Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki
Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki

Icon wh main lore iceThe Lore of Ice is a lore of magic introduced in Total War: Warhammer III. It is unique to the Kislev Kislev race.

Lore Attribute[ | ]

Icon rarity common small Frost Shield[ | ]

Blades and arrows freeze solid in the bitter winds of ice magic that shield the warriors of Kislev.
Wh3 main lore passive frost shield Passive AbilityThis ability targets allies or self
Lore of Ice
Type Icon spell area of augmentsAugment (Area)
Target Self and Allies
Icon stat armour Armour +15
Icon stat missile block chance Missile Block Chance +12
Effect range Infinite
Duration 11 seconds
Affected units Affects allies in range(all)
Enabled if Casting
Ua arrow increase 1 Triggers when casting spell

Spells[ | ]

Icon rarity common small Ice Maiden's Kiss[ | ]

The numbing kiss of winter is enough to have hoarfrost crystalise on the skin, chilling any creature to the bone.
Wh3 main spell ice ice maidens kiss Spell
Lore of Ice
Cost 6 Winds
Type Icon spell breathBreath
Target Ground, All
Damage Per Second 18 (0%Modifier icon armour piercing) Modifier icon magical
Duration 2 seconds
Radius 12 metres
Movement Speed 20 metre per second
Contact Modifier icon frostbiteFrostbite!
Range 100 metres
Duration 2 seconds
Cooldown 30 seconds
Affects units if Grounded
Not on or below a platform
Ua arrow increase 1 Short, wide, expanding, tear-shaped attack

Icon rarity common small Ice Maiden's Kiss Upgraded[ | ]

The numbing kiss of winter is enough to have hoarfrost crystalise on the skin, chilling any creature to the bone.
Wh3 main spell ice ice maidens kiss Spell
Lore of Ice
Cost 10 Winds
Type Icon spell breathBreath
Target Ground, All
Damage Per Second 36 (0%Modifier icon armour piercing) Modifier icon magical
Duration 2 seconds
Radius 12 metres
Movement Speed 20 metre per second
Contact Modifier icon frostbiteFrostbite!
Range 100 metres
Duration 2 seconds
Cooldown 30 seconds
Miscast chance 50%
Affects units if Grounded
Not on or below a platform
Ua winds of magic upgraded icon Increased damage
Ua arrow increase 1 Short, wide, expanding, tear-shaped attack

Icon rarity common small Ice Sheet[ | ]

Such is the volume of snowfall that Kislev's enemies must wade through that the air itself becomes a near-opaque wall of ice no gaze can penetrate.
Wh3 main spell ice ice sheet SpellThis ability targets enemies
Lore of Ice
Cost 4 Winds
Type Icon spell area of hexesHex (Area)
Target Ground, Enemies
Icon stat speed Speed -25%
Icon stat speed Acceleration -25%
Icon stat speed Charge Speed -25%
Range 200 metres
Effect range 55 metres
Duration 21 seconds
Cooldown 27 seconds
Affected units Affected units: Affects enemies in range(all)
Affects units if Grounded

Ice Sheet does not have an overcast version.

Icon rarity uncommon small Frost Blades[ | ]

Crackling magical energy envelopes the unit's weapons, imbuing them with deadly new properties. Those impaled on these murderous blades will die in frozen agony.
Wh3 main spell ice frost blades SpellThis ability targets allies or self
Lore of Ice
Cost 7 Winds
Type Icon spell augmentAugment
Target Self or Ally
Imbuement Modifier icon magical Magical Attacks
Icon stat damage base Base Weapon Damage +25%
Modifier icon armour piercing Armour-Piercing Weapon Damage +25%
Icon stat attack Melee Attack +24
Range 200 metres
Duration 26 seconds
Cooldown 43 seconds
Affected units Affects allies in range(max: 1)

Icon rarity uncommon small Frost Blades Upgraded[ | ]

Crackling magical energy envelopes the unit's weapons, imbuing them with deadly new properties. Those impaled on these murderous blades will die in frozen agony.
Wh3 main spell ice frost blades SpellThis ability targets allies or self
Lore of Ice
Cost 10 Winds
Type Icon spell augmentAugment
Target Self or Ally
Imbuement Modifier icon magical Magical Attacks
Icon stat damage base Base Weapon Damage +50%
Modifier icon armour piercing Armour-Piercing Weapon Damage +50%
Icon stat attack Melee Attack +24
Range 200 metres
Duration 26 seconds
Cooldown 43 seconds
Miscast chance 50%
Affected units Affects allies in range(max: 1)
Ua winds of magic upgraded icon Greater effect on Icon stat damagemelee damage
Ua winds of magic upgraded icon Increased Modifier icon armour piercingarmour-piercing damage

Icon rarity uncommon small Death Frost[ | ]

Warriors shiver and shake in a wintry grasp until the piercing cold reaches their hearts and, finally, they move no more.
Wh3 main spell ice death frost SpellThis ability targets enemies
Lore of Ice
Cost 12 Winds
Type Icon spell direct damageDirect Damage
Target Single Enemy
Damage Per Second 33-67
Range 100 metres
Duration 20 seconds
Cooldown 38 seconds
Affected units Affects allies in range(max: 1)
Ua arrow increase 1 Causes damage to combatants
Ua arrow increase 1 Strong vs character

Icon rarity uncommon small Death Frost Upgraded[ | ]

