Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki

Dreadlord (Sword & Shield) is a Dark Elves melee infantry unit in Total War: Warhammer II. Power, achieved through intimidation and strength on the battlefield; fear instils loyalty.


Dreadlords and Masters are the so-called noble-born rulers of Naggaroth. They range from sycophantic schemers to masterful strategists who have waged war across a hundred battlefields. Though all such Nobles pursue their own unique enthusiasms and ambitions, they are without exception selfish individuals, possessed of an arrogance matched only by their martial prowess, honed over centuries of unceasing war. Many Dreadlords owe their position of power to their bloodlines, daring exploits, or the Witch King's mercurial favours. Others are granted temporary power by means of an writ of iron - an edict granted by one of the six rulers of the great cities of Naggaroth. He who bears a writ of iron shares the sponsor's authority - a powerful tool for the ambitious. However, should a Dark Elf fail in his appointed task, or show cowardice whilst acting in his sponsor's name, the writ is melted down and the molten remains poured down his throat. Such is the price of failure in Naggaroth.


  • Infantry sword Sword Infantry
  • Armoured & Shielded: Armoured units can block damage from any source apart from Modifier icon armour piercingArmour-Piercing damage. Modifier icon shieldShields have a chance of blocking arrows, bolts, rifle shots and similar small arms fire - but only in a forward facing arc.
  • Melee Expert: Melee Experts might have a very strong melee attack or melee defence, or high values in both. Some also have melee-focused skills like Charge Defence. Use them to counter other strong melee units. When facing them, it is best to take them out before they can enter melee.


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