Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki

The right-hand of the Raven God, Kairos is a Lord of Change blessed with full sight of both yesterday and tomorrow – but cursed with blindness of today.

Kairos Fateweaver is a Tzeentch Tzeentch Legendary Lord unit introduced in Total War: Warhammer III. In campaign, he leads the Oracles of Tzeentch Oracles of Tzeentch.

Description[ | ]

Kairos can see things that are hidden even to Tzeentch. His right head sees possible futures as clear as day. No scheme is hidden from its sight and the infinite possibilities of tomorrow crystallise into irrefutable fact. Kairos' left head sees the past without the petty colourations of perspective and bias. Valuable as this vision is, it comes with a heavy cost. Both of Kairos' heads are blind to the present; he cannot see time as it passes - only events that are to come or whose time has already lapsed.

Introduction description[ | ]

"Tzeentch is the Great Architect, the Changer of Ways, the God of magic, mischief and manipulation. Kairos Fateweaver is His oracle, able to see the past and future but blind to the present.

Ursun's death-howl has stranded Kairos on the mortal plane while he is in the midst of a grand scheme - an incursion into the Celestial Dragon Empire of Cathay. But there is a greater boon awaiting in the Chaos Realms, if he can bypass the maelstrom.

I travel to reach Fateweaver at the Silvered Tower, hoping to be retained before he teleports to a staging point in the east. He will know of my coming."

Attributes[ | ]

  • Wh3 main lore tzeentch Wizard
  • Spellcaster: This unit can cast spells.
  • Barrier: This unit has a barrier that absorbs damage until depleted. When not taking damage, the barrier will slowly replenish. Maximum barrier health is proporsional to remaining unit health.
  • Causes Terror: This unit can cause terror, making its melee target rout for a short time. Units that cause terror are immune to terror and fear themselves.

Spells[ | ]

In the campaign, Kairos can use two spells from the Lore of Beasts, Death, Fire, Heavens, Life, Light, Metal and Shadows via the Fragment skills in exchange of disabling two Tzeentch spells (Note only one fragment can be equipped at a time):

Multiplayer only[ | ]

In Multiplayer, Kairos has access to a mix of spells from the Lore of Heavens, Light, Shadows and Tzeentch:

Character Abilities[ | ]

Active Abilities[ | ]

Campaign only[ | ]

Passive Abilities[ | ]

Campaign only[ | ]

Item Abilities[ | ]

Multiplayer only[ | ]

Unique Items[ | ]

Campaign only[ | ]

Campaign starting units[ | ]

The Realm of Chaos[ | ]

Wh3 main tze inf blue horrors 0 Wh3 main tze inf blue horrors 0 Wh3 main tze inf blue horrors 0 Wh3 main tze inf pink horrors 0 Wh3 main tze veh burning chariot 0 Wh3 main tze inf chaos furies 0 Wh3 main tze mon soul grinder 0

Immortal Empires[ | ]

Wh3 main tze inf blue horrors 0 Wh3 main tze inf blue horrors 0 Wh3 main tze inf blue horrors 0 Wh3 main tze inf pink horrors 0 Wh3 main tze cav chaos knights 0 Wh3 main tze inf chaos furies 0 Wh3 main tze mon exalted flamer 0

Lord effects[ | ]

  • Magic character Can unlock unique items that can be used to customise Kairos' spell selection
  • Agent Enemy Hero action success chance: -50%
  • Icon effects ambush Ambush defence chance: +50% (Icon ArmyLord's army)

Character traits[ | ]

Personal trait[ | ]

Trait tzeentch Oracle: "The now is trivial to us - we know the day we perish is not this day."

  • Magic character Can unlock unique items that can be used to customise Kairos' spell selection
  • Agent Enemy Hero action success chance: -50%
  • Icon effects ambush Ambush defence chance: +50% (Icon ArmyLord's army)

Defeat trait[ | ]

Trait tzeentch Didn't See That Coming: Despite knowing every spell uttered, the Mocking Watcher was laid low this day by a superior adversary - which must drive him even more insane!

  • Magic campaign Winds of Magic power reserve capacity: +5 (Icon ArmyLord's army)
  • Resistance magic Spell resistance: 15% (Icon ArmyLord's army)

Talent Tree[ | ]

Strategy[ | ]

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As expected, Kairos is a top-tier spellcaster lord. Spam and overcast spells while using his mobility for optimal positioning to maximize his damage output and minimize thr damage he receives.

He is terrible in melee combat (even worse than a generic Exalted Lord of Change), as his inability to percieve the present is reflected in his poor Melee Attack and Melee Defense. In campaign, he has no skills to increase his physical combat prowess, thus relegating him as a pure spellcaster.

Generally, the fragments are only worth it if you either plan to spend 2 point son it so Kairos permanently has that magic lore's passive (I.E two points on fragment of Aqshy for the Kindleflame passive) or if you actually plan on using the spells that the fragments grant.

Trivia[ | ]

Kairos is the only Legendary Lord that can get his own defeat trait in the campaign if you do the quest battles.

Gallery[ | ]
