Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki
Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki

Icon wh main lore lil waaagh The Lore of the Little Waaagh! is a lore of magic introduced in Total War: Warhammer. It is unique to the Greenskins Greenskins race.

Lore Attribute[ | ]

Icon rarity common small Sneaky Stealin'[ | ]

Goblin Shamans are sneaky and will steal away the power from the enemy Wizard, cackling maniacally while doing so!
Wh main lore passive sneaky stealin Passive AbilityThis ability targets enemies
Little Waaagh!
Type Icon spell hex of the windsHex of the Winds
Target Single Enemy
Power Recharge -40%
Effect range Infinite
Duration 25 seconds
Affected units Affects allies in range(max: 1)
Enabled if Casting
Ua arrow increase 1 Triggers when casting spell

Spells[ | ]

Icon rarity common small Sneaky Stabbin'[ | ]

The targets of this spell are driven to go right after "hurty bitz" or sneak up on opponents at unexpected angles.
Wh main spell lil waaagh sneaky stabbin SpellThis ability targets allies or self
Litte Waaagh!
Cost 4 Winds
Type Icon spell augmentAugment
Target Self or Single Ally
Modifier icon armour piercing Armour-Piercing Weapon Damage +25%
Icon stat attack Melee Attack +24
Range 200 metres
Duration 40 seconds
Cooldown 28 seconds
Affected units Affects allies in range(max: 1)

Sneaky Stabbin' does not have an overcast version.

Icon rarity common small Vindictive Glare[ | ]

Green bolts of purest spite burst forth from the Shaman and streak towards the enemy.
Wh main spell lil waaagh vindictive glare SpellThis ability targets enemies
Little Waaagh!
Cost 5 Winds
Type Icon spell magic missilesMagic Missiles
Target Single Enemy
Ranged Damage 90 (27%Modifier icon armour piercing ranged) Modifier icon magical
Explosive Damage 80 (31%Icon stat explosive armour piercing damage)
Number of projectiles 5
Range 250 metres
Cooldown 29 seconds
Ua arrow increase 1 Causes moderate Modifier icon magicalmagical damage
Ua arrow increase 1 Strong vs a single combatant
Ua arrow increase 1 Good against large combatants

Ua arrow decrease 1 Requires line of sight to the target

Icon rarity common small Vindictive Glare Upgraded[ | ]

Green bolts of purest spite burst forth from the Shaman and streak towards the enemy.
Wh main spell lil waaagh vindictive glare SpellThis ability targets enemies
Little Waaagh!
Cost 7 Winds
Type Icon spell magic missilesMagic Missiles
Target Single Enemy
Ranged Damage 90 (72%Modifier icon armour piercing ranged) Modifier icon magical
Explosive Damage 80 (68%Icon stat explosive armour piercing damage)
Number of projectiles 5
Range 250 metres
Cooldown 29 seconds
Miscast chance 50%
Ua winds of magic upgraded icon Increased number of missiles
Ua winds of magic upgraded icon Increased Modifier icon armour piercingarmour-piercing damage

Ua arrow increase 1 Causes moderate Modifier icon magicalmagical damage
Ua arrow increase 1 Strong vs a single combatant
Ua arrow increase 1 Good against large combatants

Ua arrow decrease 1 Requires line of sight to the target

Icon rarity uncommon small Itchy Nuisance[ | ]

By vigorously scratching his armpits - cackling maniacally as he does so - the Shaman projects painful chafing onto a nearby foe.
Wh main spell lil waaagh itchy nuisance SpellThis ability targets enemies
Little Waaagh!
Cost 8 Winds
Type Icon spell hexHex
Target Ground or Single Enemy (Initial Spell Target) and Multiple Enemies
Icon stat attack Melee Attack -24
Icon stat damage base Base Weapon Damage -30%
Range 200 metres
Effect range 35 metres
Duration 25 seconds
Cooldown 44 seconds
Affected units Affects enemies in range(all)

Itchy Nuisance does not have an overcast version.

Icon rarity uncommon small Gork'll Fix It[ | ]

The Shaman points a bony finger at a nearby enemy, cursing them in the name of Gork.
Wh main spell lil waaagh gorkll fix it SpellThis ability targets enemies
Little Waaagh!
Cost 6 Winds
Type Icon spell hexHex
Target Ground or Single Enemy (Initial Spell Target) and Multiple Enemies
Icon stat speed Speed -45%
Icon stat speed Charge Speed -45%
Icon stat charge bonus Charge Bonus -20%
Range 200 metres
Effect range 35 metres
Duration 24 seconds
Cooldown 43 seconds
Affected units Affects enemies in range(all)

Gork'll Fix It does not have an overcast version.

Icon rarity rare small Night Shroud[ | ]

The Shaman throws a black-capped nightshade mushroom into the air, which bursts into a cloud of murky darkness.
Wh main spell lil waaagh night shroud SpellThis ability targets allies or self
Little Waaagh!
Cost 8 Winds
Type Icon spell hidingHiding
Target Ground, Self or Single Ally (Initial Spell Target) and Multiple Allies
Unspottable Unspottable
Stalk Stalk
Range 200 metres
Effect range 35 metres
Duration 60 seconds
Cooldown 48 seconds
Affected units Affects allies in range(all)

Icon rarity rare small Night Shroud Upgraded[ | ]

