“ | Chosen are greater than their Chaotic brethren, more powerful and savage in close quarters, especially with great weapons. | „ |
Chosen are a Warriors of Chaos melee infantry unit introduced in Total War: Warhammer with the Chaos Warriors Race Pack.
Recruitment[ | ]
By upgrading Chaos Warriors, Chaos Warriors (Halberds) or Chaos Warriors (Great Weapons) to Chosen with the Warband Upgrades
By upgrading Chosen (Halberds) or Chosen (Great Weapons) to Chosen with the Warband Upgrades
WH1 - WH2[ | ]
Unlocked with: Chaos Warshrine
Description[ | ]
There are those amongst the ranks of the Chaos Warriors who bear the favour of the Dark Gods more than their fellows. Known amongst their kind as 'Chosen', their frames are swollen with unholy power and gifts bestowed on them by the Dark Gods in recognition of the many fell deeds they have committed. These gifts are as varied as any other aspect of Chaos, but most mutations tend to be useful as weapons that aid the quest to inflict devastation on the civilised realms of the world. Even if a Chosen bears no such stigmata, it is clear that he carries the grace of the Dark Gods from his aura of dark menace.
Attributes[ | ]
Axe Infantry
- ▲ Armoured & Shielded: Armoured units can block damage from any source apart from
Armour-Piercing damage.
Shields have a chance of blocking arrows, bolts, rifle shots and similar small arms fire - but only in a forward facing arc.
Strategy[ | ]
If Chaos Warriors are a step above basic infantry, Chosen are a step above elite infantry. They take everything the warriors do and do it better. With 60 melee defence and 46 melee attack, few enemies can beat a chosen one on one. They retain the same weaknesses of standard chaos warriors in that they are slow even for infantry and only have some armour piercing damage.
While each model is much tougher than those of Chaos Warriors, they have fewer models and that makes taking loses more impactful on the unit as a whole. Don't let them get hit with high AP damage spells, artillery, or missile fire that can kill off models much faster than they'd lose in melee even versus strong infantry. Use Chaos Warriors to absorb damage and deal with lesser melee opponents and save your Chosen for major melee threats.