Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki

Icon wh main lore deepsThe Lore of the Deep is a lore of magic introduced in Total War: Warhammer II with the Curse of the Vampire Coast DLC. It is unique to the Vampire Coast Vampire Coast race.

Lore attribute[ | ]

Icon rarity common small Kiss of the Deep[ | ]

No matter how far away, none can escape the Kiss of the Deep, nor breathe again with lungs full of seawater.
Wh2 dlc11 lore passive kiss of the deep Passive AbilityThis ability targets enemies
Lore of the Deep
Type Icon spell area of hexesHex (Area)
Target Enemies
Damage Per Second 8-16
Effect range Map-wide
Duration 4 seconds
Affected units Affects enemies in range(all)
Enabled if Casting
Ua arrow increase 1 Triggers when casting spell
Ua arrow increase 1 Causes damage to combatants
Ua arrow increase 1 Strong vs character

Spells[ | ]

Icon rarity common small Spiteful Shot[ | ]

Sheer, undiluted spite sharpens the dead eye further.
Wh2 dlc11 spell deep spiteful shot SpellThis ability targets allies or self
Lore of the Deep
Cost 4 Winds
6 Winds (Overcast)
Type Icon spell augmentAugment
Target Self, Ally
Imbuement Modifier icon magical Magical Attacks
Icon stat range Accuracy +90
Range 200 metres
Duration 36 seconds
72 seconds (Overcast)
Cooldown 28 seconds
Miscast chance 50% (Overcast)
Affected units Affects allies in range(max: 1)
Affects units if Missile attack possible
Ua winds of magic upgraded icon Extended effect duration

Icon rarity common small Tidecall[ | ]

The sea is summoned, and a great tide coalesces upon the battlefield to drench all those that oppose the caster.
Wh2 dlc11 spell deep tidecall Spell
Lore of the Deep
Cost 5 Winds
8 Winds (Overcast)
Type Icon spell breathBreath
Target Ground, All
Damage Per Second 20 (0%Modifier icon armour piercing) Modifier icon magical
30 (33%Modifier icon armour piercing) Modifier icon magical (Overcast)
Duration 2 seconds
Radius 12 metres
Movement Speed 24m/s
Contact Tidecall
Range 100 metres
Duration 2 seconds
Cooldown 32 seconds
Miscast chance 50% (Overcast)
Affects units if Grounded
Ua winds of magic upgraded icon Increased Modifier icon armour piercing rangedarmour-piercing damage
Ua arrow increase 1 Expanding, tear-shaped attack
Tidecall (10s)
Icon stat speed Speed: -25%

Icon rarity uncommon small Denizens of the Deep[ | ]

Some things should never rise above the waves or be seen by mortal eyes.
Wh2 dlc11 spell deep denizens of the deep Spell
Lore of the Deep
Cost 12 Winds
Type Icon spell augmentSummon Unit
Uses 2
Target Ground
Range 50 metres
Duration 3 seconds
Cooldown 43 seconds
Affected units Affects allies in range(max: 1)
Ua arrow increase 1 Summons a unit of Rotting Prometheans
Ua arrow decrease 1 Summoned units degrade over time

Icon rarity uncommon small Fog of the Damned[ | ]

"They'll never know how many we are in this fog… Attack!"
Wh2 dlc11 spell deep fog of the damned SpellThis ability targets enemies
Lore of the Deep
Cost 8 Winds
11 Winds (Overcast)
Type Icon spell area of hexesHex (Area)
Target Enemies
Icon stat morale Leadership -8
Icon stat attack Melee Attack -24
-40 (Overcast)
Range 200 metres
Effect range 35 metres
Duration 35 seconds
Cooldown 44 seconds
Miscast chance 50% (Overcast)
Affected units Affects enemies in range(all)
Affects units if Grounded
Ua winds of magic upgraded icon Greater effect on Icon stat attackmelee attack

Icon rarity rare small Kraken's Pull[ | ]

Few have the strength to break free once the kraken has them within its horrid, betentacled grasp.
Wh2 dlc11 spell deep krakens pull Spell
Lore of the Deep
Cost 18 Winds
23 Winds (Overcast)
Type Icon spell vortexVortex
Target Ground, All
Damage Per Second 4 (100%Modifier icon armour piercing) Modifier icon magical
Duration 15 seconds
30 seconds (Overcast)
Radius 15 metres
Contact Kraken's Pull
Range 200 metres
Duration 16 seconds
31 seconds (Overcast)
Cooldown 49 seconds
Miscast chance 50% (Overcast)
Affected units Affects enemies in range(max: 1)
Affects units if Grounded
Ua winds of magic upgraded icon Extended effect duration
Ua arrow increase 1 Huge, stationary area of effect
Ua arrow increase 1 Good against armour
Ua arrow increase 1 Strong vs multiple units
Kraken's Pull (10s)
Icon stat speed Speed: -45%

Icon rarity rare small Vangheist's Revenge[ | ]

