Livery is a Bretonnia military recruitment building in Total War: Warhammer.
"Bretonnians ride to war on proud steeds generally looked after by a squire or stable boys in well-appointed liveries."
Background[ | ]
It says much about a nation where the horses of its nobles live in far more luxury than most of the populace. Of course, most peasants do not have to ride to war in heavy barding or face the terrors that the Knights of the Realm do when in battle. Perhaps, therefore, if given the choice a peasant wouldn't swap his lot with that of a horse. A strange quandary, admittedly, but one that has been asked during many a tavern chatter.
Effects[ | ]
- Unlocks hero recruitment: Paladin
- Unlocks recruitment of:
Building Chain[ | ]
- Tier I - Stables
- Tier II - Livery
- Tier III - Royal Stables
- Tier IV - Pegasus Aerie
- Tier V - Royal Menagerie
- Tier IV - Pegasus Aerie
- Tier III - Royal Stables
- Tier II - Livery