Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki

For the Empire! For Sigmar! For GLORY!

Emperor Karl Franz is an Reikland Empire Legendary Lord unit introduced in Total War: Warhammer. In the campaign, he leads the Reikland Reikland faction.

Description[ | ]

The Emperor is Karl Franz, Prince of Altdorf and Elector Count of Reikland. Karl Franz is said to be the greatest statesman the Old World has ever seen. He is also a military genius and a valiant general. The Emperor frequently takes personal command of his soldiers, wielding Ghal Maraz, the fabled hammer of Sigmar, like the Warrior God of old, smiting enemies of the Empire with every blow. Karl Franz often rides to battle on the back of Deathclaw, reputed to be the mightiest Imperial griffon that ever lived. A powerful bond exists between the beast and its master, one forged in countless battles and many adventures. During the Battle of Blood Keep, Deathclaw stood over the prone form of the wounded Emperor for three hours, slaying any who came near until the Reiksguard could hack a path to their fallen Lord.

Campaign Description[ | ]

The newly-crowned Emperor returned from a tour of Reikland to find his capital, Altdorf, besieged by spider-riding Greenskins. Having seen off the Goblin threat, Franz arrives in his court to find the politicking of the Empire already in its height - Middenheim grumbles, and to the south a secessionist rebellion is in full flow. Franz must tread carefully, a wrong move could split the Empire asunder before his rule has truly begun.

Attributes[ | ]

  • Infantry hammer great Hammer Infantry
  • Armoured: Armoured units can block damage from any source apart from Modifier icon armour piercingArmour-Piercing damage.
  • Armour-Piercing: The damage of Modifier icon armour piercingarmour-piercing weapons mostly ignores the armour of the target, making them the ideal choice against heavily-armoured enemies. They are often heavier and attack at a slower rate though, making them less efficient against poorly-armoured targets.
  • Duellist: This unit is best used to attack individual targets such as Icon armyLords or Icon heroHeroes. As it can only damage very few individuals at a time, it is not suitable against hordes of weak enemies.

Character Abilities[ | ]

Active Abilities[ | ]

Campaign Only[ | ]

Passive Abilities[ | ]

Item Abilities[ | ]

Campaign Only[ | ]

Unique Items[ | ]

Campaign Only[ | ]

Mounts[ | ]

Campaign starting units[ | ]

The Old World & Mortal Empires[ | ]

Wh main emp halberd Wh main emp swordsmen Wh main emp spearmen Wh main emp handgunners Wh main emp crossbowmen Wh main emp reiksguard

Immortal Empires[ | ]

Wh2 dlc13 emp greatswords ror Wh main emp halberd Wh main emp swordsmen Wh main emp swordsmen Wh main emp handgunners Wh main emp handgunners Wh main emp reiksguard Wh main emp mortar

Lord Effects[ | ]

  • Replenishment Can replenish in neutral territory (Icon armyLord's army)
  • Military spending Upkeep: -20% for Elector Count State Troop units (Icon armyLord's army)
  • Experience Additional +5% Weapon Strength and Missile Damage per experience rank for all Elector Count State Troops units (Icon armyLord's army)

WH2[ | ]

  • Morale Leadership: +8 (Icon armyLord's army)

WH1[ | ]

  • Campaign movement Campaign movement range: +5% (all characters)
  • Military spending Upkeep: -10% for Reiksguard and Greatswords units (all armies)

Character Traits[ | ]

Personal Trait[ | ]

Trait human Emperor: "Our names will be remembered in our people's songs until the end of time!"

  • Replenishment Can replenish in neutral territory (Icon armyLord's army)
  • Military spending Upkeep: -20% for Elector Count State Troop units (Icon armyLord's army)
  • Experience Additional +5% Weapon Strength and Missile Damage per experience rank for all Elector Count State Troops units (Icon armyLord's army)

Defeat Trait[ | ]

Trait human Reikshammer: All the piety in the old world means nothing when faced with superior military muscle.

  • Experience Unit experience gain: +10% (Icon armyLord's army)

Warhammer II Defeat Trait[ | ]

Talent Tree[ | ]

Chapter Objectives[ | ]

Chapter 1[ | ]

