Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki
Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki
For other unit rosters, see unit roster.

An Orc Warboss leads a thundering charge of Orc Boar Boyz.

Greenskins Greenskins field massive hordes of cheap units that may individually be weaker than their counterparts, but collectively can overcome and defeat almost any enemy. They have a very diverse roster composed of a small number of sturdy elite melee infantry, a large selection of highly mobile shock cavalry and chariots, as well as powerful monstrous infantry and monsters, with a small selection of decent battle magic and artillery to top it off.

As a counterpoint, the vast majority of their melee infantry options are weak and only work as cannon fodder, their ranged options - be they infantry, cavalry or artillery - are inaccurate, they lack flying options, and their monsters, despite being effective in close combat, are slow and very vulnerable to enemy missile units. The Greenskins are all about overwhelming the enemy with sheer numbers and brute force, with the chaff providing cover for your heavy-hitters.

Greenskins require Total War: Warhammer, with The King and the Warlord, The Warden and the Paunch and the Omens of Destruction DLCs adding several units to their roster.

For lists of which units are Goblins or Orcs (for the purpose of buffs/debuffs) see: Greenskins unit roster/Orc and Goblin units.

List[ | ]

Legendary Lords[ | ]

Name Character type Mounts Game DLC
Melee Specialist None WH1 None
Melee Spellcaster WH1 None
Melee Specialist None WH1 The King & the Warlord
Melee Spellcaster WH1 FLC on Steam
Melee Specialist WH2 The Warden & the Paunch
Melee Support WH3 Omens of Destruction

Legendary Heroes[ | ]

Name Character type Mounts Game DLC
Melee Specialist WH3 Omens of Destruction

Unique Lords[ | ]

Name Character type Mounts Game DLC Notes
Melee Specialist WH1 None (Wh main grn red fangs 256 Red Fangs only)
Melee Specialist WH2 The Total Waaagh! Update (Campaign exclusive)
Melee Spellcaster WH2 The Total Waaagh! Update (Campaign exclusive)

Lords[ | ]

Name Character type Mounts Game DLC
Melee Specialist WH1 None
Melee Spellcaster WH1 None
Melee Specialist WH1 The King & the Warlord
Melee Spellcaster WH3 Omens of Destruction

Heroes[ | ]

Name Character type Mounts Game DLC
Melee Specialist WH1 None
Melee Spellcaster None WH1 None
Melee Spellcaster WH1 None
Melee Spellcaster None WH2 The Warden & the Paunch
Melee Specialist WH2 The Total Waaagh! Update
Melee Specialist WH3 Omens of Destruction

Melee Infantry[ | ]

Name Unit type Tier Game DLC
(Infantry spear) Melee Infantry Unit tier 1 WH1 None
(Infantry sword grn) Melee Infantry Unit tier 1 WH1 None
(Wh3 dlc23 chd hobgoblins sword) Melee Infantry Unit tier 2 WH1 None
(Wh3 dlc26 grn infantry club) Melee Infantry Unit tier 2 WH1 None
(Wh3 dlc23 chd hobgoblins sword) Melee Infantry Unit tier 3 WH1 None
(Infantry sword grn) Melee Infantry Unit tier 3 WH1 None
(Wh3 dlc26 grn infantry club dual) Melee Infantry Unit tier 3 WH1 None
(Infantry axe great grn) Melee Infantry Unit tier 3 WH1 None
(Wh dlc06 grn nasty skulker) Melee Infantry Unit tier 2 WH1 The King & the Warlord
(Wh3 dlc23 chd hobgoblins sword) Melee Infantry Unit tier 1 WH3 Patch 5.2
(Infantry spear) Melee Infantry Unit tier 1 WH3 Patch 5.2
(Wh3 dlc26 grn inf black orcs shields) Melee Infantry Unit tier 3 WH3 Omens of Destruction

Missile Infantry[ | ]

Name Unit type Tier Game DLC
(Missile infantry bow) Missile Infantry Unit tier 1 WH1 None
(Missile infantry bow grn) Missile Infantry Unit tier 1 WH1 None
(Missile infantry bow) Missile Infantry Unit tier 2 WH1 None
(Missile infantry bow grn) Missile Infantry Unit tier 2 WH1 None
(Missile infantry bow) Missile Infantry Unit tier 3 WH1 None

Melee Cavalry[ | ]

Name Unit type Tier Game DLC
(Cavalry wolf) Melee Cavalry Unit tier 1 WH1 None
(Cavalry spider) Melee Cavalry Unit tier 1 WH1 None
(Wh3 dlc26 grn cavalry boar sword) Shock Cavalry Unit tier 2 WH1 None
(Shock cavalry boar) Shock Cavalry Unit tier 2 WH1 None
(Wh3 dlc26 grn cavalry boar spear) Shock Cavalry Unit tier 3 WH1 None
(Shock cavalry boar) Shock Cavalry Unit tier 3 WH1 None
(Wh dlc06 grn squig cavalry) Melee Cavalry Unit tier 2 WH1 The King & the Warlord

Missile Cavalry[ | ]

