Lustria is a southwestern continent in the world of Warhammer. To the north Lustria is connected to Naggaroth via a land bridge called the Isthmus of Lustria, while east across the Great Ocean lies The Southlands. Lustria is a tropical continent, and is dominated by the Lizardmen, though many other races also have a presence there. The Spine of Sotek mountain range runs along the west coast. Lustria is considered to be very dangerous: tropical diseases abound, much of the wildlife is poisonous, and the jungles are home to ferocious reptilian monsters such as Stegadons and Carnosaurs.
Gameplay[ | ]
Lustria first appeared in Total War: Warhammer II's Eye of the Vortex campaign, and later in Mortal Empires.
Climate: Mostly jungle, with some savannah and small areas of mountain and desert.
Terrain: Mostly dense forest, with many rivers and swamps.
There are also many ruins on the continent, remnants of the many Lizardmen Temple-Cities that were destroyed during the Great Catastrophe and the first great daemonic invasion of the world.
Eye of the Vortex[ | ]
Provinces[ | ]
- Forests of the Viper
- Isthmus of Lustria - Starting location for Hexoatl
- Coast of Squalls
- Settler's Coast
- Jungles of Pahualaxa
- Jungles of Green Mist
- The Creeping Jungle
- Mosquito Swamps
- The Vampire Coast - Starting location for The Awakened
- Northern Great Jungle -
- Northern Spine of Sotek
- Southern Great Jungle
- River Qurveza
- Volcanic Islands - Starting location for Clan Skryre
- Central Spine of Sotek
- Southern Spine of Sotek
- The Lost Valley - Starting location for Clan Pestilens
- The Forbidden Jungle
- The Dragon Isles
- The Turtle Isles - Starting location for Order of Loremasters
- Copper Desert - Starting location for Court of Lybaras
- Culchan Plains - Starting location for The Blessed Dread
- The Capes
- Coasts of the Lustrian Gulf - Starting location for Cult of Sotek
Mortal Empires[ | ]
Provinces[ | ]
- Isthmus of Lustria - Starting location for Hexoatl, Clan Gnaw and Skeggi
- Volcanic Islands - Starting location for Order of Loremasters
- Northern Jungles of Pahualaxa - Starting location for New World Colonies
- Southern Jungles of Pahualaxa - Starting location for Blue Vipers and The Drowned
- Jungles of Green Mist
- The Creeping Jungle - Starting location for Tlaxtlan
- Northern Great Jungle - Starting location for Cult of Sotek and Vampire Coast Mutineers
- Southern Great Jungle - Starting location for Itza
- Vampire Coast - Starting location for Vampire Coast
- Huahuan Desert - Starting location for Sentinels of Xeti
- Spine of Sotek - Starting location for Spine of Sotek Dwarfs
- Headhunter's Jungle - Starting location for Clan Pestilens and The Blessed Dread