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Chivalry is a unique campaign mechanic for Bretonnia, introduced in Total War: Warhammer.
Description[ | ]
Chivalry is shared across your entire faction. It can be gained from winning battles, with greater victories (eg: Heroic victory vs Pyrrhic victory) granting more chivalry. Chivalry can be lost when performing unchivalrous actions such as sacking settlements and raiding provinces. Your Lord's character traits also have a large impact on your faction's overall Chivalry level.
When your faction reaches certain levels of chivalry, they will gain access to The Green Knight, a unique hero unit who lasts a limited number of turns. However this can only be done a maximum of 4 times in Total War: Warhammer, but as of the Doomsayers Update in Total War: Warhammer II, the Green Knight can be summoned an unlimited number of times when at max chivalry.
Chivalry effects[ | ]
Level | Value Old World | Value Mortal Empires | Description | Effects |
Unchivalrous | < 0 | < 0 | Your actions are barbaric and unscrupulous. Bretonnia wilts towards obscurity. | Control: -5 (all provinces) Leadership: -10 (all armies) |
Noble | 0 - 199 | 0 - 399 | Your actions are courageous and show goodness of intent. | Leadership: +2 (all armies)
+10 Chivalry for each new Trait |
Honourable | 200 - 399 | 400 - 799 | Your actions bring prosperity to Bretonnia; the outside world looks on enviously. | You may call upon the Green Knight! Leadership: +4 (all armies) Recruitment rank: +1 for Bretonnian Knight units +30 Chivalry for each new Trait |
Knightly | 400 - 599 | 800 - 1199 | Your actions inspire your warriors and strike fear into your enemies' craven hearts. | You may call upon the Green Knight!
All Lords start with the Knights Vow Lord recruitment rank: +1 |
Virtuous | 600 - 799 | 1200 - 1599 | Your actions are saintly - the Kingdom was built on such noble foundations. | You may call upon the Green Knight!
All Lords start with the Knights Vow Lord recruitment rank rank: +3 |
Chivalrous | 800+ | 1600 - 2000+ | Your actions honour Bretonnia, its people, and their way of life. For the Lady!!! | You may call upon the Green Knight limitless times!
All Lords start with the Questing Vow Lord recruit rank: +5 |
Sources of Chivalry[ | ]
Name | Value |
Abbey of the Grail Companions (per building) | +50 |
Manann's Dry Docks (per construction) | +50 |
Tower of the Enchantress (per construction) | +50 |
Razing evil enemy settlement (per action) | +30 |
Cathedral of the Lady (per construction) | +20 |
Couronne Tournament Grounds (per construction) | +20 |
Researching the following technologies: Charity The Unification of Bretonnia Temple Tithes |
+20 |
Heraldry Confederation "Do nothing" option (per dilemma) | +20 |
Faction leader passive | +10 |
Paladin hero passive (per hero) | +10 |
Lord lord passive (per lord) | +10 |
Researching the following technologies: Heraldry of Artois Heraldry of Bastonne Heraldry of Bordeleaux Heraldry of Bretonnia Heraldry of Carcassonne Heraldry of Parravon Support Religious Errantry |
+10 |
Character traits:
Devoted |
+10 |
Prophetess lord passive (per lord) | +5 |
Researching the following technologies: Chivalric Code |
+5 |
Defeating enemy armies after researching certain techs | +2 to +5 |
Heroic Victory (per battle) | +30 |
Decisive Victory (per battle) | +10 |
Close Victory (per battle) | +5 |
Pyrrhic Victory (per battle) | +2 |
Losing Chivalry[ | ]
Name | Value |
Declaring war on a Bretonnian faction (per action) | -200 |
Razing good enemy settlement (per action) | -100 |
Heraldry Confederation "Demand Fealty" option (per dilemma) | -70 |
Sacking enemy settlement (per action) | -30 |
Brothel (per construction) | -20 |
Ransom Captives post-battle option (per battle) | -5 |
Ambushing (per army per turn) | -2 |
Raiding (per army per turn) | -2 |
Crushing Defeat (per battle) | -20 |
Decisive Defeat (per battle) | -10 |
Close Defeat (per battle) | -5 |
Valiant Defeat (per battle) | -2 |
Strategy[ | ]
One strategy with Bretonnia to gather Chivalry quickly is to spam paladins, lords and prophettesses. Each gives you +5 to +10 Chivalry. If you have the economy, you can get an infinite supply of paladin to boost your chivalry score to the roof!
Strategy for farming Chivalry[ | ]
The actual best strategy to farm chivalry, if you are looking to cheese it, is not to spam paladins like the other one suggested. To recruit a single paladin, you need thousands of gold pieces, several turns, and a free building slot. All for 10 points of chivalry? Useless.
Instead, make a "farm". That is, turn an enemy faction into a farm. Leave them just one region, and wait until they make an army. Destroy it. Rinse and repeat. A single decisive victory can give you over 20 points of chivalry, in addition to experience and post battle loot.
This strategy is especially effective on hard and higher difficulty levels, where AI can pop out a new army every turn.