Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki

Disintegrating is a passive ability innate on all UndeadUndead and ConstructConstruct units.

The Dark Magic binding has failed. Both flesh and necromantic energy slough off the subjects, leaving naught but dust. (Vampire Coast & Vampire Counts)

The Dark Magic that holds these subjects together has failed. As the necromantic energy flows out of them, nothing is left but a pile of iron and bones in the sand. (Tomb Kings)

Effect[ | ]

  • Wh main unit passive unstable mark ii Passive AbilityThis ability targets allies or self
  • Type: Icon spell direct damageDirect Damage
  • Damage Per Second: 1662-3325
  • Duration: Infinite
  • Enabled if: Morale characterLeadership is shattered
  • Ua arrow decrease 1 Causes severe damage to self

WH1 & WH2[ | ]

  • Type: Icon spell direct damageDirect Damage
  • Duration: Constant
  • Target: Self
  • Effects: Ua arrow decrease 1 Causes severe damage to self

Changes from Crumbling[ | ]

  • Damage Per Second increased from 10-21 to 1662-3325
  • Enabled if condition changed to Morale characterLeadership is shattered

Units[ | ]

Karaz-a-Karak Dwarfs[ | ]

Category Unit
Icon hero Heroes Neu ulrika 0

Grand Cathay Grand Cathay[ | ]

Category Unit
Icon hero Heroes Cth saytang the watcher 0
Wh2 dlc09 tmb constructs Constructs Wh3 dlc24 cth mon jade lionWh3 dlc24 cth mon jet lionWh3 main cth mon terracotta sentinel 0Wh3 twa08 cth mon terracotta sentinel 0 ror

Greenskins Greenskins[ | ]

Category Unit
Monstrous infantry Monsters & Beasts Wh2 dlc15 grn mon rogue idolWh2 dlc15 grn mon rogue idol ror

Kislev Kislev[ | ]

Category Unit
Icon hero Heroes Neu ulrika 0

Tomb Kings Tomb Kings[ | ]

Category Unit
Commander Lords Tmb ch arkhan 0Tmb ch khatep 0Tmb ch khalida 0Tmb ch settra 0Tmb ch tomb king campaign 01 0
Icon hero Heroes Tmb liche priest campaign 01 0Tmb necrotect campaign 01 0Tmb ch tomb prince campaign 03 0
Infantry sword Infantry Wh2 dlc09 tmb skeleton warriorsWh2 dlc09 tmb skeleton spearmenWh2 dlc09 tmb nehekhara warriorsWh2 dlc09 tmb skeleton spearmen rorWh2 dlc09 tmb tomb guardWh2 dlc09 tmb tomb guard halberdWh2 dlc09 tmb tomb guard ror
Missile infantry bow Missile Infantry Wh2 dlc09 tmb skeleton archersWh2 dlc09 tmb skeleton archers ror
Cavalry Cavalry & Chariots Wh2 dlc09 tmb skeleton horsemenWh2 dlc09 tmb nehekhara horsemenWh2 dlc09 tmb skeleton chariot
Missile cavalry bow Missile Cavalry & Chariots Wh2 dlc09 tmb skeleton horsemen archersWh2 dlc09 tmb skeleton chariot archers
Monstrous infantry Monsters & Beasts Wh2 dlc09 tmb carrion
Wh2 dlc09 tmb constructs Constructs Wh2 dlc09 tmb ushabtiWh2 dlc09 tmb tomb scorpionWh2 dlc09 tmb ushabti bowWh2 dlc09 tmb sepulchral stalkersWh2 dlc09 tmb ushabti bow rorWh2 dlc09 tmb sepulchral stalkers rorWh2 dlc09 tmb necropolis knightsWh2 dlc09 tmb necropolis knights halberdsWh2 pro06 tmb bone giantWh2 dlc09 tmb warsphinxWh2 dlc09 tmb heirotitanWh2 dlc09 tmb necrosphinxWh2 dlc09 tmb necrosphinx ror
Cannon Artillery & War Machines Wh2 dlc09 tmb screaming skull catapultWh2 dlc09 tmb casket souls
Campaign exclusive Extended Roster Wh2 dlc09 tmb fell batsWh2 dlc09 tmb mon carrion rorWh2 dlc09 tmb dire wolvesWh2 dlc09 tmb crypt ghoulsWh2 dlc09 tmb inf nehekhara warriors rorWh2 dlc09 tmb cav nehekhara horsemen rorWh2 dlc09 tmb cav hexwraithsWh2 dlc09 tmb cav necropolis knights ror

Reikland The Empire[ | ]

Category Unit
Icon hero Heroes Neu ulrika 0

Tzeentch Tzeentch[ | ]

Category Unit
Campaign exclusive Extended Roster Wh2 dlc11 cst bloated corpse

Vampire Coast Vampire Coast[ | ]

