Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki

Holy Monastery of the Divine Origo is a Special Landmark in Total War: Warhammer II located in Fyrus.

"This monastery is a beacon. Even this far from home, Brettonians can pray and feel the Lady's light and favour."

Effects[ | ]

  • Chivalry positiveChivalry: +20
  • Praying: +20% chance of removing negative character traits of any Lord garrisoned within this settlement each turn
  • Icon income plusIncome generated: 500
  • ExperienceHero recruit rank: +4 for Damsels (all provinces)
  • Siege defenceProvides garrison:

Building Chain[ | ]

  • Tier III - Holy Monastery of the Divine Origo

Strategy[ | ]

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This is an amazing Landmark, especially in the early game for the nearby Repanse de Lyonesse. It provides a boatload of income per turn, praying to help remove bad traits, extra experience for spellcasters, and 2 elite tier units in the garrison, ensuring that the settlement cannot be taken easily.
