Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki

Iron Mine is a type of building in Total War: Warhammer II only available to Bretonnia.

"Iron mines are most common underground works of both men and Dwarfs."

Background[ | ]

Mining was first taught to man by the Dwarfs, who were delving deep into the mountains long before humans mastered fire. These days, mines are found anywhere where ore is discovered. For instance, the World’s Edge Mountains have long been rich in iron seams, and their supply shows no sign of being exhausted.

Effects[ | ]

  • Income generated: 150
  • Iron resource production: 30 ingots
  • Recruitment cost: -25% for Peasant Mobs, Men-at-Arms with swords, Battle Pilgrims and Foot Squires units
  • Recruit rank: +1 for Peasant Mobs, Men-at-Arms with swords, Battle Pilgrims and Foot Squires units

Building Chain[ | ]
