“ | A Chaos Chariot is a terrifying thing to slam into an enemy line, punching through with maddening strength. | „ |
Chaos Chariots are a Warriors of Chaos chariot unit introduced in Total War: Warhammer with the Chaos Warriors Race Pack.
Recruitment[ | ]
Unlocked wtih: Hall of Axes
By upgrading Marauder Horsemen or Marauder Horsemen (Throwing Axes) to Chaos Chariots with the Warband Upgrades
WH1 - WH2[ | ]
Unlocked with: Unholy Furnace
Description[ | ]
Chaos Chariots are drawn by a pair of huge destriers swollen to unnatural size by the corrupting energies of Chaos. Each of these beasts is clad in tempered steel plates in the manner of their unholy masters. As these deadly creatures gain momentum, balefire flickers from their eyes and nostrils, giving the impression that the chariot has galloped straight from the realm of nightmares into reality. The hellish steeds plough through the enemy ranks with ease, iron-shod hooves trampling bodies and fanged maws snapping at exposed flesh. All the while, charioteers stab and slash from their fighting platform, maiming and decapitating those nearby with their cruel blades and spiked whips.
Attributes[ | ]
- ▲ Armoured: Armoured units can block damage from any source apart from
Armour-Piercing damage.
- ▲ Anti-Infantry: Anti-infantry units have an advantage against targets that are smaller than a horse. This advantage can be a damage bonus against small targets, superior weight used to smash through lighter enemies, or an explosive attack from range that effects a large area.
Strategy[ | ]
An anti-infantry high mass shock unit that specializes in breaking through thin lines and crashing into flanks. They are almost entirely dependent on their charge bonus and while they mow down infantry while in motion can also quickly die if they get stuck. Focused AP missile fire or large units with an anti large bonus are their bane.
In order to deal with chariots, recruit 4 units of thunderers/handgunners (Armour-piercing ranged units). place them in the center of your battle line. your general and then stand in front of those shooters. whenever chariots ready to rush in. let your general block them. it will be only two rounds of fire your shooters need. before those annoying chariots lay down or flee away. This method can also be applied to deal with vampire lords.
Gallery[ | ]