Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki
Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki

Frenzy is a passive ability available to Lords, Heroes and units of various factions.

Some warriors care not for their own personal safety and so work themselves into a whirlwind of destruction and mindless violence!

Effect[ | ]

  • Wh main unit passive frenzy Passive AbilityThis ability targets allies or self
  • Type: Icon spell augmentAugment
  • Icon Stat Damage Base Base Weapon Damage: +10%
  • Modifier icon armour piercing Armour-Piercing Weapon Damage: +10%
  • Icon stat charge bonus Charge Bonus: +10%
  • Icon stat attack Melee Attack: +10
  • Attribute immune to psychology Immune to Psychology
  • Duration: Infinite
  • Enabled if: Icon stat moraleLeadership is higher than 50% of base

WH2[ | ]

  • Icon rarity uncommon small Frenzy
  • Unit ability
  • Type: Icon spell augmentAugment
  • Duration: Constant
  • Target: Self
  • Disabled if: Icon stat moraleLeadership is lower than 50%
  • Effects: +10% Icon Stat Damage Base Base Weapon Damage
    +10% Modifier icon armour piercing Armour-Piercing Weapon Damage
    +10% Icon stat charge bonus Charge Bonus
    +10 Icon stat attack Melee Attack
    Ua arrow increase 1 Attribute immune to psychology Immune to Psychology

WH1[ | ]

  • Icon rarity common small Frenzy
  • Type: Icon spell area of augmentsAugment
  • Duration: Constant
  • Target: Self
  • Disabled if: Icon stat moraleLeadership is Wavering
  • Effects: +8 Icon stat attack Melee Attack
    +4% Icon stat charge bonus Charge Bonus
    Ua arrow increase 1 Attribute immune to psychology Immune to Psychology

Units[ | ]

Beastmen Beastmen[ | ]

Category Unit
Infantry sword Infantry Wh3 dlc26 kho inf khorngors
Monstrous infantry Monsters & Beasts Wh2 dlc17 bst mon ghorgon ror
Icon hero Extended Roster (campaign only) Wh2 dlc17 bst mon ghorgon ror

Couronne Bretonnia[ | ]

Category Unit
Commander Lords (campaign only) Brt repanse de lyonesse 0
Infantry sword Infantry Wh dlc07 brt battle pilgrimsWh pro04 brt ror battle pilgrimsWh dlc07 brt grail reliquae
Cavalry Cavalry & Chariots Wh pro04 brt ror knights errant

Disciples of Hashut Chaos Dwarfs[ | ]

Category Unit
Icon hero Heroes (campaign only) Chd gorduz backstabber 0Chd bull centaur taurruk campaign 01 0
Infantry sword Infantry Wh3 dlc23 chd inf chaos dwarf warriors ror

Wh3 main dae daemon prince 256 Daemons of Chaos[ | ]

Category Unit
Commander Lords (campaign only) Dae prince 0
Icon hero Heroes Dae karanak 0Dae kho scyla anfingrimm 0Dae skarr bloodwrath 0
Infantry sword Infantry Wh3 dlc20 chs inf chaos marauders mkho dualweaponsWh3 dlc20 chs inf forsaken mkhoWh3 main nur inf forsaken 0Wh3 dlc20 chs inf forsaken mslaWh3 main tze inf forsaken 0Wh3 main kho inf chaos warriors 0Wh3 main kho inf chaos warriors 1Wh3 main kho inf chaos warriors 2Wh pro04 chs ror forsakenWh pro04 nor ror marauder berserkersWh3 dlc26 kho inf khorngorsWh3 dlc26 kho inf skullreapersWh3 dlc26 kho inf wrathmongersWh3 dlc26 kho inf wrathmongers ror
Cavalry Cavalry & Chariots Wh3 main kho gorebeast chariotWh3 main kho cav skullcrushers 0Wh3 dlc20 kho cav skullcrushers mkho ror
Monstrous infantry Monsters & Beasts Wh3 main kho inf chaos warhounds 0Wh3 main kho mon spawn of khorne 0Wh3 dlc20 chs mon warshrine mkhoWh3 main kho mon khornataurs 0Wh3 main kho mon khornataurs 1Wh3 dlc26 kho mon bloodbeast of khorneWh3 dlc26 kho mon slaughterbrute