Rank Name Objective(s) Reward(s) In-game description
Primary objective A Fractured Nation Occupy, loot, raze, or sack 4 different settlements. Treasury: +2000 The election of a new Emperor has oft-led to turmoil as the machinations of the Elector Counts play out. But as the nobles conduct their petty over-struggles, the nation fractures. It is up to the newly-elected sovereign to begin the process of reunification - bringing an entire province to rule must be a priority.
Bonus objective I Warrior King Defeat 3 Armies or Garrisons Treasury: +1000 The Emperor's banner should be seen in battle; after all, it was the backing of the Sigmarite Cult that won Karl Franz the throne, now he must be like the Warrior-King of old!
Bonus objective II Captain's Fable Recruit 1 Hero Treasury: +1000 Every Emperor that takes the throne surrounds himself by men whose abilities and loyalty are as strong as the steel they carry. Recruit such a warrior.
Bonus objective III Build Greatness Construct: Barracks Treasury: +1000 For the Empire to remain the mightiest of all nations then infrastructure is key. Ulric will be pleased with our Lord's prowess in battle, but there are many other gods to appease and raising great buildings and monuments is one way to achieve that.
Bonus objective IV Election Campaign Complete 3 Missions Treasury: +1000 Assailed by enemies within and without, the Empire is cursed to never know true peace - but Karl Franz was elected Emperor on the promise of quelling the myriad foes, and so his campaign begins in earnest.
Bonus objective V Shallya's Dove Destroy Faction: Empire Secessionists Treasury: +1000 The Emperor cannot reign over the entire nation without the backing of the Elector Counts, who rule their provinces autonomously. While belligerent Electors may need the threat of steel to come on side, others can be won over with the dove.

Chapter 2[ | ]

Rank Name Objective(s) Reward(s) In-game description
Primary objective Unite the Lands Occupy, loot, raze, or sack 6 different settlements. Treasury: +4000 Even the worst Emperors in history, and - to our shame - there have been many, could claim to have more than one province under their rule. To truly bring the Empire back to greatness, the throne must exert its power to provinces further afield.
Bonus objective I Bring to Heel Make a faction join your confederation. Treasury: +1000 In the quest to bring the Empire under Karl Franz's sway, overt diplomacy is not the only method - especially when an Elector or some other regional noble is publicly against him. There are more subtle ways to bring a region to heel.
Bonus objective II Apt Pupil Recruit the following Hero: Battle Wizard. Treasury: +1000 The Colleges of Magic were founded in the wake of the Great War Against Chaos and the coronation of Magnus the Pious. Never again would the Empire suffer at the magic of others. Now a student of magic is required to accompany Gelt's forces.
Bonus objective III Keep Building Construct: Foundry, or Engineer's Workshop Treasury: +1000 The greatest cities in the Old World are within the Empire. They are full of danger and wonders, attracting visitors and great minds from across the world. To retain the influx of the great, those cities must prosper.
Bonus objective IV Mission Control Complete 8 missions. Treasury: +1000 The Emperor's enemies ever move against him, so the Empire must be decisive in achieving both its military and strategic goals. It is therefore time to send agents abroad on high-priority missions to secure the throne.
Bonus objective V Become Legend Complete 1 quest chain Treasury: +1000 A legendary quest falls upon a Lord - rewards and greatness awaits those brave enough to undertake such tasks, for they will be remembered - there deeds recorded in the annals of history.

Chapter 3[ | ]

Rank Name Objective(s) Reward(s) In-game description
Primary objective As Magnus Did So Shall We Occupy, loot, raze, or sack 12 different settlements. Treasury: +6000 It was Magnus of Nuln who ended the turbulent Time of the Three Emperors by defeating the Chaos Lord, Asavar Kul. In the wake of such a victory, the Empire was united. To withstand another such invasion, it must be united again, with even more provinces under the Emperor's rule.
Bonus objective I Unite or Die Make two factions join your confederation Treasury: +1000 When Chaos comes or the Greenskins rampage, borders become irrelevant. Mankind as a race has to come together. This must be achieved by any means necessary.
Bonus objective II Might Makes Right Maintain 45 units total Treasury: +1000 It is time the Emperor's enemies knew who and what they stand against. An army of disciplined men of the Empire in all their magnificent panoply will send a strong message through these lands.
Bonus objective III A Wonder of the Old World Ensure that the following building has been built: Altdorf Colleges of Magic Treasury: +1000 The Empire is the greatest nation of the Old World. To retain such a title it needs to dazzle and impress and beguile visitors from all across the realms. Its cities are islands of stature in the vast wilderness of the nation, and the buildings within, jewels.
Bonus objective IV Mission Critical Complete 15 missions Treasury: +1000 The Emperor's influence spreads far across the lands and beyond our borders. Give loyal servants the authority to enact Karl Franz's will against the enemies of Sigmar, so Imperial power can be consolidated.
Bonus objective V A Trio of Victories Defeat 3 armies or garrisons, achieving a Heroic Victory Treasury: +1000 There is no stronger message to one's foes than dominance on the battlefield. Victories are empty if too many troops are lost during an the engagement. It is therefore time to smash the foe and see them flee before our armoured might!

