Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki
The cloying, asphyxiating spells of seduction and ecstasy which colours the magic of the Dark Prince. His lore offers a wide array of hexes to weaken the enemy and rob them of the will to fight.

Icon wh main lore slaaneshThe Lore of Slaanesh is a lore of magic introduced in Total War: Warhammer III.

Lore Attribute[ | ]

Icon rarity common small Blissful Rapture[ | ]

Whipped into a frenzy of ecstatic euphoria, all before the spellcaster are made oblivious to pain and defeat, driving them to even greater slaughter in Slaanesh's precious name.
Wh3 main lore passive blissful rapture Passive AbilityThis ability targets allies or self
Lore of Slaanesh
Type Icon spell area of augmentsAugment (Area)
Target Self, Allies
Icon stat attack Melee Attack +12
Icon stat morale Leadership +4
Effect range Infinite
Duration 10 seconds
Affected units Affects allies in range(all)
Enabled if Casting
Ua arrow increase 1 Triggers when casting spell

Spells[ | ]

Icon rarity common small Lash of Slaanesh[ | ]

The exquisite kiss of the Dark Prince's three-tailed whip strikes the enemy with a delicious fury.
Wh3 main spell slaanesh lash of slaanesh Spell
Lore of Slaanesh
Cost 6 Winds
Type Icon spell breathBreath
Target Ground, All
Damage Per Second 12 (100%Modifier icon armour piercing) Modifier icon magical
Radius 12 metres
Movement Speed 80 metre per second
Range 100 metres
Duration 6 seconds
Cooldown 30 seconds
Ua arrow increase 1 Expanding tear-shaped attack

Icon rarity common small Lash of Slaanesh Upgraded[ | ]

The exquisite kiss of the Dark Prince's three-tailed whip strikes the enemy with a delicious fury.
Wh3 main spell slaanesh lash of slaanesh Spell
Lore of Slaanesh
Cost 9 Winds
Type Icon spell breathBreath
Target Ground, All
Damage Per Second 24 (100%Modifier icon armour piercing) Modifier icon magical
Radius 12 metres
Movement Speed 80 metre per second
Range 100 metres
Duration 6 seconds
Cooldown 30 seconds
Miscast chance 50%
Ua winds of magic upgraded icon Increased Modifier icon armour piercing rangedarmour-piercing damage
Ua arrow increase 1 Expanding tear-shaped attack

Icon rarity common small Acquiescence[ | ]

The spellcaster's corrupting touch puts their victims into a blissful, euphoric state for a short time, rendering them little able to move, let alone defend themselves.
Wh3 main spell slaanesh acquiescence SpellThis ability targets enemies
Lore of Slaanesh
Cost 6 Winds
Type Icon spell hexHex
Target Enemy
Icon stat speed Speed -25%
Icon stat defence Melee Defence -24
Range 200 metres
Duration 25 seconds
Cooldown 29 seconds
Affected units Affects enemies in range(max: 1)

Icon rarity common small Acquiescence Upgraded[ | ]

The spellcaster's corrupting touch puts their victims into a blissful, euphoric state for a short time, rendering them little able to move, let alone defend themselves.
Wh3 main spell slaanesh acquiescence SpellThis ability targets enemies
Lore of Slaanesh
Cost 8 Winds
Type Icon spell hexHex
Target Enemy
Icon stat speed Speed -45%
Icon stat defence Melee Defence -24
Range 200 metres
Duration 25 seconds
Cooldown 29 seconds
Miscast chance 50%
Affected units Affects enemies in range(max: 1)
Ua winds of magic upgraded icon Greater effect on Icon stat speedspeed

Icon rarity uncommon small Pavane of Slaanesh[ | ]

Whistling one of Slaanesh’s perverse darkling dances causes the foe's bones to jerk spasmodically until they break.
Wh3 main spell slaanesh pavane of slaanesh SpellThis ability targets enemies
Lore of Slaanesh
Cost 12 Winds
Type Icon spell direct damageDirect Damage
Target Enemy
Damage Per Second 62-125
Icon status fatigue 24px Vigour per second +2%
Rampage Rampage!
Range 100 metres
Duration 17 seconds
Cooldown 38 seconds
Affected units Affects enemies in range(max: 1)
Ua arrow increase 1 Causes damage to combatants
Ua arrow increase 1 Strong vs 25 men unit or above

Icon rarity uncommon small Pavane of Slaanesh Upgraded[ | ]

Whistling one of Slaanesh’s perverse darkling dances causes the foe's bones to jerk spasmodically until they break.
Wh3 main spell slaanesh pavane of slaanesh SpellThis ability targets enemies
Lore of Slaanesh
Cost 22 Winds
Type Icon spell direct damageDirect Damage
Target Enemy
Damage Per Second 62-125
Icon status fatigue 24px Vigour per second +2%
Rampage Rampage!
Range 100 metres
Duration 34 seconds
Cooldown 38 seconds
Miscast chance 50%
Affected units Affects enemies in range(max: 1)
Ua winds of magic upgraded icon Extended effect duration
Ua arrow increase 1 Causes damage to combatants
Ua arrow increase 1 Strong vs 25 men unit or above

