Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki

This page is about the tradeable resource. For currency, see our page on money.

Gold Resource gold large (or golden idols Resource gold idols large for some races) is one of the many resources available on the campaign map which can be traded, used in certain game mechanics and grants income and/or unique race-base effects if extracted by building the relevant building chain.

Gold vs Golden idols[ | ]

Introduced in Total War: Warhammer II, golden idolsResource gold idols are a specific trade resource produced by some racial factions, namely the Dark Elves Naggarond, Dwarfs Dwarfs, High Elves Eataine, Lizardmen Mon 256 Hexoatl and Tomb Kings Khemri , when building the resource building corresponding to the gold resource marker. This is functionnaly different from all the other racial factions as they will only gain a huge revenue from their gold resource building without producing any resource that they would be able to trade with other factions. This is quite useful for the golden idol producing racial factions as it is easier to trade the full extent and percentage of one's resource the less factions have access to that resource.

Extraction building chain[ | ]

In order for this resource to be available for use, it must be extracted by building its corresponding building, which may include a chain of up to three buildings in total.

tbc, table

Associated race mechanics[ | ]

Certain racial game mechanics use this resource.

Game mechanic Races
Mortuary Cult Bullet tmb crafting Tomb Kings Khemri
The ForgeIcon forge Dwarfs Dwarfs

Unique effects[ | ]

This resource may grant income and also bestow unique bonus effects to a number of racial factions.

Races Game mechanic
Dwarfs Dwarfs
  • Lord recruitment rank: +2
  • Thane hero recruitment rank: +1
Lizardmen Mon 256 Hexoatl
The Empire Reikland

Description[ | ]

Gold: The presence of gold is a sign that a mine can be placed and the wealth it brings harvested. Golden idols: The wiser races are capable of sculpting gold into magnificent idols.
