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Exiles of Nehek requires Rise of the Tomb Kings to play.

Exiles of Nehek is a playable Tomb Kings faction introduced in Total War: Warhammer II with the Rise of the Tomb Kings DLC. It is led by Grand Hierophant Khatep and can be found in the western parts of Naggaroth, very far away from the other Tomb Kings factions.

The Tomb Kings were previously a great human empire called Nehekhara (now known as the Land of the Dead), themed on ancient Egypt. However, the empire of Nehekhara was destroyed by the necromancer Nagash and his vampires, causing the mummified dead of Nehekhara to rise. The Tomb Kings now seek to reclaim their lost glory, and take vengeance on Nagash and the vampires. The armies of the Tomb Kings consist of ranks of skeleton soldiers and chariots, supported by towering animated statues of bone and stone.

How they play[ | ]

A summary of Tomb Kings gameplay:

  • Units: Tomb Kings focus on ranks of skeleton infantry and chariots, combined with powerful animated statues and constructs.
  • Elite units: Tomb Kings have Regiments of Renown and campaign-exclusive Legions of Legend.
  • Realm of Souls: As Tomb Kings armies take damage in battle, a bar fills up and eventually mass-heals the army.
  • Day of Awakening: In campaign, Tomb Kings do not require money for unit recruitment or upkeep. Instead they have unit/army caps, increased by buildings and technologies.
  • Canopic Jars: A unique resource used for various things, particularly by the Mortuary Cult.
  • Mortuary Cult: A cult of priests who use resources to craft magical items or elite Legions of Legend.
  • Books of Nagash: In the Eye of the Vortex campaign, Tomb Kings factions search for these.

Background[ | ]

The Grand Hierophant's roaming has taken him far from Nehekhara. Khatep and his fellow exiles now find themselves in the cold north, seeking out the tomes of Nagash, that will grant ingress to the Black Pyramid, with which he shall restore the Mortuary Cult's favour with the Great King. Firstly, Khatep must ensure this expedition is not frustrated by the local - living - populace.
The Dark Elves look upon Khatep's arrival as a threat - he shall prove their concerns correct!

In battle[ | ]

Units[ | ]

The armies of the Tomb Kings consist of ranks of skeleton soldiers and chariots, supported by towering animated statues of bone and stone. Exiles of Nehek has a larger focus on magic due to the extra lich priests, but plays largely like the other Tomb Kings factions.

In campaign[ | ]

Exiles of Nehek plays largely like the other Tomb Kings factions, with a few exceptions listed below. See that page for details.

Legendary Lord choices[ | ]

Faction effects[ | ]

Liche Lord of Khemri
  • Suitable Climate: Mountain
  • Canopic Jars generated: 2 per turn
  • Diplomatic relations: -40 with Dark Elves
  • Campaign movement range: +5% (all armies)
  • Casualty replenishment rate: +10% (all armies)

Climate preferences[ | ]

The following are the climate preferences for Exiles of Nehek:

  • Habitable: Wasteland, Savannah, Mountain, Desert
  • Unpleasant: Temperate, Frozen, Jungle, Island
  • Uninhabitable: Ocean, Chaotic Wasteland, Magical Forest

Start locations[ | ]

Eye of the Vortex:

Mortal Empires:

Immortal Empires:

Victory conditions[ | ]

Eye of the Vortex[ | ]

Campaign Victory

Domination Victory

Mortal Empires[ | ]

Short campaign

Long campaign

Immortal Empires[ | ]

Short Campaign Victory

  • Occupy, loot, raze, or sack 30 different settlements
  • Awaken all four Legions of Legend via the Mortuary Cult

Long Campaign Victory

  • Occupy, loot, raze, or sack 75 different settlements
  • Hold 11 settlements including the following: Black Pyramid of Nagash, Black Tower of Arkhan, Khemri, Wizard Caliph's Palace, Al Haikk, Numas, Ka-Sabar, Galbaraz, Karag Orrud, Lahmia, Rasetra
  • Ensure that 7 of the following buildings have been constructed: Pyramid of King Alacadizzar, Pyramid of King Amenemhetum, Pyramid of King Khatep, Pyramid of King Phar, Great Pyramid of Settra, Pyramid of Prince Tutankhamut, Vault of Nagash

Strategy[ | ]

Total Warhammer 2[ | ]

As the Exiles, you start surrounded by enemies. The Cult of Pleasure to the east, Heralds of Ariel to the north, and Hexoatl and Ss'ildra Tor to the south. Your first objective should be to take out Ss'ildra Tor asap. They will antagonize you when possible, and spread chaos corruption much like the Cult of Pleasure. Ss'ildra Tor can try and convince the Heralds of Ariel to attack you, see to it that they are exterminated as soon as possible. Your next objective should be to exterminate The cult of pleasure, they both spread chaos corruption which harms your troops and provinces, and their capital holds a book of Nagash.

The main boon The Exiles have is their fast troop regeneration, and starting with a Lich Priest. This allows them to quickly recover from fights faster then their enemies can retaliate. Use this to your advantage when possible.

A possible strategy for the Exiles of Nehek faction is to go after the settlement under yours and occupy it. The Shadowgor Warherd might get taken down by Bleak Holds and you can have a free way to move on. Wait a few turns, replenish and train your troops, destroy Bleak Holds and move on to Clan Rictus. If you won't care about them, they will spread like rats. They'll have like 6 full armies on turn 30.

Just kill Clan Rictus as soon as possible.

If you don't settle the ruined province to the north of your starting province within the first few turns, the Heralds of Ariel are likely to settle it instead. They are one of the few factions likely to be friendly with you in Naggaroth, start off with a number of useful trade resources, and are not particularly expansionist, so avoiding conflict with them early on is preferable.

Immortal Empires[ | ]


Trivia[ | ]

  • Exiles of Nehek was added with the Rise of the Tomb Kings DLC.
  • The minor faction Deserters of Khatep, through name and icon, are implicitly an offshoot of the Exiles of Nehek. Game-wise, there are pre-established relationships between the two.
