“ | Blazing, mindless Daemon constructs that reduce their enemies to howling puddles of bubbling flesh. | „ |
Exalted Flamer of Tzeentch is a Tzeentch and
Daemons of Chaos missile monster unit introduced in Total War: Warhammer III.
Recruitment[ | ]
Unlocked with: Pink Blaze
Daemons of Chaos
Unlocked with: Temple of Tzeentch
Tzeentch Glory: 2420
Description[ | ]
A Flamer uses its blazing limbs to hurl bolts of magical flame at the foe. This is not fire in its truest sense, but a roiling cloud of Chaos energy. It does not burn, but warps reality. A Flamer's victim might briefly feel invigorated, before collapsing into a writhing puddle of flesh. The Exalted Flamers are able to channel magical flame to a far greater extent than their lesser brethren, and can conjure up great billowing sheets of Warp-magic, or hurl bolts of sorcerous change that make the very air sizzle with their passing.
Attributes[ | ]
Missile Monster
- ▲ Barrier: This unit has a barrier that absorbs damage until depleted. When not taking damage, the barrier will slowly replenish. Maximum barrier health is proporsional to remaining unit health.
- ▲ Warpflame: These magical flames sunder armour and leave the enemy vulnerable to further flaming attacks.
- ▲ Armour-Piercing: The damage of
armour-piercing weapons mostly ignores the armour of the target, making them the ideal choice against heavily-armoured enemies. They are often heavier and attack at a slower rate though, making them less efficient against poorly-armoured targets.
- ▲ Flaming Attacks: This unit inflicts flaming attacks. Units hit by flaming attack heal at half the usual rate whilst
'on fire' and sustain additional damage if vulnurable to fire.
Strategy[ | ]
Single-entity version of Flamers of Tzeentch. It still unleashes a single stream of armor-piercing flame projectile at a longer range, but it also creates damaging rifts within the strike area like the Tzeentch's Firestorm spell. It's larger size and taller height make it an even easier target for enemy projectiles, but allows for it to more easily fire over friendly units and terrain. As a high priority target for both the computer AI and experienced human players, significant micromanagement is required to keep it alive and get the most damage output.