Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki
Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki

Knight Knight is an attribute introduced in Total War: Warhammer III. A unit with this attribute does not suffer leadership penalties when an allied unit with the Attribute peasant Peasant attribute Icon status route 24pxrouts. In addition, Knight units will enable Wh dlc07 unit passive the peasants duty The Peasant's Duty ability when in range of units that have that ability.

This attribute is available only to Couronne Bretonnia and Vampire Coast Vampire Coast (See notes).

Description[ | ]

Witnessing friendly units with the Attribute peasantPeasant Attribute rout will not affect this unit's Icon stat moraleleadership.

Units with this Attribute[ | ]

Couronne Bretonnia[ | ]

Category Unit
Commander Lords Brt alberic bordeleaux 0Brt ch king louen leoncoeur 0Brt repanse de lyonesse 0Brt lords campaign 04 0
Icon hero Heroes Brt ch green knight 0Brt henri le massif 0Brt paladin campaign 01 0
Cavalry Cavalry & Chariots Wh dlc07 brt knights errantWh pro04 brt ror knights errantWh main brt knights realmWh main brt pegasus knightsWh dlc07 brt questing knightsWh pro04 brt ror knights realmWh pro04 brt ror questing knightsWh dlc07 brt royal pegasus knightsWh main brt grail knightsWh dlc07 brt grail guardiansWh dlc07 brt royal hippogryph knights

Notes[ | ]

Some units from Vampire Coast Vampire Coast posses this attribute:

Due to them being lore-wise undead Bretonnians but because of the way this attribute works, it is useless to VCoast as they lack any units with the Peasant attribute and the only scenarios where this attribute would be helpful is by supporting a Bretonnia army with Peasant units or by recruiting them through allied recruitment.

See also[ | ]