Warriors shiver and shake in a wintry grasp until the piercing cold reaches their hearts and, finally, they move no more.
Wh3 main spell ice death frost SpellThis ability targets enemies
Lore of Ice
Cost 15 Winds
Type Icon spell direct damageDirect Damage
Target Single Enemy
Damage Per Second 33-67
Range 300 metres
Duration 20 seconds
Cooldown 38 seconds
Miscast chance 50%
Affected units Affects allies in range(max: 1)
Ua winds of magic upgraded icon Extended cast range
Ua arrow increase 1 Causes damage to combatants
Ua arrow increase 1 Strong vs character

Icon rarity rare small Crystal Sanctuary[ | ]

Constructs are woven from the ice itself, sheltering Kislev's courageous soldiers from the onslaught of their foes.
Wh3 main spell ice crystal sanctuary SpellThis ability targets allies or self
Lore of Ice
Cost 12 Winds
Type Icon spell augmentAugment
Target Self or Ally
Resistance ward save battle Damage Resistance +80%
Ua arrow decrease 1 Cannot move
Range 200 metres
Duration 35 seconds
Cooldown 50 seconds
Affected units Affects allies in range(max: 1)

Icon rarity rare small Crystal Sanctuary Upgraded[ | ]

Constructs are woven from the ice itself, sheltering Kislev's courageous soldiers from the onslaught of their foes.
Wh3 main spell ice crystal sanctuary SpellThis ability targets allies or self
Lore of Ice
Cost 22 Winds
Type Icon spell area of augmentsAugment (Area)
Target Self and Allies
Resistance ward save battle Damage Resistance +80%
Ua arrow decrease 1 Cannot move
Range 200 metres
Effect range 35 metres
Duration 35 seconds
Cooldown 50 seconds
Miscast chance 50%
Affected units Affected units: Affects allies in range(all)
Ua winds of magic upgraded icon Added effect area

Icon rarity rare small Heart of Winter[ | ]

At one with the frozen plains and snowy tundra of Kislev, wherever this one goes, they bring the icy heart of the Motherland with them.
Wh3 main spell ice heart of winter SpellThis ability targets enemies
Lore of Ice
Cost 24 Winds
Type Icon spell area of direct damageDirect Damage (Area)
Target Ground, Enemies
Heart of Winter I (8s)
Damage Per Second
Heart of Winter II (8s)
Damage Per Second
Icon stat speed Speed
Heart of Winter III (8s)
Damage Per Second
Icon stat speed Speed
Heart of Winter IV (8s)
Damage Per Second
Icon stat speed Speed
Range 100 metres
Effect range 30 metres
Duration 32 seconds
Cooldown 54 seconds
Affected units Affected units: Affects enemies in range(all)
Ua arrow increase 1 Strong vs 25 men unit or above

Icon rarity rare small Heart of Winter Upgraded[ | ]

At one with the frozen plains and snowy tundra of Kislev, wherever this one goes, they bring the icy heart of the Motherland with them.
Wh3 main spell ice heart of winter SpellThis ability targets enemies
Lore of Ice
Cost 28 Winds
Type Icon spell area of direct damageDirect Damage (Area)
Target Ground, Enemies
Heart of Winter Upgraded I (8s)
Damage Per Second
Heart of Winter Upgraded II (8s)
Damage Per Second
Icon stat speed Speed
Heart of Winter Upgraded III (8s)
Damage Per Second
Icon stat speed Speed
Heart of Winter Upgraded IV (8s)
Damage Per Second
Icon stat speed Speed
Range 100 metres
Effect range 30 metres
Duration 32 seconds
Cooldown 54 seconds
Miscast chance 50%
Affected units Affected units: Affects enemies in range(all)
Ua winds of magic upgraded icon Increased damage
Ua arrow increase 1 Strong vs 25 men unit or above

Units with the Lore of Ice[ | ]

Wh3 main dae daemon prince 256 Daemons of Chaos[ | ]

Unit Wh3 main lore passive frost shield Wh3 main spell ice ice maidens kiss Wh3 main spell ice ice sheet Wh3 main spell ice frost blades Wh3 main spell ice death frost Wh3 main spell ice crystal sanctuary Wh3 main spell ice heart of winter

Kislev Kislev[ | ]

Unit Wh3 main lore passive frost shield Wh3 main spell ice ice maidens kiss Wh3 main spell ice ice sheet Wh3 main spell ice frost blades Wh3 main spell ice death frost Wh3 main spell ice crystal sanctuary Wh3 main spell ice heart of winter

Tzeentch Tzeentch[ | ]

Unit Wh3 main lore passive frost shield Wh3 main spell ice ice maidens kiss Wh3 main spell ice ice sheet Wh3 main spell ice frost blades Wh3 main spell ice death frost Wh3 main spell ice crystal sanctuary Wh3 main spell ice heart of winter

(Formless Horror: Tzarina Katarin)

(Formless Horror: The Blue Scribes)

Warhost of the Apocalypse Warriors of Chaos[ | ]

Unit Wh3 main lore passive frost shield Wh3 main spell ice ice maidens kiss Wh3 main spell ice ice sheet Wh3 main spell ice frost blades Wh3 main spell ice death frost Wh3 main spell ice crystal sanctuary Wh3 main spell ice heart of winter

Strategy[ | ]

Stacking slowness debuffs is extremely effective for Kislev. Frostbite from the missiles of Ice Guard (Swords) or Ice Guard (Glaives) combined with Ice Sheet can reduce the targets speed by 78%. The enemy's speed can be further reduced by using Heart of Winter, Items such as Iron Ice Armour or the faction wide army ability The Bitterness of Winter which is gained by dedicating to Ursun.
