Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki

Fortress Gate is a High Elves High Elves unique settlement building introduced in Total War: Warhammer II.

From the safety of a fortified position, warriors fire destructive ordnance upon approaching attackers.

Effects[ | ]

  • Supplies Defensive supplies: +1200
  • Archer Improved tower projectiles: Bolt Thrower
  • Siege building health Moderately increases the health of settlement Walls, Towers and Gatehouses in battle
  • Growth Growth: +50
  • Siege defence Adds walls to the settlement
  • Attrition Attrition: -10% when under siege (armies in region)
  • Corruption Corruption: -4
  • Wh2 main army abilities eagle sanctuary Army ability: "Eagle Sanctuary" (armies in region)
  • Siege defence Provides garrison:
  • Dlc12 discover up Discoverability of Chaos Cults, Skaven Under-Cities & Trickster Cults: +10

Building Chain[ | ]

Trivia[ | ]

  • The icon of this building depends on what region it is build in.