Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki

The Barons venture forth from the Garden of Nurgle to lavish the dreaded Wasting Sickness upon the mortal realm.

Barons of the Bog (Pox Riders of Nurgle) are a Nurgle Nurgle, Wh3 main dae daemon prince 256 Daemons of Chaos and Warhost of the Apocalypse Warriors of Chaos Regiment of Renown melee cavalry unit introduced in Total War: Warhammer III with Update 1.3.0.

Recruitment[ | ]

  • Icon effect ror Recruited with: Regiments of Renown Recruitment panel

Description[ | ]

Shambolic but purposeful, where they can Plaguebearers capture and harness Plague Toads to be their mounts, stalking and squeezing them from their filth-choked lairs in the darkest cesspools of the realm of decay. These Pox Riders, as they are known, often take the vanguard of a Plaguedaemon battle line, crashing into the ranks of mortal foes like bloated cannonballs, their riders' tainted blades slashing about them, necrotic filth and brackish blood spraying up from them as they fall, heedless of their losses.

Attributes[ | ]

  • Wh3 nur toads War Beasts
  • Anti-Infantry: Anti-infantry units have an advantage against targets that are smaller than a horse. This advantage can be a damage bonus against small targets, superior weight used to smash through lighter enemies, or an explosive attack from range that effects a large area.
  • Poison Attacks: The Modifier icon poisonpoisonous attacks of this unit weaken the target's speed and damage and/or apply the Poison! debuff.

Unit Abilities[ | ]

Passive Abilities[ | ]

Difference from Pox Riders of Nurgle[ | ]

  • Unit effect positive New Passive Ability: Wh3 twa07 unit passive miasma of rot Miasma of Rot
  • Unit effect positive New Passive Ability: Wh3 twa07 the wasting sickness The Wasting Sickness
  • Unit effect positive Icon stat armour Armour: 50 → 80
  • Unit effect negative Icon treasury Cost (SP & MP): 1050 → 1250
  • Unit effect negative Icon upkeep Upkeep: 262 → 313

Strategy[ | ]

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