The Shaman throws a black-capped nightshade mushroom into the air, which bursts into a cloud of murky darkness.
Wh main spell lil waaagh night shroud SpellThis ability targets allies or self
Little Waaagh!
Cost 14 Winds
Type Icon spell hidingHiding
Target Ground, Self or Single Ally (Initial Spell Target) and Multiple Allies
Unspottable Unspottable
Stalk Stalk
Range 200 metres
Effect range 55 metres
Duration 60 seconds
Cooldown 48 seconds
Miscast chance 50%
Affected units Affects allies in range(all)
Ua winds of magic upgraded icon Increased effect area

Icon rarity rare small Curse of Da Bad Moon[ | ]

With a chilling howl, the Shaman summons a great pale moon with a leering goblinoid face and large, tusk-like fangs.
Wh main spell lil waaagh curse of da bad moon Spell
Little Waaagh!
Cost 11 Winds
Type Icon spell vortexVortex
Target Ground, All
Damage Per Second 14 (0%Modifier icon armour piercing) Modifier icon magical
Duration 22 seconds
Radius 7 metres
Movement Speed 3 metre per second
Contact Da Nasty Curse!
Range 150 metres
Duration 22 seconds
Cooldown 47 seconds
Affects units if Not on or below a platform
Ua arrow increase 1 Medium, randomly-moving area of effect
Ua arrow increase 1 Strong vs multiple units
Da Nasty Curse! (22s)
Icon stat defence Melee Defence: -24
Icon stat speed Speed: -25%
Icon stat armour Armour: -30

Icon rarity rare small Curse of Da Bad Moon[ | ]

With a chilling howl, the Shaman summons a great pale moon with a leering goblinoid face and large, tusk-like fangs.
Wh main spell lil waaagh curse of da bad moon Spell
Little Waaagh!
Cost 16 Winds
Type Icon spell vortexVortex
Target Ground, All
Damage Per Second 14 (0%Modifier icon armour piercing) Modifier icon magical
Duration 44 seconds
Radius 7 metres
Movement Speed 2 metre per second
Contact Da Nasty Curse!
Range 150 metres
Duration 44 seconds
Cooldown 47 seconds
Miscast chance 50%
Affects units if Not on or below a platform
Ua winds of magic upgraded icon Extended effect duration
Ua arrow increase 1 Medium, randomly-moving area of effect
Ua arrow increase 1 Strong vs multiple units
Da Nasty Curse! (44s)
Icon stat defence Melee Defence: -24
Icon stat speed Speed: -25%
Icon stat armour Armour: -30

Units with the Lore of the Little Waaagh![ | ]

Wh3 main dae daemon prince 256 Daemons of Chaos[ | ]

Unit Wh main lore passive sneaky stealin Wh main spell lil waaagh sneaky stabbin Wh main spell lil waaagh vindictive glare Wh main spell lil waaagh itchy nuisance Wh main spell lil waaagh gorkll fix it Wh main spell lil waaagh night shroud Wh main spell lil waaagh curse of da bad moon

Greenskins Greenskins[ | ]

Unit Wh main lore passive sneaky stealin Wh main spell lil waaagh sneaky stabbin Wh main spell lil waaagh vindictive glare Wh main spell lil waaagh itchy nuisance Wh main spell lil waaagh gorkll fix it Wh main spell lil waaagh night shroud Wh main spell lil waaagh curse of da bad moon

Tzeentch Tzeentch[ | ]

Unit Wh main lore passive sneaky stealin Wh main spell lil waaagh sneaky stabbin Wh main spell lil waaagh vindictive glare Wh main spell lil waaagh itchy nuisance Wh main spell lil waaagh gorkll fix it Wh main spell lil waaagh night shroud Wh main spell lil waaagh curse of da bad moon

Warhost of the Apocalypse Warriors of Chaos[ | ]

Unit Wh main lore passive sneaky stealin Wh main spell lil waaagh sneaky stabbin Wh main spell lil waaagh vindictive glare Wh main spell lil waaagh itchy nuisance Wh main spell lil waaagh gorkll fix it Wh main spell lil waaagh night shroud Wh main spell lil waaagh curse of da bad moon

Strategy[ | ]

  • Sneaky Stealin' is nice for limiting enemy magic, however it is difficult to know how truly effective it is because you never see the enemies Winds of Magic. If you are going up a faction that relies on magic like Vampire Counts or Vampire Coast, this may be a good attribute to take.
  • Vindictive Glare is a cheap spell that is good for sniping enemy lords or other large monsters.
  • Sneaky Stabbin is good for boosting the generally low armour piercing of Greenskin units as well as a sizable melee attack boost.
  • Itchy Nuisance is similar but debuffs an enemy's damage instead. Both are good and useful in key engagements.
  • Gork'll Fix it is a good debuff spell for lowering speed and reducing Vigour of a unit. A bit of a niche spell, but good for catching a fast enemy.
  • Night Shroud is a niche spell for sneaking around the battlefield, good for hiding a key unit or a surprise flank on a vulnerable enemy. It can be used very creatively, but is incredible.
  • Curse of Da Bad Moon is the most direct spell in the Lore and is costly, but does a lot of damage. It also inflicts a nasty Contact Effect that reduces enemy combat effectiveness for a long time.

Sneaky Stealin and other Lore Attributes

  • The Wild Heart improve to recharge rate boosts regen by .075. This is half of Life Leeching (Lore of Death) and Power of Da Waaagh! (Lore of Big Waaagh!) which improve regen by .15. This makes sense as Wild Heart also improves power reserves by 10 winds. What is also interesting is that Sneaky Stealin (Lore of Little Waagh!) reduced recharge rates also does .075. This means that if Wild Heart and Sneaky Stealin' were active at the same time they would cancel each other out. Whereas Sneaky Stealin would only halve the effectiveness of the other two mentioned above.
  • Source: