Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki

On the freezing oblasts of Kislev, man and mount must live, die – and kill – as one.

Kossovite Dervishes are a Kislev Kislev melee cavalry unit introduced in Total War: Warhammer III.

Recruitment[ | ]

Description[ | ]

Much of Kislev is known as the oblast, a huge, open wilderness. It is said that one’s horse is one’s life when on the oblast – this is not a joke or an old wives’ tale, but rather the cold, hard truth. If a Kislevite rider is freezing, they warm their steed first. If they are thirsty, it drinks before them. Why? Because without a horse, if the hunters of the Dark Gods don't catch them, the Motherland's wintery embrace will make an orphan of their children just as readily.

Attributes[ | ]

  • Cavalry Cavalry
  • Very Fast: This unit can run circles around most other units, taunting and harrassing the enemy or evading its missile fire.
  • Vanguard Deployment: This unit can deploy in an expanded deployment area, allowing it to start the battle within striking distance of the enemy - or somewhere unexpected.

Unit Abilities[ | ]

Passive Abilities[ | ]

Strategy[ | ]

Kossovite Dervishes are an excellent light cavalry unit. Not only are they among the fastest units in the game, which is already a good thing, but they also have very decent combat stats, and a halfway decent charge stat. In a lot of respects, they will serve you well as shock cavalry, although they will take heavier casualties in this role than regular knights or lancers. Don't leave them to get bogged down, though, and definitely don't let them get into a fight with anti-cavalry units--they're too lightly armored to survive that kind of fight, and they tend to get chewed up and spat out with remarkable speed. They are much less useful in siege scenarios, although they do tend to perform quite respectably against settlements without walls, as they're fast enough to flank enemy fortifications and engage enemy ranged units from behind.