Name Unit type Tier Game DLC
(Missile cavalry bow wolf) Missile Cavalry Unit tier 1 WH1 None
(Missile cavalry bow spider) Missile Cavalry Unit tier 1 WH1 None

Chariots[ | ]

Name Unit type Tier Game DLC
(Chariot) Melee Chariot Unit tier 2 WH1 None
(Missile chariot) Missile Chariot Unit tier 2 WH1 None

War Beasts[ | ]

Name Unit type Tier Game DLC
(Grn arachnarok) War Beasts Unit tier 1 WH1 The King & the Warlord
(Wh dlc06 grn squig) War Beasts Unit tier 1 WH1 The King & the Warlord
(Wh3 dlc26 grn mon mangler squig) Monstrous War Beasts Unit tier 3 WH3 Omens of Destruction

Monstrous Infantry[ | ]

Name Unit type Tier Game DLC
(Monstrous infantry) Monstrous Infantry Unit tier 2 WH1 None
(Monstrous infantry) Monstrous Infantry Unit tier 3 WH2 The Warden & the Paunch
(Monstrous infantry) Monstrous Infantry Unit tier 3 WH2 The Warden & the Paunch

Monsters[ | ]

Name Unit type Tier Game DLC
(Giant) Monster Unit tier 3 WH1 None
(Grn arachnarok) Monster Unit tier 4 WH1 None
(Wh2 dlc15 idol of gork) Construct Unit tier 5 WH2 The Warden & the Paunch
(Dragon) Flying Monster Unit tier 4 WH2 The Total Waaagh! Update
(Wh3 dlc26 grn mon colossal squig icon) Monster Unit tier 4 WH3 Omens of Destruction
(Wh3 dlc26 grn mon arachnarok spider flinger) Specialist Artillery Unit tier 4 WH3 Omens of Destruction

War Machines[ | ]

Name Unit type Tier Game DLC
(Wh2 dlc15 snotling pump wagons) War Machine Unit tier 2 WH2 The Warden & the Paunch
(Wh2 dlc15 snotling pump wagons flappas) War Machine Unit tier 3 WH2 The Warden & the Paunch
(Wh2 dlc15 snotling pump wagons spiky rolla) War Machine Unit tier 3 WH2 The Warden & the Paunch

Artillery[ | ]

Name Unit type Tier Game DLC
(Catapult) Catapult Unit tier 2 WH1 None
(Grn doomdiver) Catapult Unit tier 3 WH1 None
(Wh3 dlc26 grn art bolt throwa icon) Field Artillery Unit tier 2 WH3 Omens of Destruction

Regiments of Renown[ | ]

Name Unit type Tier Game DLC
(Wh3 dlc23 chd hobgoblins sword) Melee Infantry Unit tier 2 WH1 The King & the Warlord
(Wh3 dlc23 chd hobgoblins sword) Melee Infantry Unit tier 2 WH1 The King & the Warlord
(Infantry axe dual) Melee Infantry Unit tier 3 WH1 The King & the Warlord
(Missile infantry bow) Missile Infantry Unit tier 2 WH1 The King & the Warlord
(Cavalry wolf) Melee Cavalry Unit tier 2 WH1 The King & the Warlord
(Wh dlc06 grn squig cavalry) Melee Cavalry Unit tier 2 WH1 The King & the Warlord
(Wh3 dlc26 grn cavalry boar spear) Shock Cavalry Unit tier 3 WH1 The King & the Warlord
(Missile cavalry bow wolf) Missile Cavalry Unit tier 2 WH1 The King & the Warlord
(Missile cavalry bow spider) Missile Cavalry Unit tier 2 WH1 The King & the Warlord
(Missile chariot) Missile Chariot Unit tier 2 WH1 The King & the Warlord
(Grn arachnarok) Monster Unit tier 5 WH1 The King & the Warlord
(Catapult) Catapult Unit tier 2 WH1 The King & the Warlord
(Monstrous infantry) Monstrous Infantry Unit tier 3 WH2 The Warden & the Paunch
(Wh2 dlc15 idol of gork) Construct Unit tier 5 WH2 The Warden & the Paunch
(Wh2 dlc15 snotling pump wagons) War Machine Unit tier 2 WH2 The Warden & the Paunch
(Missile infantry bow dwf) Missile Infantry Unit tier 2 WH3 Omens of Destruction
(Wh3 dlc26 grn mon colossal squig icon) Monster Unit tier 4 WH3 Omens of Destruction
(Wh3 dlc26 grn art bolt throwa icon) Field Artillery Unit tier 2 WH3 Omens of Destruction

Call to WAAAGH![ | ]

Name Unit type Tier Game DLC
(Wh dlc06 grn squig cavalry) Melee Cavalry Unit tier 2 WH2 The Total Waaagh! Update
(Missile cavalry bow spider) Missile Cavalry Unit tier 1 WH2 The Total Waaagh! Update
(Wh2 dlc15 soopa squig) Monster Unit tier 1 WH2 The Total Waaagh! Update
(Wh2 main def mon war hydra) Monster Unit tier 4 WH2 The Total Waaagh! Update
(Grn arachnarok) Monster Unit tier 5 WH2 The Total Waaagh! Update

Navigation[ | ]
