Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki
Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki

Immune to psychology Immune to Psychology is an attribute introduced in Total War: Warhammer. A unit with this attribute is immune to Fear and Terror.

Description[ | ]

The unit is immune to psychological attacks (Fear & Terror).

Units with Immune to Psychology[ | ]

Beastmen Beastmen[ | ]

Category Unit
Commander Lords Bst ch morghur 0

Couronne Bretonnia[ | ]

Category Unit
Commander Lords Brt ch king louen leoncoeur 0Brt repanse de lyonesse 0
Cavalry Cavalry & Chariots Wh dlc07 brt questing knightsWh pro04 brt ror questing knightsWh dlc07 brt royal pegasus knightsWh main brt grail knightsWh dlc07 brt grail guardians

Disciples of Hashut Chaos Dwarfs[ | ]

Category Unit
Commander Lords Chd astragoth ironhand 0Chd drazhoath the ashen 0Chd sorcerer prophet campaign 01 0
Icon hero Heroes Chd daemonsmith sorcerer campaign 01 0

Wh3 main dae daemon prince 256 Daemons of Chaos[ | ]

Category Unit
Commander Lords Dae sla daemon prince 1 0
Icon hero Heroes Dae skarr bloodwrath 0
Infantry sword Infantry Wh3 main sla inf marauders 0Wh3 main sla inf marauders 1Wh3 main sla inf marauders 2Wh3 twa10 sla inf marauders spears rorWh3 dlc20 chs inf forsaken mkhoWh3 dlc20 chs inf forsaken mslaWh3 main tze inf forsaken 0Wh3 main nur inf forsaken 0Wh3 dlc20 chs inf chaos warriors msla hellscourgesWh pro04 chs ror warriorsWh pro04 chs ror forsakenWh3 dlc25 nur inf plague ogresWh3 dlc25 nur inf plague ogres great weapons
Cavalry Cavalry & Chariots Wh3 main sla cav hellstriders 0Wh3 main sla cav hellstriders 1Wh3 dlc20 chs cav chaos chariot mslaWh3 dlc20 chs cav chaos chariot msla rorWh3 dlc25 nur cav rot knightsWh3 dlc25 nur cav rot knights ror
Missile cavalry bow Missile Cavalry & Chariots Wh3 dlc20 chs cav marauder horsemen msla javelins
Monstrous infantry Monsters & Beasts Wh3 main sla mon spawn of slaanesh 0Wh3 dlc20 chs mon warshrine msla

Dark Elves Dark Elves[ | ]

Category Unit
Commander Lords Def malekith 0
Icon hero Heroes Def assassin campaign 01 0
Infantry sword Infantry Wh2 main def black guardWh2 dlc10 def har ganeth executioners ror
Campaign exclusive Extended Roster Wh dlc06 grn squig herd

Karaz-a-Karak Dwarfs[ | ]

Category Unit
Infantry sword Infantry Wh main dwf longbeardsWh main dwf longbeards great weaponsWh dlc06 dwf old grumblersWh dlc06 dwf peak gate guardWh dlc06 dwf norgrimlings ironbreakers
Missile infantry bow Missile Infantry Wh dlc06 dwf rangers bugmans
Dwf gyrocopter Flying War Machines Wh3 dlc25 dwf veh thunderbarge
Campaign exclusive Extended Roster Wh3 dlc25 dwf inf longbeards 1 grudge unitWh3 dlc25 dwf veh thunderbarge grungni

Greenskins Greenskins[ | ]

Category Unit
Commander Lords Grn ch grimgor 0
Icon hero Heroes Grn black orc big boss campaign 01 0
Infantry sword Infantry Wh dlc06 grn da warlords boyzWh3 dlc26 grn inf black orcs shieldWh main grn black orcWh dlc06 grn krimson killerz
Cavalry Cavalry & Chariots Wh dlc06 grn squig hoppersWh dlc06 grn durkits squigs
Missile cavalry bow Missile Cavalry & Chariots Wh dlc06 grn mogrubbs marauders
Monstrous infantry Monsters & Beasts Wh dlc06 grn squig herdWh3 dlc26 grn cav mangler squig
Campaign exclusive Extended Roster Wh dlc06 grn squig hoppers

