in Total War: Warhammer with Update 4. With the release of Thrones of Decay, they can also be recruited by The Maggot Host The Maggot Host through the Tamurkhan’s Chieftains mechanic.

Recruitment[ | ]

WH1 & WH2[ | ]

Description[ | ]

Aspiring Champions are often the best any Chaos Warrior can hope to become, since the unending peril of fighting in a Chaos host means that few progress any higher. Those who achieve champion status will eliminate anyone they see as competition, butchering any promising underlings to ensure their continued station in their God’s hordes. As a result, many form their own warbands until they achieve their goals or meet their end by the blade of a rival. Those on this long and often doomed path are obsessed individuals, only recalling the most pertinent details of their past, and many assume new identities to replace those lost to them.

Attributes[ | ]

  • Infantry sword Sword Infantry
  • Armoured & Shielded: Armoured units can block damage from any source apart from Modifier icon armour piercingArmour-Piercing damage. Modifier icon shieldShields have a chance of blocking arrows, bolts, rifle shots and similar small arms fire - but only in a forward facing arc.

Icon unit upgrade Warband Upgrades[ | ]

Button upgrade undivided Undivided[ | ]

Strategy[ | ]

A niche unit on the Chaos roster, they are useful for providing a bit of added support and backbone to a Chaos frontline. Perhaps best if you are using Marauders or Chaos Warriors who are not the strongest units in the game. They have strong melee stats and have magic damage, but err on the defensive side with little armour piercing damage. Their encourage aura will help keep allies in the fight, especially if your lord is focused on a cavalry or monster fight (Archaon or Kholek).

The following strategy applies only in The Old World and Mortal Empires campaigns:

  • They have Attribute guerrilla deploy Vanguard Deployment, so can be used at some cheeky off angles, but they will most likely get picked off and isolated unless they are supported by another unit. If one wanted to use them in a rush build, I suppose their vanguard would help then, but that is a bold strategy.

The champions are capable of hitting multiple enemies, not only can they be used to bolster morale of a frontline but are able to chew through enemies as well with magic attack makes them a counter to physical resistant units. They also have a high health pool to compensate for their low numbers so they are capable of giving a isolated lord or hero some trouble or even be able to outright destroy them.

In Warhammer III with the WoC rework, the Aspiring Champion was change quite a bit.

First, they have lost Attribute guerrilla deploy Vanguard Deployment secondly their Health character Health was increased quite significantly from 3808 to 9856 but the most important change is that out all the units in the WoC roster they benefit the most from researching technologies in the Warriors of Chaos tech tree due to certain technologies granting them abilities, passive abilities and attributes making them incredibly strong.

For example the Aspiring Champions from an Undivided faction can gain the following when specific techs are researched:

The God-aligned sub factions tech trees can give them specific abilities that are only available to those factions.
