Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki
Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki

Icon wh main lore life The Lore of Life is a lore of of magic introduced in Total War: Warhammer.

Lore Attribute[ | ]

Icon rarity common small Life Bloom[ | ]

Even the simplest of spells can bring forth the full bloom of renewal, reinvigorating and healing the broken and bleeding.
Wh dlc05 spell life life bloom Passive AbilityThis ability targets allies or self
Lore of Life
Type Icon spell area of regenerationRegeneration (Area)
Target Self and Multiple Allies
Heal Per Second +0.20%
Effect range Infinite
Duration 4 seconds
Affected units Affects allies in range(all)
Enabled if Casting
Ua arrow increase 1 Triggers when casting spell
Ua arrow increase 1 Replenishes Icon stat health noframehit points of combatants

Spells[ | ]

Icon rarity common small Awakening of the Wood[ | ]

Trees live for thousands of years and have very long memories. When called to fight, centuries of pent-up wrath are unleashed.
Wh dlc05 spell life awakening of the wood Spell
Lore of Life
Cost 6 Winds
Type Icon spell explosionExplosion
Target Ground, All
Damage 19 (0%Modifier icon armour piercing) Modifier icon magical
Duration 1 second
Radius 15 metres
Contact Awakening of the Wood
Range 200 metres
Duration 2 seconds
Cooldown 31 seconds
Affects units if Grounded
Ua arrow increase 1 Large explosion area
Awakening of the Wood (12s)
Icon stat speed Speed: -45%

Awakening of the Wood does not have an overcast version.

Icon rarity common small Earth Blood[ | ]

The Wizard draws wholesome energies from the soil, imbuing companions with the natural resilience of the earth.
Wh dlc05 spell life earth blood SpellThis ability targets allies or self
Lore of Life
Cost 6 Winds
Type Icon spell area of regenerationRegeneration (Area)
Target Ground, Self or Single Ally (Initial Spell Target) and Three/Four Allies
Heal Per Second +0.80%
Range 200 metres
Effect range 35 metres
Duration 7 seconds
Cooldown 30 seconds
Affected units Affects allies in range(max: 4)
Affects units if Hit point replenishment cap not reached
Ua arrow increase 1 Replenishes Icon stat health noframehit points of combatants

Icon rarity common small Earth Blood Upgraded[ | ]

The Wizard draws wholesome energies from the soil, imbuing companions with the natural resilience of the earth.
Wh dlc05 spell life earth blood SpellThis ability targets allies or self
Lore of Life
Cost 11 Winds
Type Icon spell area of regenerationRegeneration (Area)
Target Ground, Self or Single Ally (Initial Spell Target) and Three/Four Allies
Heal Per Second +0.80%
Range 200 metres
Effect range 35 metres
Duration 14 seconds
Cooldown 30 seconds
Miscast chance 50%
Affected units Affects allies in range(max: 4)
Affects units if Hit point replenishment cap not reached
Ua winds of magic upgraded icon Extended effect duration
Ua arrow increase 1 Replenishes Icon stat health noframehit points of combatants

Icon rarity uncommon small Flesh to Stone[ | ]

This spell temporarily transforms allies' mortal flesh into unbreakable rock, increasing tenfold their resistance to attack.
Wh dlc05 spell life flesh to stone SpellThis ability targets allies or self
Lore of Life
Cost 8 Winds
Type Icon spell augmentAugment
Target Self or Single Ally
Resistance physical battle Physical Resistance +60%
Range 200 metres
Duration 19 seconds
Cooldown 43 seconds
Affected units Affects allies in range(max: 1)

Icon rarity uncommon small Flesh to Stone Upgraded[ | ]

This spell temporarily transforms allies' mortal flesh into unbreakable rock, increasing tenfold their resistance to attack.
Wh dlc05 spell life flesh to stone SpellThis ability targets allies or self
Lore of Life
Cost 14 Winds
Type Icon spell augmentAugment
Target Self or Single Ally
Resistance physical battle Physical Resistance +60%
Range 200 metres
Duration 38 seconds
Cooldown 43 seconds
Miscast chance 50%
Affected units Affects allies in range(max: 1)
Ua winds of magic upgraded icon Extended effect duration

Icon rarity uncommon small Shield of Thorns[ | ]

Prickly gorse bursts from the ground around the caster's allies, protecting them from attack like a spiky, living shield.
Wh dlc05 spell life shield of thorns SpellThis ability targets allies or self
Lore of Life
Cost 7 Winds
Type Icon spell augmentAugment
Target Self or Single Ally
Icon stat damage reflection Melee Damage Reflection +14
Range 200 metres
Duration 30 seconds
Cooldown 44 seconds
Affected units Affects allies in range(max: 1)
Ua arrow increase 1 Reflects melee damage dealt to unit back at the attacker

Icon rarity uncommon small Shield of Thorns Upgraded[ | ]

