“ | To disobey the Supreme Patriarch is to disobey Ursun himself. All deemed guilty of such heresy will pay an agonising price. | „ |
Kostaltyn is a Kislev Legendary Lord unit introduced in Total War: Warhammer III. In campaign, he leads
The Great Orthodoxy.
Description[ | ]
Ursun is not a vicious god (although he is both brutal and merciless in times of war). To his followers, he is fatherly and large. Kostaltyn is the Supreme Patriarch of the Ursunite faith, and he is as unlike his god as it is possible to be. With wild hair, wild eyes and wither-thin limbs, Kostaltyn is a ghoulish figure, robed in the finery of the resurgent Ursunite faith. He is a howling, angry firebrand, screaming furious rhetoric at the enemy and urging the warriors around him to fight on with a fearful mixture of encouragement and threat.
Introduction description[ | ]
"Kislev. The bulwark against the darkness. It is Kislevite blood that has protected the Old World, and yet where is their gratitude?
Such sermons are preached by the Supreme Patriarch of the Ursunite Cult, and Leader of the Great Orthodoxy, Kostaltyn. But who do they put upon the throne? A child. The daughter of the Red Tzar has fallen to heresies of the Ice Witches. If Kostaltyn is to save Ursun, to step into the Chaos Realms, then the Supreme Patriarch must take control of the Motherland and have a united nation at his back.
I journey to him now; he prays at a sacred site hidden by the Orthodoxy... the resting place of Boris Ursus."
Attributes[ | ]
- ▲ Battle Prayers: This unit can learn prayers to support allies and defeat foes in battle.
- ▲ Armour-Piercing: The damage of
armour-piercing weapons mostly ignores the armour of the target, making them the ideal choice against heavily-armoured enemies. They are often heavier and attack at a slower rate though, making them less efficient against poorly-armoured targets.
- ▲ Frenzy: Units with
frenzy cause more damage while their
leadership is high.
- ▲ Flaming Attacks: This unit inflicts flaming attacks. Units hit by flaming attack heal at half the usual rate whilst
'on fire' and sustain additional damage if vulnurable to fire.
Bound Spells[ | ]
Campaign only[ | ]
Fireball (4x)
Character Abilities[ | ]
Active Abilities[ | ]
Campaign Only[ | ]
Passive Abilities[ | ]
Campaign Only[ | ]
Item Abilities[ | ]
Unique Item[ | ]
Mounts[ | ]
Campaign starting units[ | ]
The Realm of Chaos[ | ]
Something Rotten in Kislev[ | ]
Immortal Empires[ | ]
Lord effects[ | ]
Wound recovery time: -2
Passive ability: "Frenzy" (
Lord's army)
Character traits[ | ]
Personal trait[ | ]
Supreme Patriarch: "If you love the Bear you will happily die rather than be taken!"
Wound recovery time: -2
Passive ability: "Frenzy" (
Lord's army)
Defeat trait[ | ]
Faith-Breaker: The Kislevite Patriarch's obsession with dogma and control proved to be his undoing in battle,
where he was soundly subjugated by his opponent. Oh, the irony...
Talent Tree[ | ]
Strategy[ | ]
Kostaltyn interestingly provides Frenzy to his army without restriction, allowing some unique application of allied recruited units. For example he could ride with frenzied Grail Knights or dragons.
In normal usage, he is a defensive and support lord similar to a patriarch and best used in the middle of the line battle supporting frontline troops. The frenzy buff favors melee units, so he is mighty leading Tsar Guard, monsters, and cavalry.
Keeping morale above 50% is especially for his army in order to keep the potent frenzy buff as long as possible.
Gallery[ | ]
Trivia[ | ]
- Kostaltyn was created by Games Workshop-employed writer Adam Troke, with extra lore written by Andy Hall. He was based on Rasputin, a mystic from the Tsarist period of Russian history.
- "You will die defending Kislev and thank him for the honour." - Andy Hall, lead writer Total War: Warhammer III[1]
References[ | ]