Every mariner has heard the tale of Vangheist, and now his restless spirit is summoned on board the Shadewraith to deliver a devastating broadside.
Wh2 dlc11 spell deep ghost ship Spell
Lore of the Deep
Cost 20 Winds
26 Winds (Overcast)
Type Icon spell windWind
Target Ground, All
Damage Per Second 72 (100%Modifier icon armour piercing) Modifier icon magical
108 (100%Modifier icon armour piercing) Modifier icon magical (Overcast)
Duration 3 seconds
Radius 7 metres
Movement Speed 40m/s
Range 150 metres
Duration 7 seconds
Cooldown 54 seconds
Miscast chance 50% (Overcast)
Affects units if Grounded
Ua winds of magic upgraded icon Increased Modifier icon armour piercingarmour-piercing damage
Ua arrow increase 1 Medium, foward-moving area of effect
Ua arrow increase 1 Strong vs multiple units

Ua arrow decrease 1 Weak vs a single combatant

Units[ | ]

Wh3 main dae daemon prince 256 Daemons of Chaos[ | ]

Unit Wh2 dlc11 lore passive kiss of the deep Wh2 dlc11 spell deep spiteful shot Wh2 dlc11 spell deep tidecall Wh2 dlc11 spell deep denizens of the deep Wh2 dlc11 spell deep fog of the damned Wh2 dlc11 spell deep krakens pull Wh2 dlc11 spell deep ghost ship

Tzeentch Tzeentch[ | ]

Unit Wh2 dlc11 lore passive kiss of the deep Wh2 dlc11 spell deep spiteful shot Wh2 dlc11 spell deep tidecall Wh2 dlc11 spell deep denizens of the deep Wh2 dlc11 spell deep fog of the damned Wh2 dlc11 spell deep krakens pull Wh2 dlc11 spell deep ghost ship

(Formless Horror: Cylostra Direfin)

(Formless Horror: The Blue Scribes)

Vampire Coast Vampire Coast[ | ]

Unit Wh2 dlc11 lore passive kiss of the deep Wh2 dlc11 spell deep spiteful shot Wh2 dlc11 spell deep tidecall Wh2 dlc11 spell deep denizens of the deep Wh2 dlc11 spell deep fog of the damned Wh2 dlc11 spell deep krakens pull Wh2 dlc11 spell deep ghost ship

Warhost of the Apocalypse Warriors of Chaos[ | ]

Unit Wh2 dlc11 lore passive kiss of the deep Wh2 dlc11 spell deep spiteful shot Wh2 dlc11 spell deep tidecall Wh2 dlc11 spell deep denizens of the deep Wh2 dlc11 spell deep fog of the damned Wh2 dlc11 spell deep krakens pull Wh2 dlc11 spell deep ghost ship

Bound spells[ | ]

Items[ | ]

Spell Item Type Race Faction Notes
Wh main anc talismanTalisman Vampire Coast Vampire Coast All
Spiky Monster Part
Spiky Monster Part
Wh main anc talismanTalisman Tzeentch Tzeentch The Deceivers The Deceivers Schemes

Strategy[ | ]

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The Lore of Deeps is a solid lore of magic that is usually not taken due to the strength of Lore of Vampires. The attribute is the reverse of the healing magic of Lore of Life, damaging all enemies. Useful given that the Vampire Coast armies are generally quantity over quality.

  • Tidecall is similar to wind blast in terms of destroying unarmored infantry, be careful though, your infantry will be hurt by it if you aim it poorly. Spiteful shot is decent, but is mostly useful as a cheap spammable spell to proc the Kiss of the Deep augment. It is especially effective on artillery like Queen Bess which ensures that each of its limited shots make maximum impact.
  • Fog of the Damned is a decent debuff ability that lasts for a good while and reduces melee attack by a significant amount. The leadership debuff is less useful, but it can lead to some breaks if the unit is wavering. The usefulness of this is questionable as the Vampire Coast typically does not aim to win the infantry battle.
  • Denizens of the Deep is useful in the way that any summon spell is useful for stopping an enemy's advance or disrupting archer lines. Rotting Prometians are particularly hard to kill, and will likely survive most attacks until they begin unbinding. A great tarpit unit spell.
  • Kraken's Pull is a good slowing vortex, but otherwise not very notable.
  • Vangheist's Revenge is certainly the flashiest spell in the lore and can put out crazy damage against groups of infantry. However, it is expensive and slow to cast.
  • Spiteful Shot is quite underwhelming as it only affects one unit, which isn't really worth it unless it's some valuable and powerful ranged unit.

Trivia[ | ]

  • Vangheist is a character from the lore: Every mariner that sails that Great Ocean has heard the tale of Vangheist and his turncoat crew, for it is a tale of bitter treachery and greed. Lured by promises of immortality, Vangheist slew his wizard master in cold blood, not wishing to share that which he sought. And immortality he received on reaching journey's end, though it was not in the manner that Vangheist expected. When the warship returned to the mortal plane, both crew and vessel had long since rotted away, leaving nothing but a ghost ship. It had become the Shadewraith, doomed to spread the misery of its eternal curse to all who look upon it.