Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki

An elevated pain threshold grants the strength to wield more burdensome means for murder.

Chaos Warriors of Nurgle (Great Weapons) are a Warhost of the Apocalypse Warriors of Chaos, Wh3 main dae daemon prince 256 Daemons of Chaos and Nurgle Nurgle melee infantry unit introduced in Total War: Warhammer III with Marked Chaos Warriors.

Recruitment[ | ]

Description[ | ]

An unbearable stench always heralds the approach of the Plague Lord’s warriors. Their helmets often bear great, withered horns and they are clad in rust-tarnished armour which conceal vile conditions or mutations – perhaps a slimy tentacle, or translucent, jelly-like flesh that reveals their decaying inner organs, or simply a body riddled with leprosy. Sometimes the corpulent meat of their bodies spills from the cracks of their armour. Whatever the case, they are deadly fighters who are near-impervious to pain and fight on despite receiving the most horrendous wounds imaginable.

Attributes[ | ]

  • Infantry axe great Great Axe Infantry
  • Armoured: Armoured units can block damage from any source apart from Modifier icon armour piercingArmour-Piercing damage.
  • Armour-Piercing: The damage of Modifier icon armour piercingarmour-piercing weapons mostly ignores the armour of the target, making them the ideal choice against heavily-armoured enemies. They are often heavier and attack at a slower rate though, making them less efficient against poorly-armoured targets.
  • Poison Attacks: The Modifier icon poisonpoisonous attacks of this unit weaken the target's speed and damage and/or apply the Poison! debuff.

Strategy[ | ]

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