High Elves High Elves[ | ]

Category Unit
Infantry sword Infantry Wh2 main hef phoenix guardWh2 dlc10 hef phoenix guard ror
Campaign exclusive Extended Roster Wh2 dlc10 hef dryadsWh2 dlc10 hef treekin

Khorne Khorne[ | ]

Category Unit
Icon hero Heroes Dae skarr bloodwrath 0
Infantry sword Infantry Wh3 dlc20 chs inf forsaken mkho

Kislev Kislev[ | ]

Category Unit
Icon hero Heroes Ksl golden knight 0
Missile infantry bow Missile Infantry Wh3 main ksl inf ice guard 0Wh3 main ksl inf ice guard 1

Lizardmen Lizardmen[ | ]

Category Unit
Commander Lords Lzd lord gor rok 0Lzd lord mazdamundi 0
Icon hero Heroes Lzd lord kroak 0
Cavalry Cavalry & Chariots Wh2 dlc12 lzd cav cold one spearriders ror

World Walkers Norsca[ | ]

Category Unit
Icon hero Heroes Nor cha skin wolf werekin campaign 03 0
Infantry sword Infantry Wh dlc08 nor marauder berserkersWh pro04 nor ror marauder

Nurgle Nurgle[ | ]

Category Unit
Infantry sword Infantry Wh3 main nur inf forsaken 0Wh pro04 chs ror forsakenWh3 dlc25 nur inf plague ogresWh3 dlc25 nur inf plague ogres great weapons
Cavalry Cavalry & Chariots Wh3 dlc25 nur cav rot knightsWh3 dlc25 nur cav rot knights ror

Ogre Kingdoms Ogre Kingdoms[ | ]

Category Unit
Icon hero Heroes Ogr bragg 0
Infantry sword Infantry Wh3 main ogr inf maneaters 0Wh3 main ogr inf maneaters 1Wh3 main ogr inf maneaters 2Wh3 dlc26 ogr inf golgfags maneaters
Missile infantry bow Missile Infantry Wh3 main ogr inf maneaters 3Wh3 twa06 ogr inf maneaters ror 0

Skaven Skaven[ | ]

Category Unit
Icon hero Heroes Skv packmaster campaign 01 0
Monstrous infantry Monsters & Beasts Wh2 dlc16 skv mon rat ogres ror

Slaanesh Slaanesh[ | ]

Category Unit
Commander Lords Dae azazel 0Chs ch sigvald 0Dae sla chaos lord campaign 03 0Dae sla daemon prince 3 0
Icon hero Heroes Dae sla chaos sorcerer campaign 02 0Dae cultist of slaanesh campaign 01 0
Infantry sword Infantry Wh3 main sla inf marauders 0Wh3 main sla inf marauders 1Wh3 main sla inf marauders 2Wh3 twa10 sla inf marauders spears rorWh3 dlc20 chs inf chaos warriors mslaWh3 dlc20 chs inf forsaken mslaWh3 dlc20 chs inf chaos warriors msla hellscourgesWh pro04 chs ror warriorsWh3 dlc20 chs inf chosen mslaWh3 dlc20 chs inf chosen msla hellscourges
Cavalry Cavalry & Chariots Wh3 main sla cav hellstriders 0Wh3 main sla cav hellstriders 1Wh3 dlc20 chs cav chaos chariot mslaWh3 dlc20 chs cav chaos chariot msla rorWh3 dlc20 chs cav chaos knights mslaWh3 dlc20 chs cav chaos knights msla lances
Missile cavalry bow Missile Cavalry & Chariots Wh3 dlc20 chs cav marauder horsemen msla javelins
Monstrous infantry Monsters & Beasts Wh3 main sla mon spawn of slaanesh 0Wh3 dlc20 chs mon warshrine msla

Reikland The Empire[ | ]

Category Unit
Commander Lords Emp elspeth von draken 0Emp ch karl 0Emp markus 0
Icon hero Heroes Emp witch hunter campaign 01 0
Infantry sword Infantry Wh3 dlc25 emp inf spearmen shields ror
Missile infantry bow Missile Infantry Wh dlc04 emp stirlands revenge
Cavalry Cavalry & Chariots Wh3 dlc25 emp cav knights of the black roseWh dlc04 emp zintlers
Campaign exclusive Extended Roster Wh2 dlc13 emp empire knights ostland ror