Icon rarity uncommon small Hysterical Frenzy[ | ]

The caster's victims are engulfed by a torrent of unreasoning emotion, excruciating pain and blissful rapture, causing them to embark on a riotous, clawing rampage.
Wh3 main spell slaanesh hysterical frenzy SpellThis ability targets allies or self
Lore of Slaanesh
Cost 8 Winds
Type Icon spell augmentAugment
Target Self, Ally
Modifier icon armour piercing Armour-Piercing Weapon Damage +25%
Icon stat attack Melee Attack +40
Range 200 metres
Duration 22 seconds
Cooldown 43 seconds
Affected units Affected units: Affects allies in range(max: 1)

Icon rarity uncommon small Hysterical Frenzy Upgraded[ | ]

The caster's victims are engulfed by a torrent of unreasoning emotion, excruciating pain and blissful rapture, causing them to embark on a riotous, clawing rampage.
Wh3 main spell slaanesh hysterical frenzy SpellThis ability targets allies or self
Lore of Slaanesh
Cost 12 Winds
Type Icon spell augmentAugment
Target Self, Ally
Modifier icon armour piercing Armour-Piercing Weapon Damage +25%
Icon stat attack Melee Attack +40
Range 200 metres
Duration 44 seconds
Cooldown 43 seconds
Miscast chance 50%
Affected units Affects allies in range(max: 1)
Ua winds of magic upgraded icon Extended effect duration

Icon rarity rare small Slicing Shards[ | ]

A mirror forms in the sky only to be shattered into a myriad of deadly shards that lacerate the enemy below.
Wh3 main spell slaanesh slicing shards SpellThis ability targets enemies
Lore of Slaanesh
Cost 12 Winds
Type Icon spell bombardmentBombardment
Target Ground, Enemies
Ranged Damage 80 (100%Modifier icon armour piercing ranged) Modifier icon magical
Explosive Damage 60 (100%Icon stat explosive armour piercing damage)
Range 200 metres
Duration 9 seconds
Cooldown 48 seconds
Ua arrow increase 1 Large strike area

Icon rarity rare small Slicing Shards Upgraded[ | ]

A mirror forms in the sky only to be shattered into a myriad of deadly shards that lacerate the enemy below.
Wh3 main spell slaanesh slicing shards SpellThis ability targets enemies
Lore of Slaanesh
Cost 18 Winds
Type Icon spell bombardmentBombardment
Target Ground, Enemies
Ranged Damage 120 (100%Modifier icon armour piercing ranged) Modifier icon magical
Explosive Damage 90 (100%Icon stat explosive armour piercing damage)
Range 200 metres
Duration 9 seconds
Cooldown 48 seconds
Miscast chance 50%
Ua winds of magic upgraded icon Increased Modifier icon armour piercing rangedarmour-piercing damage
Ua arrow increase 1 Large strike area

Icon rarity rare small Phantasmagoria[ | ]

A complex sigil is performed, transfixing the enemy with a shifting array of hallucinatory images that disjoint and befuddle, inviting their deaths.
Wh3 main spell slaanesh phantasmagoria SpellThis ability targets enemies
Lore of Slaanesh
Cost 14 Winds
Type Icon spell area of hexesHex (Area)
Target Ground, Enemies
Icon stat morale Leadership -16
Ua arrow decrease 1 Cannot move
Range 100 metres
Effect range 35 metres
Duration 11 seconds
Cooldown 54 seconds
Affected units Affected units: Affects enemies in range(all)

Icon rarity rare small Phantasmagoria Upgraded[ | ]

A complex sigil is performed, transfixing the enemy with a shifting array of hallucinatory images that disjoint and befuddle, inviting their deaths.
Wh3 main spell slaanesh phantasmagoria SpellThis ability targets enemies
Lore of Slaanesh
Cost 22 Winds
Type Icon spell area of hexesHex (Area)
Target Ground, Enemies
Icon stat morale Leadership -16
Ua arrow decrease 1 Cannot move
Range 100 metres
Effect range 35 metres
Duration 22 seconds
Cooldown 54 seconds
Miscast chance 50%
Affected units Affected units: Affects enemies in range(all)
Ua winds of magic upgraded icon Extended effect duration

Units with the Lore of Slaanesh[ | ]

Wh3 main dae daemon prince 256 Daemons of Chaos[ | ]

Unit Wh3 main lore passive blissful rapture Wh3 main spell slaanesh lash of slaanesh Wh3 main spell slaanesh acquiescence Wh3 main spell slaanesh pavane of slaanesh Wh3 main spell slaanesh hysterical frenzy Wh3 main spell slaanesh slicing shards Wh3 main spell slaanesh phantasmagoria

World Walkers Norsca[ | ]