Prickly gorse bursts from the ground around the caster's allies, protecting them from attack like a spiky, living shield.
Wh dlc05 spell life shield of thorns SpellThis ability targets allies or self
Lore of Life
Cost 10 Winds
Type Icon spell augmentAugment
Target Self or Single Ally
Icon stat damage reflection Melee Damage Reflection +28
Range 200 metres
Duration 30 seconds
Cooldown 44 seconds
Miscast chance 50%
Affected units Affects allies in range(max: 1)
Ua winds of magic upgraded icon Greater effect on Icon stat damagemelee damage
Ua winds of magic upgraded icon Increased melee damage reflection

Ua arrow increase 1 Reflects melee damage dealt to unit back at the attacker

Icon rarity rare small Regrowth[ | ]

By speaking Druthandor's name the Wizard is able to heal allies' injuries much faster than by natural means.
Wh dlc05 spell life regrowth SpellThis ability targets allies or self
Lore of Life
Cost 13 Winds
Type Icon spell regenerationRegeneration
Target Self or Single Ally
Heal Per Second +0.80%
Icon status fatigue 24px Vigour per second -1%
Range 200 metres
Duration 26 seconds
Cooldown 48 seconds
Affected units Affects allies in range(max: 1)
Affects units if Hit point replenishment cap not reached
Ua arrow increase 1 Replenishes Icon stat health noframehit points of combatants

Icon rarity rare small Regrowth Upgraded[ | ]

By speaking Druthandor's name the Wizard is able to heal allies' injuries much faster than by natural means.
Wh dlc05 spell life regrowth SpellThis ability targets allies or self
Lore of Life
Cost 18 Winds
Type Icon spell regenerationRegeneration
Target Self or Single Ally
Heal Per Second +1.20%
Icon status fatigue 24px Vigour per second -1%
Range 200 metres
Duration 26 seconds
Cooldown 48 seconds
Miscast chance 50%
Affected units Affects allies in range(max: 1)
Affects units if Hit point replenishment cap not reached
Ua winds of magic upgraded icon Greater effect on Icon stat health noframereplenishment
Ua arrow increase 1 Replenishes Icon stat health noframehit points of combatants

Icon rarity rare small The Dwellers Below[ | ]

This spell causes gnarled, fibrous hands to emerge from beneath the ground, dragging the foe to a claustrophobic, suffocating end.
Wh dlc05 spell life the dwellers below Spell
Lore of Life
Cost 20 Winds
Type Icon spell vortexVortex
Target Ground, All
Number of projectiles
Damage Per Second
4 (100%Modifier icon armour piercing) Modifier icon magical
Duration 15 seconds
Radius 20 metres
Contact Dwellers Below
Range 200 metres
Duration 15 seconds
Cooldown 45 seconds
Affects units if Grounded
Not on or below a platform
Ua arrow increase 1 Causes severe damage to combatants
Ua arrow increase 1 Multiple, expanding areas of effect
Ua arrow increase 1 Strong vs multiple combatants

Ua arrow decrease 1 Weak vs a single combatant
Dwellers Below (5s)
Icon stat speed Speed: -25%

Icon rarity rare small The Dwellers Below Upgraded[ | ]

This spell causes gnarled, fibrous hands to emerge from beneath the ground, dragging the foe to a claustrophobic, suffocating end.
Wh dlc05 spell life the dwellers below Spell
Lore of Life
Cost 24 Winds
Type Icon spell vortexVortex
Target Ground, All
Number of projectiles
Damage Per Second
6 (100%Modifier icon armour piercing) Modifier icon magical
Duration 15 seconds
Radius 20 metres
Contact Dwellers Below
Range 200 metres
Duration 15 seconds
Cooldown 45 seconds
Miscast chance 50%
Affects units if Grounded
Not on or below a platform
Ua winds of magic upgraded icon Greater effect on Icon stat speedspeed
Ua winds of magic upgraded icon Spawns additional areas of effect

Ua arrow increase 1 Causes severe damage to combatants
Ua arrow increase 1 Multiple, expanding areas of effect
Ua arrow increase 1 Strong vs multiple combatants

Ua arrow decrease 1 Weak vs a single combatant
Dwellers Below (5s)
Icon stat speed Speed: -50%

Units with the Lore of Life[ | ]

Couronne Bretonnia[ | ]

Unit Wh dlc05 spell life life bloom Wh dlc05 spell life awakening of the wood Wh dlc05 spell life earth blood Wh dlc05 spell life shield of thorns Wh dlc05 spell life flesh to stone Wh dlc05 spell life regrowth Wh dlc05 spell life the dwellers below

Wh3 main dae daemon prince 256 Daemons of Chaos[ | ]

Unit Wh dlc05 spell life life bloom Wh dlc05 spell life awakening of the wood Wh dlc05 spell life earth blood Wh dlc05 spell life shield of thorns Wh dlc05 spell life flesh to stone Wh dlc05 spell life regrowth Wh dlc05 spell life the dwellers below