Tzeentch Tzeentch[ | ]

Category Unit
Infantry sword Infantry Wh3 main tze inf forsaken 0

Vampire Coast Vampire Coast[ | ]

Category Unit
Commander Lords Cst aranessa saltspite 0
Campaign exclusive Extended Roster Wh3 main ogr inf maneaters 0Wh3 main ogr inf maneaters 3

Warhost of the Apocalypse Warriors of Chaos[ | ]

Category Unit
Commander Lords Chs ch archaon 0Dae azazel 0Chs ch sigvald 0Dae sla chaos lord campaign 02 0Dae sla daemon prince 1 0
Icon hero Heroes Dae skarr bloodwrath 0Dae sla chaos sorcerer campaign 02 0
Infantry sword Infantry Wh3 dlc20 chs inf chaos marauders mslaWh3 dlc20 chs inf chaos marauders msla hellscourgesWh dlc01 chs forsakenWh3 dlc20 chs inf chaos warriors mslaWh3 dlc20 chs inf forsaken mkhoWh3 dlc20 chs inf forsaken mslaWh3 main tze inf forsaken 0Wh3 main nur inf forsaken 0Wh3 dlc20 chs inf chaos warriors msla hellscourgesWh pro04 chs ror warriorsWh pro04 chs ror forsakenWh3 dlc20 chs inf chosen mslaWh3 dlc20 chs inf chosen msla hellscourges
Cavalry Cavalry & Chariots Wh3 main sla cav hellstriders 0Wh3 main sla cav hellstriders 1Wh3 dlc20 chs cav chaos chariot mslaWh3 dlc20 chs cav chaos chariot msla rorWh3 dlc20 chs cav chaos knights mslaWh3 dlc20 chs cav chaos knights msla lancesWh3 dlc25 nur cav rot knightsWh3 dlc25 nur cav rot knights ror
Missile cavalry bow Missile Cavalry & Chariots Wh3 dlc20 chs cav marauder horsemen msla javelins
Monstrous infantry Monsters & Beasts Wh3 main sla mon spawn of slaanesh 0Wh3 dlc20 chs mon warshrine msla
Campaign exclusive Extended Roster Wh3 dlc25 nur inf plague ogresWh3 dlc25 nur inf plague ogres great weapons

Talsyn Wood Elves[ | ]

Commander Lords Wef drycha 0Wef ancient treeman 0
Icon hero Heroes Wef branchwraith 0
Infantry sword Infantry Wh dlc05 wef dryadsWh dlc05 wef wardancersWh2 dlc16 wef ror dryadsWh dlc05 wef wardancers spearWh dlc05 wef wildwood rangerWh pro04 wef ror wardancers spearWh2 dlc16 wef bladesingersWh pro04 wef ror wildwood ranger
Monstrous infantry Monsters & Beasts Wh dlc05 wef treekinWh pro04 wef ror treekin
Campaign exclusive Extended Roster Wef branchwraith malicious 0Wef ancient treeman malicious 0Wh2 dlc16 wef malicious dryadsWh2 dlc16 wef malicious treekin

Sources of Immune to Psychology[ | ]

Abilities[ | ]

Name Race Active Ability Passive Ability Source
Disciples of Hashut Chaos Dwarfs 🗙
Grand Cathay Grand Cathay 🗙
Greenskins Greenskins 🗙 Call to WAAAGH!
Greenskins Greenskins 🗙
Kislev Kislev 🗙
Beastmen Beastmen 🗙
Warhost of the Apocalypse Warriors of Chaos
Beastmen Beastmen 🗙 Specific sources; see here and here
Wh3 main dae daemon prince 256 Daemons of Chaos
Khorne Khorne
Couronne Bretonnia 🗙
Greenskins Greenskins 🗙 Call to WAAAGH!
High Elves High Elves 🗙
Beastmen Beastmen 🗙 Specific sources; see here
Couronne Bretonnia
Disciples of Hashut Chaos Dwarfs
Wh3 main dae daemon prince 256 Daemons of Chaos
Karaz-a-Karak Dwarfs
Greenskins Greenskins
High Elves High Elves
Lizardmen Lizardmen
World Walkers Norsca
Nurgle Nurgle
Ogre Kingdoms Ogre Kingdoms
Skaven Skaven
Slaanesh Slaanesh
Tzeentch Tzeentch
Vampire Coast Vampire Coast
The Drakenhof Conclave Vampire Counts
Warhost of the Apocalypse Warriors of Chaos
Talsyn Wood Elves
Grand Cathay Grand Cathay 🗙
Kislev Kislev 🗙
Wh3 main dae daemon prince 256 Daemons of Chaos 🗙
Grand Cathay Grand Cathay
High Elves High Elves
Lizardmen Lizardmen
Reikland The Empire
Tomb Kings Tomb Kings
Tzeentch Tzeentch
Warhost of the Apocalypse Warriors of Chaos
All Races 🗙 Specific sources; see here and here
Beastmen Beastmen 🗙 Specific sources; see here and here
Khorne Khorne
Greenskins Greenskins 🗙 Call to WAAAGH!
Greenskins Greenskins 🗙
Grim Resolve
Grim Resolve
Reikland The Empire 🗙
Greenskins Greenskins 🗙 Call to WAAAGH!
Greenskins Greenskins 🗙
Greenskins Greenskins 🗙 Call to WAAAGH!
Greenskins Greenskins 🗙
Couronne Bretonnia 🗙
Couronne Bretonnia 🗙
Ogre Kingdoms Ogre Kingdoms 🗙
Greenskins Greenskins 🗙
High Elves High Elves 🗙
Greenskins Greenskins 🗙
High Elves High Elves 🗙
Ogre Kingdoms Ogre Kingdoms 🗙
Warhost of the Apocalypse Warriors of Chaos 🗙 Specific sources; see here
Dark Elves Dark Elves 🗙
Beastmen Beastmen 🗙 Specific sources; see here
Wh3 main dae daemon prince 256 Daemons of Chaos
Khorne Khorne
Nurgle Nurgle
Tzeentch Tzeentch
Warhost of the Apocalypse Warriors of Chaos
Beastmen Beastmen 🗙 Specific sources; see here
Greenskins Greenskins 🗙
Kislev Kislev
Skaven Skaven
Karaz-a-Karak Dwarfs 🗙
Karaz-a-Karak Dwarfs 🗙
Lizardmen Lizardmen 🗙
Skaven Skaven 🗙
Greenskins Greenskins 🗙 Call to WAAAGH!
Greenskins Greenskins 🗙
Skaven Skaven 🗙
Warhost of the Apocalypse Warriors of Chaos 🗙
Greenskins Greenskins 🗙 Greenskins Lords
Ogre Kingdoms Ogre Kingdoms 🗙
Grand Cathay Grand Cathay 🗙
Greenskins Greenskins 🗙 Call to WAAAGH!
Greenskins Greenskins 🗙

Ancillaries[ | ]

Name Type Race Owner Random Drop Other Source
Banner World Walkers Norsca Lord 🗙
Banner Grand Cathay Grand Cathay Lord 🗙
Banner Couronne Bretonnia Lord 🗙
Jean Claude Sartre's Banner
Jean Claude Sartre's Banner
Banner High Elves High Elves Lord 🗙

Attributes[ | ]

Name Races
Wh3 main dae daemon prince 256 Daemons of Chaos
Slaanesh Slaanesh
Warhost of the Apocalypse Warriors of Chaos

Bound Spells[ | ]

Name Race Source
Nurgle Nurgle
Unkind Taint
Unkind Taint
Skaven Skaven

Buildings[ | ]

Name Race Faction Effect
Skaven Skaven All Factions Attribute immune to psychology Attribute: Immune to Psychology for Stormvermin units
(all armies)
Karaz-a-Karak Dwarfs All Factions When owner has 5 or fewer settlements:
Attribute immune to psychology Attribute: Immune to Psychology
(armies in region)

Faction Effects[ | ]