Unit Wh3 main lore passive blissful rapture Wh3 main spell slaanesh lash of slaanesh Wh3 main spell slaanesh acquiescence Wh3 main spell slaanesh pavane of slaanesh Wh3 main spell slaanesh hysterical frenzy Wh3 main spell slaanesh slicing shards Wh3 main spell slaanesh phantasmagoria


Slaanesh Slaanesh[ | ]

Unit Wh3 main lore passive blissful rapture Wh3 main spell slaanesh lash of slaanesh Wh3 main spell slaanesh acquiescence Wh3 main spell slaanesh pavane of slaanesh Wh3 main spell slaanesh hysterical frenzy Wh3 main spell slaanesh slicing shards Wh3 main spell slaanesh phantasmagoria
🗙 🗙 🗙

Tzeentch Tzeentch[ | ]

Unit Wh3 main lore passive blissful rapture Wh3 main spell slaanesh lash of slaanesh Wh3 main spell slaanesh acquiescence Wh3 main spell slaanesh pavane of slaanesh Wh3 main spell slaanesh hysterical frenzy Wh3 main spell slaanesh slicing shards Wh3 main spell slaanesh phantasmagoria

(Formless Horror: Azazel)

(Formless Horror: N'Kari)

(Formless Horror: The Blue Scribes)

Warhost of the Apocalypse Warriors of Chaos[ | ]

Unit Wh3 main lore passive blissful rapture Wh3 main spell slaanesh lash of slaanesh Wh3 main spell slaanesh acquiescence Wh3 main spell slaanesh pavane of slaanesh Wh3 main spell slaanesh hysterical frenzy Wh3 main spell slaanesh slicing shards Wh3 main spell slaanesh phantasmagoria
🗙 🗙 🗙

Bound Spells[ | ]

Units with Bound Spells[ | ]

Spell Race Unit Notes
Wh3 main dae daemon prince 256 Daemons of Chaos
Slaanesh Slaanesh
Warhost of the Apocalypse Warriors of Chaos
Wh3 main dae daemon prince 256 Daemons of Chaos
Slaanesh Slaanesh
Warhost of the Apocalypse Warriors of Chaos
Wh3 main dae daemon prince 256 Daemons of Chaos
Slaanesh Slaanesh
Warhost of the Apocalypse Warriors of Chaos

Items with Bound Spells[ | ]

Spell Item Type Race Faction Source Notes
Wh main anc weaponWeapon Wh3 main dae daemon prince 256 Daemons of Chaos All Random Drop
Slaanesh Slaanesh All Random Drop

Mechanics that give Bound Spells[ | ]

Spell Mechanic Mechanic Specific Effect Race Unit
Boons of Chaos Favoured of Slaanesh Wh3 main spell slaanesh lash of slaanesh Bound spell: "Lash of Slaanesh" Warhost of the Apocalypse Warriors of Chaos
Slicing Shards
Slicing Shards
Boons of Chaos Favoured of Slaanesh Wh3 main spell slaanesh slicing shards Bound spell: "Slicing Shards" Warhost of the Apocalypse Warriors of Chaos

Technologies that give Bound Spells[ | ]

Spell Technology Race Unit
Pavane of Slaanesh
Pavane of Slaanesh
Slaanesh Slaanesh
Hysterical Frenzy
Hysterical Frenzy
Slaanesh Slaanesh
Slicing Shards
Slicing Shards
Slaanesh Slaanesh
Slaanesh Slaanesh

Strategy[ | ]

The Lore of Slaanesh focuses on inflicting mental and speed debuffs on the enemy, synergising with the Soulscent ability many Slaanesh units have and emphasising their ability to control the battlefield with superior movement.

Lash of Slaanesh is a fine basic damage spell, great used along a long front line to help your melee core out. Acquiescence is good to keep in reserve for over-confident duelist SEs seeking out your lords and sorcerors, or to break an elite infantry unit which might otherwise cause you problems. Pavane of Slaanesh needs to be more carefully used than a generic DoT spell, since Rampage can help your opponent out in certain circumstances. It is best used on elite ranged units to force them into melee. Hysterical Frenzy is very nice on your human melee units, who generally lack armor-piercing. Slicing Shards can do a lot of damage but has a frustratingly long wind-up speed, allowing opponents you haven't trapped or slowed down to avoid it easily. Finally Phantasmorgia is a very interesting spell - a huge leadership debuff coupled with a netting effect. This is the perfect synergy for a Soulscent, Fear-causing unit, basically ensuring an enemy unit will break but then won't be able to run away, ensuring they'll get eaten alive. Be sure that you use the two in tandem.

Strategically, Slaanesh has access to two Lores: Slaanesh and Shadows. Shadows is a fine lore with better damage spells than Slaanesh, but Slaanesh has the better synergies. There's no obvious right choice, but if you're unconfident in your ability then Shadows is probably the better choice, but Slaanesh's own lore has a higher ceiling of effectiveness.
