“ | A bunch of sneaky, venal, stabby gits - a suitably befitting bodyguard for the treacherous Warlord of the Eight Peaks. | „ |
Da Warlord's Boyz (Night Goblins) are a Greenskins Regiment of Renown melee infantry unit introduced in Total War: Warhammer with The King & The Warlord.
Recruitment[ | ]
Description[ | ]
Night Goblins are well suited to their subterranean existence. They range in size, but many are on the stunted side, which better enables the spiteful creatures to move quickly through the tight cavernways below ground. Night Goblins are easily marked out from other Greenskins as they wear long, dark, hooded cloaks, in part to blend in with the poorly lit tunnels but mostly to protect themselves from the hated sunlight should they venture above ground. Given a choice, Night Goblins only leave their underground lairs at night or when the sun is shrouded by cloud or gloomspell. When they do emerge, Night Goblins launch deadly raids, ambush travellers in mountain passes, and commit countless other malicious deeds. They are particular enemies of the Dwarfs, and the two races share a long history of bitter battles on mountainous peaks and below ground.
Attributes[ | ]
Sword Infantry
- ▲ Shielded: Shields have a chance of blocking arrows, bolts, rifle shots and similar small arms fire - but only in a forward facing arc.
- ▲ Armour-Sundering: The
armour-splitting attacks of this unit can significantly weaken the target's armour.
- ▲ Stalk: This unit can move hidden in any terrain.
Scrap Upgrades[ | ]
Difference from Night Goblins[ | ]
New Attribute:
Immune to Psychology
New Contact Effect:
Sundered Armour
Expendable removed
Poison! removed
Cost (SP & MP): 400 → 550
Upkeep: 100 → 138
Strategy[ | ]
This RoR does not bring as much utility as Da Eight Peak Loonies (Night Goblins – Fanatics), but they are still useful. They have the Contact Effect Sunder Armour, which allows them to reduce the armour of all enemies they fight. This is useful, as the Greenskins outside of Black Orcs, do not have tons of armour-piercing.