Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki

Desire for the Gods' attention demands these men fight in the melee with strength far beyond that of mere mortals.

The Exalted Hero is a Warhost of the Apocalypse Warriors of Chaos Hero unit introduced in Total War: Warhammer with the Chaos Warriors Race Pack.

Recruitment[ | ]

WH1 - WH2[ | ]

Description[ | ]

The frozen north forges some of the hardiest warriors in all the world. Each is a paragon of deadly ability and lethal intent. Some ascend to command entire nations, some pursue the esoteric paths of the arcane, but the majority dedicate themselves to little more than the brutal butchery of all who stand in their way. These ruthless killers are known as Exalted Heroes, their histories recorded in scattered chronicles by the free people of the Old World as a catalogue of woes and evil deeds. Their infamy shines bright as they capture the notice of the Dark Gods of Chaos with ever-greater feats of slaughter.

Attributes[ | ]

  • Wh main chs champion Melee Specialist
  • Armoured & Shielded: Armoured units can block damage from any source apart from Modifier icon armour piercingArmour-Piercing damage. Modifier icon shieldShields have a chance of blocking arrows, bolts, rifle shots and similar small arms fire - but only in a forward facing arc.

Campaign abilities[ | ]

Embed Hero[ | ]

  • Experience Training

Constant Local Effect[ | ]

  • Public order Spread Fear

Target[ | ]

  • Settlement
  • Siege defence Assault Garrison
  • Hero
  • Subterfuge Assassinate
  • Army
  • Disaster Assault Units

Character Abilities[ | ]

Active Abilities[ | ]

Campaign only[ | ]

Passive Abilities[ | ]

Item Abilities (Multiplayer only)[ | ]

  • Wh3 dlc20 item passive doom totem Doom Totem
  • Wh main weapon abilities hellfire sword Hellfire Sword

Mounts[ | ]

Path to Glory[ | ]

An Exalted Hero can Devote to:

Mark of chaos exalted hero khorne Khorne

Mark of chaos exalted hero nurgle Nurgle

Mark of chaos exalted hero tzeentch Tzeentch

Talent Tree[ | ]

Strategy[ | ]

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A competent duelist character that can put up a good fight even against enemy lords. Exalted Heroes can be put on manticores which provides a Chaos army with a mobile terror character which is always useful. Generally best used to protect a Lord or to fight alongside them in order to maximize damage in a duel with enemy characters or single entity units.

You can devote an Exalted Hero to a God, then save the character. This will allow you to load the character in any campaigns that allow you to recruit the normal Exalted Hero. For example, if you save an Exalted Hero of Tzeentch in an Archaon campaign, you can load it in Festus's campaign. This allows you to use heroes of other Gods while you normally can't.

Gallery[ | ]
