Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki

For other Chaos Sorcerers, see Chaos Sorcerer.
This Chaos Sorcerer can create a whirling storm of blades and destruction to bring ruin to his foes.

The Chaos Sorcerer (Metal) is a Warhost of the Apocalypse Warriors of Chaos Hero unit introduced in Total War: Warhammer with the Chaos Warriors Race Pack.

Recruitment[ | ]

WH1 - WH2[ | ]

Description[ | ]

Those champions of Chaos who seek mastery over the magical arts are known as Chaos Sorcerers, and they are madmen and malcontents all. They are amongst the most awful and depraved of all servants of the Ruinous Powers, for they long ago sold their souls in exchange for the heady elixir of pure power. Where many of the world's Wizards, such as those taught by the Colleges of Magic in Altdorf, glean their arcane skill from long years of painstaking research, a Chaos Sorcerer's understanding of the Winds of Magic is often instant and innate. Without the patience and wisdom that such study brings, an inexorable descent into deformity and madness is nigh on inevitable.

Attributes[ | ]

  • Wh main lore metal Wizard
  • Spellcaster: This unit can cast spells.
  • Armoured: Armoured units can block damage from any source apart from Modifier icon armour piercingArmour-Piercing damage.

Spells[ | ]

Campaign abilities[ | ]

Embed Hero[ | ]

  • Item ability Scouting

Constant Local Effect[ | ]

  • Corruption chaos Spread Corruption

Target[ | ]

  • Settlement
  • Technology Steal Technology
  • Hero
  • Wound time Wound
  • Army
  • Campaign movement Block Army

Character Abilities[ | ]

Passive Abilities[ | ]

Campaign only[ | ]

Item Abilities[ | ]

Multiplayer only[ | ]

Items (Multiplayer)[ | ]

Mounts[ | ]

Path to Glory[ | ]

A Chaos Sorcerer (Metal) can Devote to:

Mark of chaos chaos sorceror slaanesh Slaanesh

Mark of chaos chaos sorceror tzeentch Tzeentch

Talent Tree[ | ]

Strategy[ | ]

Click here to add a strategy!

Gallery[ | ]
