Couronne (City) is a Bretonnia unique settlement building in Total War: Warhammer.
"Formed in an ancient Elven stronghold many centuries ago, the city of Couronne houses the palace and ruling court of King Leoncoeur."
Effects[ | ]
- Income generated: 100
- Control: +4
- Improved tower projectiles: Carcasses
- Growth: +40
- Income from all buildings: +45% (all regions in this province)
- Income from all buildings: +23% (all regions in adjacent provinces)
- Grants 8 construction slots in the settlement
- Provides garrison:
Building Chain[ | ]
- Tier I - Couronne (Hamlet)
- Tier II - Couronne (Village)
- Tier III - Couronne (Town)
- Tier IV - Couronne (City)
- Tier V - Couronne (Duchy Capital)
- Tier IV - Couronne (City)
- Tier III - Couronne (Town)
- Tier II - Couronne (Village)