Name Race Effect
The Ecstatic Legions The Ecstatic Legions Warhost of the Apocalypse Warriors of Chaos Corruption slaanesh Vassals gain "Immune to Psychology" and spread Slaanesh corruption
The Maneaters The Maneaters Ogre Kingdoms Ogre Kingdoms Attribute immune to psychology Attribute: Immune to Psychology when fighting against a Contract enemy
(all armies)

Items[ | ]

Name Type Race Owner Random Drop Other Source
Wh main anc enchanted itemEnchanted Item Disciples of Hashut Chaos Dwarfs 🗙 🗙
Wh main anc enchanted itemEnchanted Item Karaz-a-Karak Dwarfs Lord or Hero 🗙
Wh main anc enchanted itemEnchanted Item Reikland The Empire Lord or Hero 🗙
Wh main anc talismanTalisman Karaz-a-Karak Dwarfs Lord or Hero 🗙
Wh main anc talismanTalisman Grand Cathay Grand Cathay Lord or Hero 🗙
Wh main anc talismanTalisman Karaz-a-Karak Dwarfs 🗙
Tome of Undead
Tome of Undead
Wh main anc talismanTalisman Tzeentch Tzeentch Lord or Hero 🗙

Mechanics[ | ]

Mechanic Race Faction Mechanic specific Effect
Big Names Ogre Kingdoms Ogre Kingdoms All Factions Staydeader
Attribute immune to psychology Attribute: Immune to Psychology
(all units in army)
Path to Glory Warhost of the Apocalypse Warriors of Chaos All Factions Deadbane
(Harald Hammerstorm)
Attribute immune to psychology Attribute: Immune to Psychology
(all units in army)
Path to Glory Warhost of the Apocalypse Warriors of Chaos All Factions Unswayed by Excess
(Chaos Sorcerer)
Attribute immune to psychology Attribute: Immune to Psychology
Kislev Kislev Daughters of the Forest Daughters of the Forest Attribute immune to psychology Attribute: Immune to Psychology
(assigned unit)

Skills[ | ]

Name Race Effect Source
Immune to psychology skill
Banish the Scourge
Couronne Bretonnia Attribute immune to psychology Attribute: Immune to Psychology when fighting against Vampire Counts, Vampire Coast and Tomb Kings
(Icon armyLord's army)
Wh3 dlc26 character passive dreaded aura skill
Dreaded Aura
Ogre Kingdoms Ogre Kingdoms Attribute immune to psychology Attribute: Immune to Psychology
(Icon heroHero's army)
Character bonus vs large
Fearless Fighter
Kislev Kislev Attribute immune to psychology Attribute: Immune to Psychology
Character armour
Golden Face Mask
Reikland The Empire Attribute immune to psychology Attribute: Immune to Psychology
Guerrilla deploy skill
Grand Huntsmarshal
Reikland The Empire Attribute immune to psychology Attribute: Immune to Psychology
(Icon armyLord's army)
Wh3 dlc24 character abilities colossal strike
Great Beast Hunter
Ogre Kingdoms Ogre Kingdoms Attribute immune to psychology Attribute: Immune to Psychology
Icon stat morale vs chaos
Hunter of Nightmares
Lizardmen Lizardmen Attribute immune to psychology Attribute: Immune to Psychology when fighting Daemons of Chaos, Warriors of Chaos, Chaos Dwarfs, Beastmen and Norsca
(Icon armyLord's army)
Causes fear skill
Infernal Deathmask
Disciples of Hashut Chaos Dwarfs Attribute immune to psychology Attribute: Immune to Psychology
Immune to psychology skill
Inspiring Inferno
Disciples of Hashut Chaos Dwarfs Attribute immune to psychology Attribute: Immune to Psychology for Infernal Guard (Fireglaives) units
(Icon armyLord's army)
Wh dlc08 lord abilities seduction of the serpent
Seduction of the Serpent
World Walkers Norsca Attribute immune to psychology Attribute: Immune to Psychology
Character ward save
Karaz-a-Karak Dwarfs Attribute immune to psychology Attribute: Immune to Psychology
(Icon heroHero's army)
Kislev Kislev Attribute immune to psychology Attribute: Immune to Psychology
(Icon heroHero's army)
Reikland The Empire Attribute immune to psychology Attribute: Immune to Psychology
(Icon heroHero's army)
Immune to psychology skill
War Hero
Reikland The Empire Attribute immune to psychology Attribute: Immune to Psychology
Immune to psychology skill
Wildwood Veteran
Talsyn Wood Elves Attribute immune to psychology Attribute: Immune to Psychology

