Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki
Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki

Icon wh main lore the great mawThe Lore of the Great Maw is a lore of magic introduced in Total War: Warhammer III. It is unique to the Ogre Kingdoms Ogre Kingdoms race.

Lore Attribute[ | ]

Icon rarity common small Bloodgruel[ | ]

Waste not, want not - it's all good nourishment for the hungry Ogre spellcaster after all.
Wh3 main lore passive bloodgruel large Passive AbilityThis ability targets allies or self
Lore of the Great Maw
Type Icon spell regenerationRegeneration
Target Self
Heal Per Second +0.40%
Duration 9 seconds
Enabled if Casting
Arrow increase 1 Triggers when casting
Arrow increase 1 Replenishes Icon stat health noframehit points of combatants

Spells[ | ]

Icon rarity common small Braingobbler[ | ]

The spellcaster chomps through a severed skull, gobbling up the brain and projecting the decapitated victim’s worst nightmares into enemies’ minds, sapping their will to fight on.
Wh3 main spell great maw braingobbler SpellThis ability targets enemies
Lore of the Great Maw
Cost 4 Winds
6 Winds (Overcast)
Type Icon spell hexHex
Target Enemy
Morale character Leadership -16
Range 200 metres
Duration 18 seconds
36 seconds (Overcast)
Cooldown 28 seconds
Miscast chance 50% (Overcast)
Affected units Affects enemies in range(max: 1)
Ua winds of magic upgraded icon Extended effect duration

Icon rarity common small Bullgorger[ | ]

Devouring the heart of a bull Rhinox or Mournfang, raw vitality is projected into the Great Maw, increasing the ferocity of the Ogres’ attacks.
Wh3 main spell great maw bullgorger SpellThis ability targets allies or self
Lore of the Great Maw
Cost 4 Winds
7 Winds (Overcast)
Type Icon spell augmentAugment
Target Self, Ally
Modifier icon armour piercing Armour-Piercing Weapon Damage +25%
Melee character Melee Attack +24
Range 200 metres
Duration 17 seconds
36 seconds (Overcast)
Cooldown 29 seconds
Miscast chance 50% (Overcast)
Affected units Affects allies in range(max: 1)
Ua winds of magic upgraded icon Extended effect duration

Icon rarity uncommon small Toothcracker[ | ]

By consuming a hunk of tooth-breaking granite, the spellcaster bestows the rock’s resilience and the sturdiness of the mountains themselves into his brethren.
Wh3 main spell great maw toothcracker SpellThis ability targets allies or self

Lore of the Great Maw

Cost 7 Winds
12 Winds (Overcast)
Type Icon spell area of augmentsAugment (Area)
Target Self, Allies
Icon stat armour Armour +30
Resistance missile Missile Resistance +22%
Range 200 metres
Effect range 35 metres
Duration 35 seconds
60 seconds (Overcast)
Cooldown 44 seconds
Miscast chance 50% (Overcast)
Affected units Affects allies in range(all)
Ua winds of magic upgraded icon Extended effect duration

Icon rarity uncommon small Bonecrusher[ | ]

Stuffing a handful of bones into his mouth, the spellcaster crunches them up whilst cursing his foes, who are crushed by a giant fist which pounds them to dust.
Wh3 main spell great maw bonecrusher Spell
Lore of the Great Maw
Cost 10 Winds
15 Winds (Overcast)
Type Icon spell explosionExplosion
Target Ground, All
Damage 64 (50%Modifier icon armour piercing) Modifier icon magical
96 (66%Modifier icon armour piercing) Modifier icon magical (Overcast)
Duration 1 second
Radius 8 metres
Range 200 metres
Duration 6 seconds
Cooldown 43 seconds
Miscast chance 50% (Overcast)
Affects units if Grounded
Ua winds of magic upgraded icon Greater Modifier icon armour piercingarmour-piercing explosion damage
Arrow increase 1 Small strike area

Icon rarity rare small Trollguts[ | ]

After downing the toxic and utterly repulsive innards of a Troll, the Ogres’ wounds seem to stitch themselves together before their enemies’ dumbfounded eyes.
Wh3 main spell great maw trollguts SpellThis ability targets allies or self
Lore of the Great Maw
Type Icon spell regenerationRegeneration
Cost 16 Winds
26 Winds (Overcast)
Target Self, Ally
Heal Per Second +0.80%
Range 200 metres
Duration 35 seconds
70 seconds (Overcast)
Cooldown 52 seconds
Miscast chance 50% (Overcast)
Affected units Affects allies in range(max: 1)
Ua winds of magic upgraded icon Extended effect duration
Arrow increase 1 Replenishes Icon stat health noframehit points of combatants

Icon rarity rare small The Maw[ | ]

The Butcher can summon the power of the Great Maw itself, causing the ground beneath to split wide open and crush any foe trapped within it.
Wh3 main spell great maw the maw Spell
Lore of the Great Maw
Cost 20 Winds
26 Winds (Overcast)
Type Icon spell explosionExplosion
Target Ground, All
Damage 48 (33%Modifier icon armour piercing) Modifier icon magical
72 (33%Modifier icon armour piercing) Modifier icon magical (Overcast)
Duration 1 second
Radius 20 metres
Range 200 metres
Duration 10 seconds
Cooldown 54 seconds
Miscast chance 50% (Overcast)
Affects units if Grounded
Ua winds of magic upgraded icon Greater Modifier icon armour piercingarmour-piercing explosion damage
Arrow increase 1 Huge explosion area

Units[ | ]

Wh3 main dae daemon prince 256 Daemons of Chaos[ | ]

Unit Wh3 main lore passive bloodgruel large Wh3 main spell great maw braingobbler Wh3 main spell great maw bullgorger Wh3 main spell great maw toothcracker Wh3 main spell great maw bonecrusher Wh3 main spell great maw trollguts Wh3 main spell great maw the maw

Ogre Kingdoms Ogre Kingdoms[ | ]

Unit Wh3 main lore passive bloodgruel large Wh3 main spell great maw braingobbler Wh3 main spell great maw bullgorger Wh3 main spell great maw toothcracker Wh3 main spell great maw bonecrusher Wh3 main spell great maw trollguts Wh3 main spell great maw the maw

Tzeentch Tzeentch[ | ]

Unit Wh3 main lore passive bloodgruel large Wh3 main spell great maw braingobbler Wh3 main spell great maw bullgorger Wh3 main spell great maw toothcracker Wh3 main spell great maw bonecrusher Wh3 main spell great maw trollguts Wh3 main spell great maw the maw

(Formless Horror: Skrag the Slaughterer)

(Formless Horror: The Blue Scribes)

Warhost of the Apocalypse Warriors of Chaos[ | ]

Unit Wh3 main lore passive bloodgruel large Wh3 main spell great maw braingobbler Wh3 main spell great maw bullgorger Wh3 main spell great maw toothcracker Wh3 main spell great maw bonecrusher Wh3 main spell great maw trollguts Wh3 main spell great maw the maw