“ | Flaming whirlwinds of Tzeentch's infinite sorcery, their flesh covered in twisted faces, they unravel their foes' very being with reality-warping Chaos-fire. | „ |
Flamers of Tzeentch are a Tzeentch,
Daemons of Chaos, and
Warriors of Chaos monstrous missile infantry unit introduced in Total War: Warhammer III.
Recruitment[ | ]
Unlocked with: Blue Bonfire
Daemons of Chaos
Unlocked with: Monument of Tzeentch
Tzeentch Glory: 1650
Warriors of Chaos
Activating the Flames of Fate gift and recruiting it in the Gifted Units
Description[ | ]
Flamers are capable of a fair turn of speed, expelling gaseous ichor through the fungoid 'skirt' at their base to bound and leap across the ground with considerable mischievous gusto. A Flamer uses its blazing limbs to hurl bolts of magical flame at the foe. This is not fire in its truest sense, but a roiling cloud of Chaos energy. It does not burn, but warps reality. A Flamer's victim might briefly feel invigorated, before collapsing into a writhing puddle of flesh.
Attributes[ | ]
Monstrous Missile Infantry
- ▲ Barrier: This unit has a barrier that absorbs damage until depleted. When not taking damage, the barrier will slowly replenish. Maximum barrier health is proporsional to remaining unit health.
- ▲ Warpflame: These magical flames sunder armour and leave the enemy vulnerable to further flaming attacks.
- ▲ Armour-Piercing: The damage of
armour-piercing weapons mostly ignores the armour of the target, making them the ideal choice against heavily-armoured enemies. They are often heavier and attack at a slower rate though, making them less efficient against poorly-armoured targets.
- ▲ Flaming Attacks: This unit inflicts flaming attacks. Units hit by flaming attack heal at half the usual rate whilst
'on fire' and sustain additional damage if vulnurable to fire.
Unit Abilities[ | ]
Passive Abilities[ | ]
Strategy[ | ]
Flame infantry comparable to Warpfire Throwers and Irondrakes, and although they are significantly more maneouverable than those units they require a similar amount of micromanagement in battle. They output significant armor-piercing damage over time with flaming projectile streams in a straight line effective against high entity-count units. Ideally you want them to be firing along a line of infantry from the flank; firing at a line will result in useless overfire. They inflict the Warpflame debuff, which is useful to Tzeentch since they are somewhat lacking in the armour-piercing department.
Shield them from combat and return fire wherever you can, with a covering infantry unit if necessary. They are useless in melee combat, very fragile, and because they are Demonic you will lose the unit entirely if they take too much damage.