Dark Elves Dark Elves[ | ]

Category Unit
Commander Lords Def crone 0
Icon hero Heroes Def death hag campaign 01 0
Infantry sword Infantry Wh2 main def witch elvesWh2 dlc10 def witch elves rorWh2 dlc10 def har ganeth executioners ror

Karaz-a-Karak Dwarfs[ | ]

Category Unit
CommanderLords (campaign only) Dwf thorek 0
Missile infantry bow Missile Infantry Wh3 dlc25 dwf inf thunderers ror
Campaign exclusive Extended Roster Wh2 main lzd mon carnosaurWh3 dlc25 dwf inf hammerers grudge unit

Greenskins Greenskins[ | ]

Category Unit
Commander Lords Grn ch wurrzag 0
Commander Lords (campaign only) Grn ch grimgor 0
Infantry sword Infantry Wh main grn savage orc boyz swordWh main grn savage orc boyz big uns
Missile infantry bow Missile Infantry Wh main grn savage orc boyz bow
Missile infantry bow Cavalry & Chariots Wh main grn savage orc boar boyzWh main grn savage orc boar boyz big uns

High Elves High Elves[ | ]

Category Unit
Campaign exclusive Extended Roster Wh2 dlc15 hef inf mistwalkers faithbearers

Khorne Khorne[ | ]

Category Unit
Commander Lords Dae skarbrand 0Dae valkia 0Dae arbaal 0Dae kho chaos lord campaign 01 0Dae kho daemon prince 2 0
Icon hero Heroes Dae karanak 0Dae kho scyla anfingrimm 0Dae skarr bloodwrath 0Dae cultist of khorne campaign 01 0Dae kho exalted hero campaign 05 0
Infantry sword Infantry Wh3 dlc20 chs inf chaos marauders mkhoWh3 dlc20 chs inf chaos marauders mkho dualweaponsWh3 dlc20 chs inf forsaken mkhoWh3 main kho inf chaos warriors 0Wh3 main kho inf chaos warriors 1Wh3 main kho inf chaos warriors 2Wh pro04 nor ror marauder berserkersWh3 dlc20 chs inf chosen mkhoWh3 dlc20 chs inf chosen mkho dualweaponsWh3 dlc26 kho inf khorngorsWh3 dlc26 kho inf skullreapersWh3 dlc26 kho inf wrathmongersWh3 dlc26 kho inf wrathmongers rorWh3 dlc26 chs inf chosen mkho ror
Cavalry Cavalry & Chariots Wh3 dlc20 chs cav chaos chariot mkhoWh3 main kho gorebeast chariotWh3 dlc20 chs cav chaos knights mkhoWh3 dlc20 chs cav chaos knights mkho lancesWh3 main kho cav skullcrushers 0Wh3 dlc20 kho cav skullcrushers mkho ror
Missile cavalry bow Missile Cavalry & Chariots Wh3 dlc20 chs cav marauder horsemen mkho throwing axes
Monstrous infantry Monsters & Beasts Wh3 main kho inf chaos warhounds 0Wh3 main kho inf chaos furies 0Wh3 main kho mon spawn of khorne 0Wh3 dlc20 chs mon warshrine mkhoWh3 main kho mon khornataurs 0Wh3 main kho mon khornataurs 1Wh3 dlc26 kho mon bloodbeast of khorneWh3 dlc26 kho mon slaughterbrute
Monstrous infantry Monsters & Beasts (multiplayer only) Wh2 dlc17 bst mon ghorgon ror

Kislev Kislev[ | ]

Category Unit
Commander Lords Ksl kostaltyn 0
Infantry sword Infantry Wh3 twa10 ksl inf armoured kossars ror

Lizardmen Lizardmen[ | ]