Spells[ | ]

Name Lore of Magic Normal Overcast

Technologies[ | ]

Name Race Faction Effect
Wh3 main tech ksl 4 07
Praag Veterans
Kislev Kislev All Factions Attribute immune to psychology Attribute: Immune to Psychology when fighting against Warriors of Chaos, Chaos Dwarfs and Daemons of Chaos
Wh3 main ie tech nor oldworld kislev capital
Secrets of the Ice
World Walkers Norsca All Factions Attribute immune to psychology Attribute: Immune to Psychology
Wh3 main tech sla 1 2
Sensuous Branding Iron
Warhost of the Apocalypse Warriors of Chaos Heralds of the Tempest Heralds of the Tempest Attribute immune to psychology Attribute: Immune to Psychology for Aspiring Champions
Shadow Legion Shadow Legion
The Decadent Host The Decadent Host
The Ecstatic Legions The Ecstatic Legions
Warhost of the Apocalypse Warhost of the Apocalypse
Wh main emp the inner circle
The Inner Circle
Reikland The Empire All Factions Attribute immune to psychology Attribute: Immune to Psychology for Cavalry units

Traits[ | ]

Name Race Effect Source
Trait lizardmen
Lizardmen Lizardmen Attribute immune to psychology Attribute: Immune to Psychology Lord or Hero except for Slann Mage-Priest
Trait dlc15 imrik black dragon
Breath of the Black Dragon
High Elves High Elves Attribute immune to psychology Attribute: Immune to Psychology
Trait chaos dwarfs
Disciples of Hashut Chaos Dwarfs Attribute immune to psychology Attribute: Immune to Psychology Lord except for Convoy Overseer
Trait personality
Beastmen Beastmen Attribute immune to psychology Attribute: Immune to Psychology Lord or Hero
Couronne Bretonnia
Dark Elves Dark Elves Lord or Hero
Karaz-a-Karak Dwarfs Lord or Hero
Greenskins Greenskins Lord or Hero
Kislev Kislev Lord or Hero except for Atamans, Ice Witch, and Frost Maiden
Lizardmen Lizardmen Lord or Hero except for Slann Mage-Priest
World Walkers Norsca Lord or Hero
Ogre Kingdoms Ogre Kingdoms Lord or Hero
Skaven Skaven Lord or Hero
Reikland The Empire Lord or Hero
Vampire Coast Vampire Coast Hero
The Drakenhof Conclave Vampire Counts Lord or Hero
Talsyn Wood Elves Lord or Hero except for Ancient Treeman, Malevolent Ancient Treeman, Branchwraith, and Malevolent Branchwraith
Trait cathay yang
Grand Cathay Grand Cathay Attribute immune to psychology Attribute: Immune to Psychology Hero
Trait khorne
Gift of the Hound
World Walkers Norsca Attribute immune to psychology Attribute: Immune to Psychology
(Icon heroHero's army)
Trait chaos dwarfs
Disciples of Hashut Chaos Dwarfs Attribute immune to psychology Attribute: Immune to Psychology
Trait greenskins
Greenskins Greenskins Attribute immune to psychology Attribute: Immune to Psychology
(Icon armyLord's army)
Trait nurgle
The Maggot Lord
Nurgle Nurgle Attribute immune to psychology Attribute: Immune to Psychology for non-Daemonic units
(Icon armyLord's army)

Sources of Immune to Psychology Removal[ | ]

Abilities[ | ]

Name Race Active Ability Passive Ability Source
Ogre Kingdoms Ogre Kingdoms 🗙
Grand Cathay Grand Cathay 🗙
Beastmen Beastmen 🗙
Warhost of the Apocalypse Warriors of Chaos 🗙

Notes[ | ]

See also[ | ]