Chapter 4[ | ]

Rank Name Objective(s) Reward(s) In-game description
Primary objective Under One Rule Occupy, loot, raze, or sack 16 different settlements. Treasury: +8000 The time of feuding Elector Counts and petty squabbles between provinces is over. The encroaching threat from the north cannot be ignored any longer. To face the armies of Chaos, the Empire must be as one. Only then does mankind stand a chance against the Dark Powers and their minions.
Bonus objective I Armoured Might Maintain 60 units total Treasury: +1000 A grand muster is called for. The full armoured might of the Empire should be deployed in all its awesome glory. Such a sight will make Ulric and Sigmar weep with joy and their enemies quail with fear.
Bonus objective II Institutionalised Help Ensure that the following building has been built: Altdorf (City-State) Treasury: +1000 The Empire is an eclectic place full of many esoteric organisations - religious and otherwise. Such institutions hold a lot of sway, so their blessing is always a boon to any ruling Emperor. Having dominion over their headquarters certainly helps too...
Bonus objective III Lording It Reach Rank 20 with 1 Lord character(s) Treasury: +1000 The greater our most loyal servants become, the tighter the Emperor's rule. Elevate a Lord with power, wealth and influence so that Karl Franz's reign can never be gainsayed by enemies within or without.
Bonus objective IV Champions of Franz Reach Rank 20 with 1 Hero(es) Treasury: +1000 The Emperor has many willing servants; if loyal nobles are elevated to greatness, so, too, should those whose skills and influence lie in other disciplines. Make them great and their faith in Karl Franz will be swollen tenfold.
Bonus objective V Invent & Innovate Research 25 technologies Treasury: +1000 Although the Dwarfs will falsely claim otherwise, the Empire is the most technically-able race in the world. Mankind willingly innovates and is not moribund in tradition or the petty jealousies of the Dwarfen Guilds. These differences should be exploited.

Chapter 5[ | ]

Rank Name Objective(s) Reward(s) In-game description
Primary objective The Age of Franz Occupy, loot, raze, or sack 18 different settlements. Treasury: +10000 This time will be known as the Age of Franz; not since Magnus the Pious has there been an Emperor so beloved of his people and successful in bringing the provinces under Sigmar's banner. Such glory infuriates the Dark Gods, and they will strike hard to destroy the dynasty of the Reikland Princes. Unite the last of the realms, for Chaos comes!
Bonus objective I A Call to Arms Maintain 100 units in total Treasury: +1000 Not since the Time of Magnus has there been a greater muster; the armies of the Empire should come together at last, for they stand ready to fight the mightiest of battles. This will be a call to arms like no other!
Bonus objective II Emperor's Will Construct the following buildings: Occupied Couronne (City-State), Occupied Kislev (City-State), and Occupied Miragliano (City-State) Treasury: +1000 The ultimate threat draws near, those institutions and temples not with us should be brought under our control. The Emperor cares not how this is achieved - offer the branch or the lash - we will have them under Karl Franz's will.
Bonus objective III Noble Circle Reach Rank 20 with 3 Lord characters Treasury: +1000 We must raise as many nobles to our circle of influence - make them the greatest they can be, for their loyalty will filter down to the men, girding them for the ultimate conquest.
Bonus objective IV Inspiring Presence Reach Rank 20 with 3 Heroes Treasury: +1000 As they are self-starters by definition, empowering Imperial agents will give them all the tools they need to spread discord in the foes' armies and sow discontent in their settlements, thereby attacking them from within as well.
Bonus objective V Seek Out Knowledge Research 30 Technologies Treasury: +1000 Ensure the Empire's greatest minds have stretched themselves. Every innovation, all knowledge not yet discovered, must be sought, for this will give advantage during the battles and conquests yet to play out.

Strategy[ | ]

  • Franz is a decent duelist character and can also buff nearby units to greater feats of strength. Activating Ghal Maraz allows him to do high amounts of damage in a burst. The Reikland Runefang gives Leadership and Melee attack to nearby units when activated, allowing the troops around him to hold and land more hits. Franz is not great for clearing out hordes of infantry unless he is mounted on Deathclaw and can rely on Fear/Terror to rout infantry away. In Multiplayer, save Franz for engagements against optimal targets. He should be fighting whatever the biggest threats are in your enemies army (obviously if they are anti-large armor piercing units that is not the case) You do not want him to take a bunch of damage unnecessarily as he has no means of healing outside of a Jade Wizard.

Video Guide[ | ]

Trivia[ | ]

  • Karl Franz was shown to be using a shield along with his hammer in the Omens of Destruction Announce Trailer despite never using one in the game.
  • Karl Franz's campaign is the most played campaign in possibly the entire of Total War itself, not just Warhammer with 1.65 million campaigns in 2024 alone.

Gallery[ | ]