Category Unit
Commander Lords Lzd skink chief red crested campaign 01 0Lzd tehenhauin 0
Infantry sword Infantry Wh2 dlc12 lzd inf red crested skinksWh2 dlc12 lzd inf skink red crested ror
Cavalry Cavalry & Chariots Wh2 dlc12 lzd cav ripperdactyl ridersWh2 dlc12 lzd cav ripperdactyl riders ror
Monstrous infantry Monsters & Beasts Wh2 main lzd mon carnosaur

World Walkers Norsca[ | ]

Category Unit
Icon hero Heroes Dae kho scyla anfingrimm 0Nor cha skin wolf werekin campaign 03 0
Infantry sword Infantry Wh dlc08 nor marauder berserkersWh pro04 nor ror marauder berserkers
Monstrous infantry Monsters & Beasts Wh pro04 nor ror chaos warwolvesWh dlc08 nor skin wolvesWh dlc08 nor skin wolves armouredWh pro04 nor ror skin wolves armouredWh dlc08 nor frost wyrm
Campaign exclusive Extended Roster Dae kho chaos lord campaign 01 0
Campaign exclusive Campaign enemies Lzd carnosaur feral 0

Nurgle Nurgle[ | ]

Category Unit
Infantry sword Infantry Wh3 main nur inf forsaken 0Wh pro04 chs ror forsaken
Campaign exclusive Extended Roster Dae nur nor skin wolf werekin chieftain 0Wh dlc08 nor skin wolves

Ogre Kingdoms Ogre Kingdoms[ | ]

Category Unit
Infantry sword Infantry Wh3 main ogr mon gorger 0

Skaven Skaven[ | ]

Category Unit
Commander Lords Skv lord skrolk 0
Icon hero Heroes Skv ghoritch 0Skv plague priest campaign 02 0
Infantry sword Infantry Wh2 main skv inf plague monksWh2 main skv inf plague monk censer bearerWh2 dlc12 skv inf plague monk censer bearer ror
Monstrous infantry Monsters & Beasts Wh2 main skv mon rat ogresWh2 dlc16 skv mon rat ogres rorWh2 dlc16 skv rat ogre mutantWh2 dlc16 skv ror rat ogre mutant

Slaanesh Slaanesh[ | ]

Category Unit
Infantry sword Infantry Wh3 dlc20 chs inf forsaken msla

Reikland The Empire[ | ]

Category Unit
Infantry sword Infantry Wh dlc04 emp flagellantsWh dlc04 emp tattersouls
Campaign exclusive Extended Roster Wh2 dlc13 emp swordsmen ror

Tomb Kings Tomb Kings[ | ]

Category Unit
Commander Lords (campaign only) Tmb ch khalida 0

Tzeentch Tzeentch[ | ]

Category Unit
Infantry sword Infantry Wh3 main tze inf forsaken 0
Campaign exclusive Extended Roster Wh2 main lzd mon carnosaurWh dlc08 nor frost wyrm

Vampire Coast Vampire Coast[ | ]

Category Unit
CommanderLords (campaign only) Cst luthor harkon 0
Infantry sword Infantry Wh2 dlc11 cst zombie deckhands rorWh2 dlc11 cst depth guardWh2 dlc11 cst depth guard polearmWh2 dlc11 cst depth guard ror

The Drakenhof Conclave Vampire Counts[ | ]

Category Unit
Commander Lords Vmp the red duke 0Vmp bloodline blood dragon lord campaign 01 0
Infantry sword Infantry Wh dlc04 vmp feasters
Cavalry Cavalry & Chariots Wh dlc02 vmp blood knights
Monstrous infantry Monsters & Beasts Wh main vmp vargheistsWh dlc04 vmp devils swartzhafen

Warhost of the Apocalypse Warriors of Chaos[ | ]

