Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki

Little humanity remains within the Forsaken, only a desire for battle, followed by a furious charge into the fray.

Forsaken are a Warhost of the Apocalypse Warriors of Chaos melee infantry unit introduced in Total War: Warhammer with the Chaos Warriors Race Pack.

Recruitment[ | ]

WH1 & WH2[ | ]

Description[ | ]

Many Warriors of Chaos find that the rewards of the Gods turn out to more closely resemble afflictions than blessings. In time, many Forsaken lose any capacity for rational thought, setting aside sophisticated weaponry in favour of jagged teeth and twisted claws. They have no intelligence glinting within their black eyes, for their minds churn with nothing more than thoughts of killing and devouring everything they can catch. These atavistic warriors often bear ever-twisting assortments of mutations, including writhing tentacles, chitinous claws, extra heads and hairy, grasping limbs that push out through their armour.

Attributes[ | ]

  • Wh3 dlc20 chs forsaken Melee Infantry
  • Armoured: Armoured units can block damage from any source apart from Modifier icon armour piercingArmour-Piercing damage.
  • Damage Dealer: This unit has a strong emphasis on dealing damage. If fighting it, make sure to take it out before it can get into firing or melee range.
  • Frenzy: Units with Wh main unit passive frenzyfrenzy cause more damage while their Icon stat moraleleadership is high.

Units Abilities[ | ]

Passive[ | ]

Icon unit upgrade Warband Upgrades[ | ]

Button upgrade undivided Undivided[ | ]

Wh dlc01 chs forsaken
Wh main chs spawn
Icon treasury favour Cost: 600

Strategy[ | ]

Fast and frantic damage dealers, the Forsaken offer a valuable niche to the Warriors of Chaos roster. Most Chaos infantry is slow moving and does not have the most damage dealing capabilities. Forsaken are fast for infantry, allowing them to get around enemies and flank or rush enemies quickly. They also have frenzy to augment their damage which is quite high. They have a respectable amount of armour piercing, but not enough to be considered an armour piercing unit. For their role, they also have a decent amount of armour. Forsaken should avoid prolonged combat against armoured foes, but anything else they can put a dent in. They should either be used as fast flankers or in the front line to rush at an enemy.

Forsaken are designed for quickly smashing through lightly armoured infantry. They can be used in the frontline if you can be sure the enemy will only use chaff such as Swordsmen or Orc Boyz as infantry and will not bring armour-piercing missiles. Otherwise, they are best used as a flanking unit to attack the rear of units that are already engaged, or to chase down enemy missile units with their higher than average speed for infantry. Forsaken are vulnerable to cavalry charges so must be protected. Beware of elite infantry such as Black Orcs and Swordmasters, or monsters such as the Khemrian Warsphinx, as these will make quick work of Forsaken.
