Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki

Beware the eight-legged monsters of the forest’s undergrowth and hollows, emerging without warning to bring painful, venom-riddled death!

Giant Spiders are a Talsyn Wood Elves, Dark Elves Dark Elves, and Kislev Kislev war beast unit introduced in Total War: Warhammer II with The Twisted and Twilight Update.

This unit can only be recruited by the Wargrove of Woe Wargrove of Woe, The Thousand Maws The Thousand Maws, and Daughters of the Forest Daughters of the Forest factions.

Recruitment[ | ]

Description[ | ]

There are many sub-types of Giant Spider, such as Tilean Greybacks, Drakwald Mancatchers, and the Scarlet Deathheads of the Great Forest, to name just a few. All are poisonous and have steely, pincer-like mandibles that can punch through platemail to deliver a toxic bite and administer a venom that can paralyse prey if not kill outright. While often not as fast as wolves or horses out in the open, these spiders can move at speed through the most dense patches of woods. In the forest they can grow to an enormous size, large enough to completely suck the life juices from their victims to leave behind only skin-husks and bones.

Attributes[ | ]

  • Grn arachnarok Spider
  • Forest Stalker: This unit gains bonuses to melee defence and accuracy while fighting within the forest.
  • Vanguard Deployment: This unit can deploy in an expanded deployment area, allowing it to start the battle within striking distance of the enemy - or somewhere unexpected.
  • Poison Attacks: The Modifier icon poisonpoisonous attacks of this unit weaken the target's speed and damage and/or apply the Poison! debuff.

Strategy[ | ]

Respectable shock troops in the early game to those factions that have access to them, swarms of eight-legged nightmares are best utilised out on the flank, where their ability to rapidly advance from vanguard positions through forest is best utilised. Fear-causers in the early game are really useful because you are very often up against units with low leadership who are quite easy to break, allowing three or four of these things to quickly overwhelm a backline. Attacking from the flank also allows them to come in from behind and aid your own front line with Poison.

Very much a combined arms tool, Giant Spiders will underwhelm if thrown into battle on their own and forgotten about. Deployed well, and they more than justify their low price. In campaign The Daughters of the Forest have a tech tree upgrade giving them a mortis engine effect in melee, this allows them to trade very effectively with almost any unit.

Bug[ | ]

  • The Resilience attribute of this unit only mentiones Athel Loren forest attrition, even though they should also have Snow immunity as part of Kislev's roster.