Category Unit
Commander Lords Chs ch archaon 0Dae valkia 0Dae kho chaos lord campaign 01 0Dae kho daemon prince 2 0
Commander Legendary Lords (WH2 campaign only) Chs kholek suneater 0
Icon hero Heroes Dae kho scyla anfingrimm 0Dae skarr bloodwrath 0Dae kho exalted hero campaign 05 0
Infantry sword Infantry Wh3 dlc20 chs inf chaos marauders mkhoWh3 dlc20 chs inf chaos marauders mkho dualweaponsWh dlc01 chs forsakenWh pro04 chs ror forsakenWh3 dlc20 chs inf forsaken mkhoWh3 main nur inf forsaken 0Wh3 dlc20 chs inf forsaken mslaWh3 main tze inf forsaken 0Wh3 main kho inf chaos warriors 0Wh3 main kho inf chaos warriors 1Wh3 main kho inf chaos warriors 2Wh3 dlc20 chs inf chosen mkhoWh3 dlc20 chs inf chosen mkho dualweaponsWh3 dlc26 kho inf khorngorsWh3 dlc26 kho inf skullreapersWh3 dlc26 kho inf wrathmongersWh3 dlc26 kho inf wrathmongers rorWh3 dlc26 chs inf chosen mkho ror
Cavalry Cavalry & Chariots Wh3 dlc20 chs cav chaos chariot mkhoWh3 main kho gorebeast chariotWh3 dlc20 chs cav chaos knights mkhoWh3 dlc20 chs cav chaos knights mkho lancesWh3 main kho cav skullcrushers 0Wh3 dlc20 kho cav skullcrushers mkho ror
Missile cavalry bow Missile Cavalry & Chariots Wh3 dlc20 chs cav marauder horsemen mkho throwing axes
Monstrous infantry Monsters & Beasts Wh3 main kho inf chaos warhounds 0Wh3 main kho mon spawn of khorne 0Wh3 dlc20 chs mon warshrine mkho
Campaign exclusive Extended Roster Wh pro04 nor ror marauder berserkersWh3 dlc26 kho mon bloodbeast of khorneWh3 dlc26 kho mon slaughterbrute

Talsyn Wood Elves[ | ]

Category Unit
CommanderLords Wef drycha 0Wef durthu 0Wef orion 0
Icon hero Heroes Wef ancient treeman coeddil 0
Infantry sword Infantry Wh2 dlc16 wef ror dryadsWh pro04 wef ror wardancers spear
Cavalry Cavalry & Chariots Wh2 dlc16 wef great stag knightsWh2 dlc16 wef ror great stag knightsWh dlc05 wef wild ridersWh dlc05 wef wild riders shieldWh pro04 wef ror wild riders
Campaign exclusive Extended Roster Wef ancient treeman malicious 0Wef branchwraith malicious 0Wh2 dlc16 wef malicious dryadsWh2 dlc16 wef malicious treekinWh2 dlc16 wef malicious treeman

Abilities[ | ]

Unit Abilities[ | ]

Ability Type Race Unit
Icon spell transformTransformation Dark Elves Dark Elves

Attributes[ | ]

Attribute Effect Race Units
  • Attribute mark khorne Mark of Khorne: A unit with the Mark of Khorne has:
    • Wh main unit passive frenzy Frenzy Passive Ability
    • Increased Resistance magic Spell Resistance
    • Reduced Icon stat defence Melee Defence
Beastmen Beastmen See here for more details
Wh3 main dae daemon prince 256 Daemons of Chaos
Khorne Khorne
World Walkers Norsca
Warhost of the Apocalypse Warriors of Chaos

Daemonic Gifts[ | ]

Daemonic Gift Slot Glory Effects Unit
Head Icon dae khorne points Khorne
  • Wh3 main lord passive fuelled by rage Passive ability: "Fuelled by Rage"
  • Wh main unit passive frenzy Passive ability: "Frenzy"
  • Melee character Melee attack: +12
  • Resistance ward save Ward save: 5%
Head Icon dae khorne points Khorne
  • Wh3 main lord passive fuelled by rage Passive ability: "Fuelled by Rage"
  • Wh main unit passive frenzy Passive ability: "Frenzy"
  • Armour character Armour: +10
  • Melee character Melee attack: +12

Items[ | ]

Mounts[ | ]

All characters when mounted on:

Other[ | ]

Banners[ | ]

Faction effects[ | ]

Followers[ | ]

Mechanics[ | ]

Skills[ | ]

  • Couronne Bretonnia
    • Battle charge The - Eternal Errantry War - skill from Repanse de Lyonesse grants Frenzy to herself and her army.

Technologies[ | ]

Traits[ | ]