Grand Cathay Grand Cathay[ | ]

Unit Wh dlc05 spell life life bloom Wh dlc05 spell life awakening of the wood Wh dlc05 spell life earth blood Wh dlc05 spell life shield of thorns Wh dlc05 spell life flesh to stone Wh dlc05 spell life regrowth Wh dlc05 spell life the dwellers below
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High Elves High Elves[ | ]

Unit Wh dlc05 spell life life bloom Wh dlc05 spell life awakening of the wood Wh dlc05 spell life earth blood Wh dlc05 spell life shield of thorns Wh dlc05 spell life flesh to stone Wh dlc05 spell life regrowth Wh dlc05 spell life the dwellers below
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Lizardmen Lizardmen[ | ]

Unit Wh dlc05 spell life life bloom Wh dlc05 spell life awakening of the wood Wh dlc05 spell life earth blood Wh dlc05 spell life shield of thorns Wh dlc05 spell life flesh to stone Wh dlc05 spell life regrowth Wh dlc05 spell life the dwellers below
🗙 🗙 🗙 🗙 🗙

Reikland The Empire[ | ]

Unit Wh dlc05 spell life life bloom Wh dlc05 spell life awakening of the wood Wh dlc05 spell life earth blood Wh dlc05 spell life shield of thorns Wh dlc05 spell life flesh to stone Wh dlc05 spell life regrowth Wh dlc05 spell life the dwellers below

Tzeentch Tzeentch[ | ]

Unit Wh dlc05 spell life life bloom Wh dlc05 spell life awakening of the wood Wh dlc05 spell life earth blood Wh dlc05 spell life shield of thorns Wh dlc05 spell life flesh to stone Wh dlc05 spell life regrowth Wh dlc05 spell life the dwellers below
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(Formless Horror: Fay Enchantress)

(Formless Horror: Alarielle the Radiant)
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(Formless Horror: Teclis)
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(Formless Horror: Miao Ying, the Storm Dragon)
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(Formless Horror: Ariel)
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(Formless Horror: The Blue Scribes)

Warhost of the Apocalypse Warriors of Chaos[ | ]

Unit Wh dlc05 spell life life bloom Wh dlc05 spell life awakening of the wood Wh dlc05 spell life earth blood Wh dlc05 spell life shield of thorns Wh dlc05 spell life flesh to stone Wh dlc05 spell life regrowth Wh dlc05 spell life the dwellers below

Talsyn Wood Elves[ | ]

Unit Wh dlc05 spell life life bloom Wh dlc05 spell life awakening of the wood Wh dlc05 spell life earth blood Wh dlc05 spell life shield of thorns Wh dlc05 spell life flesh to stone Wh dlc05 spell life regrowth Wh dlc05 spell life the dwellers below
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Bound spells[ | ]

Unit abilities[ | ]

Grand Cathay:

Strategy[ | ]

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The Lore of Life is the most defensive and support oriented lore of magic. The passive is good for mapwide healing whenever a spell is cast. Generally useful if you have a more defensive build or if your units are generally more quality over quantity, but you can't really go wrong with mapwide healing. Notably, it heal units regardless of if their Leadership is broken or not, which can help bring a unit back from routing.

  • Awakening of the Wood is a weak explosion spell, but cheap and useful for triggering the passive. It has a large radius and reduces the enemy's speed by a good amount, which can be useful for slowing down retreating units. Best used on clumps of enemies.
  • Earth Blood is a solid healing spell, best used to keep elite or valuable units alive. Notably it does not resurrect models, so if a unit has taken damage and has lost many models there is only so much healing that can be done as each entity has a maximum health.
  • Shield of Thorns is a good way of boosting the damage output of units that will likely be hit often in combat, without normally dealing much damage back (such as Peasant Mob, Spearmen, or Peasant Long Spearmen). Particularly effective against elite units, as the reflected damage bypasses all armour and most resistances.
  • Flesh to Stone is a strong boost to a single unit's defences against nonmagical attacks. It is somewhat niche, and often overshadowed by the healing spells of the Lore, but not taking damage in the first place is arguably better than healing damage already taken. The spell is particularly useful against units with high armour-piercing damage.
  • Regrowth is a powerful healing spell that also refreshes the vigour of a unit, putting them at full energy. As it does not resurrect models and only targets a single unit, it is especially useful on elite cavalry, characters or single-entity monsters.
  • Finally, The Dwellers Below is a stationary Vortex spell that camouflages itself as a Direct Damage spell. It deals little damage, but it applies the Contact Effect "Dwellers Below", which deals respectable damage per second and slows the enemy down. Very good at clearing out blobs of infantry, but unlike most other Vortex spells, it also deals non-negligible damage to monstrous infantry.

See also[ | ]

  • Regeneration, for specific abilities that restore the health of a targeted unit.
  • Replenishment, for recovery of lost units after a battle or attrition in the campaign map.