Lore of Light is one of the more versatile lores in the game, with several kinds of augments and damage spells and a very useful hex.
Shem's Burning Gaze is a decent missile spell, best used for whittling down large targets or sniping characters, as well as triggering the lore passive.
Pha's Protection is another good spell for protecting units from heavy damage. Melee defense is one of the most important stats in the game and +35 melee defense is an absurd amount, doubling most unit's melee defense.
Net of Amyntok is the single most reliable means of completely stopping an enemy in their tracks. Other characters abilities and spells can slow an enemy, but won't fully stop them. Net an enemy lord and snipe them with missiles or charge them with your lord, stop heavy cav before it shocks your archers, giving time to reposition or counter charge.
Light of Battle simply imbues unbreakable in an area for 22 seconds. Overcast boosts the duration to 44 seconds. It is quite niche.
Birona's Timewarp is a strong spell for aggressive bursts of intense fighting. Save it for key engagements.
Banishment is a strong vortex spell that will destroy blobs of infantry. Beware its random nature.
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With the release of Total War: Warhammer III, this is now the least available of the eight standard lores of magic. It is available to generic casters from just four factions.