Category Unit
Commander Lords Cst count noctilus 0Cst cylostra direfin 0Cst luthor harkon 0Cst vampire fleet admiral male campaign 03 0Cst vampire fleet admiral male campaign 02 0Cst vampire fleet admiral male campaign 01 0Cst cha vampire fleet admiral female campaign 04 0Cst vampire fleet admiral male campaign 01 0Cst cha vampire fleet admiral female campaign 01 0
Icon hero Heroes Robert BarthelemyCst gunnery wight campaign 01 0Cst mourngul haunter campaign 01 0Cst fleet captain campaign 05 0
Infantry sword Infantry Wh2 dlc11 cst zombie deckhandsWh2 dlc11 cst zombie deckhands rorWh2 dlc11 cst zombie deckhands polearmWh2 dlc11 cst syreensWh2 dlc11 cst depth guardWh2 dlc11 cst depth guard polearmWh2 dlc11 cst depth guard ror
Missile infantry bow Missile Infantry Wh2 dlc11 cst zombie gunnery mobWh2 dlc11 cst zombie gunnery mob bombersWh2 dlc11 cst zombie gunnery mob hand cannonWh2 dlc11 cst zombie gunnery mob handgunsWh2 dlc11 cst zombie gunnery mob rorWh2 dlc11 cst deck gunnersWh2 dlc11 cst deck gunners ror
Monstrous infantry Monsters & Beasts Wh main vmp fell batsWh2 dlc11 cst bloated corpseWh2 dlc11 cst scurvy dogsWh2 dlc11 cst animated hulksWh2 dlc11 cst mourngulsWh2 dlc11 cst mournguls rorWh2 dlc11 cst rotting prometheansWh2 dlc11 cst death shriek terrogheistWh2 dlc11 cst rotting leviathan
Wh2 main lzd dinosaur missile Missile Monsters & Beasts Wh2 dlc11 cst deck droppersWh2 dlc11 cst deck droppers bombersWh2 dlc11 cst deck droppers rorWh2 dlc11 cst deck droppers handgunnersWh2 dlc11 cst rotting prometheans gunnery mobWh2 dlc11 cst mon rotting prometheans gunnery mob rorWh2 dlc11 cst necrofex colossusWh2 dlc11 cst necrofex colossus ror
Cannon Artillery & War Machines Wh2 dlc11 cst mortarWh2 dlc11 cst carronadeWh2 dlc11 cst queen bess
Campaign exclusive Extended Roster Cst damned paladin 0

The Drakenhof Conclave Vampire Counts[ | ]

Category Unit
Commander Lords Vmp ch heinrich 0Vmp ch master necromancer helman 0Vmp ch isabella 0Vmp ch mannfred 0Vmp ch vlad 0Vmp the red duke 0Vmp bloodline blood dragon lord campaign 01 0Vmp bloodline lahmian lord campaign 01 0Wh main vmp master necromancerVmp bloodline necrarch lord campaign 01 0Vmp strigoi campaign 01 0Vmp bloodline strigoi lord campaign 01 0Vmp vampire lords sword campaign 01 0Vmp bloodline von carstein lord campaign 01 0
Icon hero Heroes Vmp banshees campaign 01 0Vmp necromancer campaign 01 0Vmp vampire female campaign 01 0Vmp wight king sword campaign 01 0
Infantry sword Infantry Wh main vmp zombiesWh dlc04 vmp titheWh main vmp skeleton warrior swordWh dlc04 vmp stalkersWh main vmp skeleton warrior spearWh main vmp crypt ghoulWh dlc04 vmp feastersWh main vmp cairn wraithWh main vmp grave guardWh dlc04 vmp sternsmenWh main vmp grave guard great weaponsWh3 main vmp grave guard halberds
Cavalry Cavalry & Chariots Wh main vmp black knightsWh main vmp black knights barded lanceWh dlc04 vmp vereks reaversWh main vmp hexwraithsWh dlc04 vmp chillgheistsWh dlc02 vmp blood knights
Monstrous infantry Monsters & Beasts Wh main vmp fell batsWh main vmp dire wolvesWh dlc04 vmp direpackWh main vmp crypt horrorsWh2 dlc11 cst mourngulsWh main vmp vargheistsWh dlc04 vmp devils swartzhafenWh main vmp varghulfWh main vmp terrorgheist
Cannon Artillery & War Machines Wh dlc04 vmp corpse cartWh dlc04 vmp corpse cart balefireWh dlc04 vmp corpse cart lodestoneWh main vmp black coachWh dlc04 vmp mortis engineWh dlc04 vmp claw of nagash
Campaign exclusive Extended Roster Wh pro03 vmp cha krell

Mechanics[ | ]

Mechanic Race Faction Mechanic specific Effect
Skaven Skaven Clan Moulder Clan Moulder Adds The Hunger, Crumbling and Disintegrating to the selected monster unit

Ability Chain[ | ]

See also[ | ]
