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Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki

Armed to da teef and always ready for a scrap, this elite Black Orc regiment wear distinctive red armour.

Krimson Killerz (Black Orcs) are a Greenskins Greenskins Regiment of Renown melee infantry unit introduced in Total War: Warhammer with The King & The Warlord.

Recruitment[ | ]

  • Icon effect ror Recruited with: Regiments of Renown Recruitment panel

Description[ | ]

Black Orcs are the biggest, meanest and strongest of all Orcs. They get their name from their dark green or black skin, although the title is just as much derived from their dour demeanour. Black Orcs are grim and singularly focused on war - an occupation they take extremely seriously. It can truly be said that Black Orcs live to fight. In this regard all Black Orcs treat other Greenskins, even the more battle-worthy types, such as Boar Boyz, as little more than frivolous amateurs. This is largely because lesser Orcs, even the hulking Big 'Uns of the Orc tribes, are likely to squabble amongst themselves instead of concentrating on the foe. This lack of discipline is a shortcoming that Black Orcs neither forget nor forgive. The Black Orcs' opinion of Goblins is even worse, seeing them as beneath contempt and not fit to carry spare equipment, much less fight.

Attributes[ | ]

  • Infantry axe dual Dual Axe Infantry
  • Armoured: Armoured units can block damage from any source apart from Modifier icon armour piercingArmour-Piercing damage.
  • Armour-Piercing: The damage of Modifier icon armour piercingarmour-piercing weapons mostly ignores the armour of the target, making them the ideal choice against heavily-armoured enemies. They are often heavier and attack at a slower rate though, making them less efficient against poorly-armoured targets.
  • Anti-Infantry: Anti-infantry units have an advantage against targets that are smaller than a horse. This advantage can be a damage bonus against small targets, superior weight used to smash through lighter enemies, or an explosive attack from range that effects a large area.
  • Armed to da Teef : Wielding an ‘eavy choppa in each hand, the Krimson Killerz cleave through several foes with each swing.

Unit Abilities[ | ]

Active Abilities[ | ]

Scrap Upgrades[ | ]

General Upgrades[ | ]

Upgrade Effect Icon grn scrap Scrap Cost Technology Required
Da Best Blades
"Oi! 'ands off dat one! Dat's for da best boyz only!"
Melee character Melee attack: +5
Weapon damage character Weapon strength: +20%
55 Tech grn scrap best orcs
Da Best Lootz
Sharpenin' Stones
"Dese rocks look like dey'd sharpen da axes, so get da gobbos ta work!"
Armour piercing character Armour-piercing weapon damage: +5 50 Tech grn scrap best orcs
Da Best Lootz

Faction Upgrades[ | ]

Upgrade Effect Icon grn scrap Scrap Cost Faction
Immortulz Armour
"Black Orcs don't want no trinkets, jus' anyfing that makes dere battle gear betta."
Resistance physical Physical resistance: 5%
Armour Armour: +15
Morale Leadership: +8
50 Grimgor's 'Ardboyz Grimgor's 'Ardboyz

Difference from Black Orcs (Great Weapons)[ | ]

  • Unit effect positive New Active Ability: Wh3 dlc26 unit abilities immovable bulwark Immovable Bulwark
  • Unit effect both Icon stat damage Weapon Strength: 50 → 72
    • Unit effect positive Icon stat damage base Base Weapon Damage: 14 → 51
    • Unit effect negative Modifier icon armour piercing Armour-Piercing Weapon Damage: 36 → 21
    • Unit effect positive Modifier icon bonus vs infantry Bonus vs. Infantry: 0 → 8
  • Unit effect positive Icon stat defence Melee Defence: 32 → 41
  • Unit effect positive Icon stat charge bonus Charge Bonus: 45 → 60
  • Unit effect negative Overall Icon stat attack Melee Attack reduced by -5
  • Unit effect negative Icon treasury Cost (SP & MP): 1100 → 1350
  • Unit effect negative Icon upkeep Upkeep: 275 → 337

Strategy[ | ]

The best heavy infantry unit in the game in a pure 1v1 scenario, the Krimson Killerz are merciless damage dealers. They have splash attacks which allows them to deal much more damage than Blades of the Blood Queen (Executioners) or Peak Gate Guard (Hammerers). They are vulnerable to armour-piercing missiles and magic, but as long as they can sit in melee they will shred everything they touch.

Paired with a Da Immortulz banner, they can become an unstoppable killing force, able to dish out large amounts of damage without dying. A fun way to maximize the effect of both this unit and the banner combination is to have 18 heroes in an army with the Krimson Killerz with the confident character trait, which provides +4 leadership to all units in the army, allowing for the Krimson Killerz to get a further +72 leadership to a total of 164 leadership without other buffs, allowing them to have to lose 82 leadership before being able to die, making them effectively invincible for a long period of time.
