Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki

Icon wh main lore tempestThe Lore of Tempest is a lore of magic introduced in Total War: Warhammer III. It is unique to the Kislev Kislev race.

Lore Attribute[ | ]

Icon rarity common small Freezing Winds[ | ]

A cold squall quickly escalates into a freezing gale which slows the enemy's movement across the battlefield.
Wh3 main lore passive freezing winds large Passive AbilityThis ability targets enemies

Lore of Tempest

Type Icon spell area of hexesHex (Area)
Target Enemies
Icon stat speed Speed -25%
Effect range Map-wide
Duration 12 seconds
Affected units Affects enemies in range(all)
Enabled if Casting
Ua arrow increase 1 Triggers when casting spell

Spells[ | ]

Icon rarity common small Hailstorm[ | ]

A deluge of lacerating, fist-sized shards of ice falls from the sky, battering the foe into submission.
Wh3 main spell tempest hailstorm SpellThis ability targets enemies
Lore of Tempest
Cost 6 Winds
9 Winds (Overcast)
Type Icon spell bombardmentBombardment
Target Ground, Enemies
Ranged Damage 36 (33%Modifier icon armour piercing ranged) Modifier icon magical
Explosive Damage 30 (100%Icon Stat Explosive Armour Piercing Damage)
Range 200 metres
Duration 9 seconds
15 seconds (Overcast)
Cooldown 30 seconds
Miscast chance 50% (Overcast)
Ua winds of magic upgraded icon Extended effect duration
Ua winds of magic upgraded icon Increased number of missiles
Ua arrow increase 1 Medium strike area

Icon rarity common small Gust of True Flight[ | ]

Projectiles of all kinds can be fired faster and further, as if guided by a sentient essence deep within.
Wh3 main spell tempest gust of true flight SpellThis ability targets allies or self
Lore of Tempest
Cost 4 Winds
8 Winds (Overcast)
Type Icon spell augmentAugment
Icon spell area of augmentsAugment (Area) (Overcast)
Target Self, Ally
Allies (Overcast)
Icon stat range Range +30%
Icon stat range Accuracy +30
Range 200 metres
Effect range (Overcast) 35 metres (Overcast)
Duration 36 seconds
Cooldown 28 seconds
Miscast chance 50% (Overcast)
Affected units Affects allies in range(max: 1)
Affects allies in range(all) (Overcast)
Affects units if Missile attack possible
Ua winds of magic upgraded icon Increased effect area

Icon rarity uncommon small Swiftwing[ | ]

The spellcaster and their allies become a blur of cyan energy which darts through the air at incredible speed before coalescing back into their natural form.
Wh3 main spell tempest swiftwing SpellThis ability targets allies or self
Lore of Tempest
Cost 6 Winds
9 Winds (Overcast)
Type Icon spell area of augmentsAugment (Area)
Target Self, Allies
Icon stat charge bonus Charge Bonus +40%
Icon stat speed Speed +25%
Range 200 metres
Effect range 35 metres
55 metres (Overcast)
Duration 26 seconds
Cooldown 44 seconds
Miscast chance 50% (Overcast)
Affected units Affects allies in range(all)
Ua winds of magic upgraded icon Increased effect area

Icon rarity uncommon small Biting Wind[ | ]

The Winds of Magic are gathered into a mighty, freezing gale that slashes at the enemy with icy shards.
Wh3 main spell tempest biting wind Spell
Lore of Tempest
Cost 12 Winds
17 Winds (Overcast)
Type Icon spell windWind
Target Ground, All
Damage Per Second 26 (30%Modifier icon armour piercing) Modifier icon magical
36 (50%Modifier icon armour piercing) Modifier icon magical (Overcast)
Duration 8 seconds
Radius 8 metres
Movement Speed 20m/s
Range 150 metres
Duration 11 seconds
Cooldown 39 seconds
Miscast chance 50% (Overcast)
Ua winds of magic upgraded icon Increased Modifier icon armour piercingarmour-piercing damage
Ua arrow increase 1 Expanding, foward-moving area of effect

Icon rarity rare small Hawks of Miska[ | ]

The spellcaster summons frozen spirits of fear, hatred, and dread, that loose fearful cries, tormenting all others who bear witness.
Wh3 main spell tempest hawks of miska Spell
Lore of Tempest
Cost 13 Winds
17 Winds (Overcast)
Type Icon spell vortexVortex
Target Ground, All
Damage Per Second 6 (0%Modifier icon armour piercing) Modifier icon magical
9 (0%Modifier icon armour piercing) Modifier icon magical (Overcast)
Duration 20 seconds
Radius 15 metres
Movement Speed 4m/s
Contact Modifier icon overhead moraleDiscouraged!
Range 150 metres
Duration 21 seconds
Cooldown 49 seconds
Miscast chance 50% (Overcast)
Ua winds of magic upgraded icon Increased damage
Ua arrow increase 1 Explosion does not affect friendly troops

Icon rarity rare small Blizzard[ | ]

Snow and ice rise from the land, freezing and blinding any and all in their path with an unnatural cold.
Wh3 main spell tempest blizzard Spell
Lore of Tempest
Cost 18 Winds
26 Winds (Overcast)
Type Icon spell vortexVortex
Target Ground, All
Damage Per Second 4 (100%Modifier icon armour piercing) Modifier icon magical
8 (100%Modifier icon armour piercing) Modifier icon magical (Overcast)
Duration 15 seconds
Radius 20 metres
Contact Modifier icon frostbiteFrostbite!
Range 200 metres
Duration 18 seconds
Cooldown 54 seconds
Miscast chance 50% (Overcast)
Ua winds of magic upgraded icon Increased damage
Ua winds of magic upgraded icon Increased Modifier icon armour piercingarmour-piercing damage
Ua arrow increase 1 Large explosion area
Modifier icon frostbiteFrostbite! (10s)
Icon stat speedSpeed: -30%

Units[ | ]

Wh3 main dae daemon prince 256 Daemons of Chaos[ | ]

Unit Wh3 main lore passive freezing winds large Wh3 main spell tempest hailstorm Wh3 main spell tempest gust of true flight Wh3 main spell tempest swiftwing Wh3 main spell tempest biting wind Wh3 main spell tempest hawks of miska Wh3 main spell tempest blizzard

Kislev Kislev[ | ]

Unit Wh3 main lore passive freezing winds large Wh3 main spell tempest hailstorm Wh3 main spell tempest gust of true flight Wh3 main spell tempest swiftwing Wh3 main spell tempest biting wind Wh3 main spell tempest hawks of miska Wh3 main spell tempest blizzard

Tzeentch Tzeentch[ | ]

Unit Wh3 main lore passive freezing winds large Wh3 main spell tempest hailstorm Wh3 main spell tempest gust of true flight Wh3 main spell tempest swiftwing Wh3 main spell tempest biting wind Wh3 main spell tempest hawks of miska Wh3 main spell tempest blizzard

(Formless Horror: The Blue Scribes)

Warhost of the Apocalypse Warriors of Chaos[ | ]

Unit Wh3 main lore passive freezing winds large Wh3 main spell tempest hailstorm Wh3 main spell tempest gust of true flight Wh3 main spell tempest swiftwing Wh3 main spell tempest biting wind Wh3 main spell tempest hawks of miska Wh3 main spell tempest blizzard