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Where the Crowfather treads, mayhem and destruction always follow close behind.

Malagor the Dark Omen is a Beastmen Beastmen Legendary Lord unit introduced in Total War: Warhammer with the Call of the Beastmen DLC. In the campaign, he leads the Harbinger of Disaster Harbinger of Disaster.

Description[ | ]

The Beastmen believe that Malagor is the doom of mankind personified. He is a figure of nightmare across the entire Great Forest, revered by the Beastmen but feared above all by superstitious humans. To man, Malagor represents the downfall of all they hold dear. Vilified by the Cult of Sigmar as the epitome of sin due to his many blasphemies, a sighting of Malagor is the most terrifying portent of all. He is the winged fiend that rises from the benighted forests to challenge the gods of men. He is the devil rendered in woodcut in ancient tomes, kept under lock and key lest the terrible secrets within blast the sanity of any who read them.

Attributes[ | ]

  • Wh dlc03 bst lore wild Wizard
  • Spellcaster: This unit can cast spells.
  • Decent Melee Combatant: Despite being primarily a missile unit or spellcaster, this unit can also hold its own ground when fighting in melee.

Spells[ | ]

Malagor has access to a mix of spells from the Lore of Beasts, Lore of Death, Lore of Shadows and Lore of the Wild:

Character Abilities[ | ]

Active Abilities[ | ]

Campaign only[ | ]

Passive Abilities[ | ]

Campaign only[ | ]

Multiplayer only[ | ]

Item Abilities[ | ]

Unique Item[ | ]

Campaign starting units[ | ]

The Old World[ | ]

Wh dlc03 bst ungor herd shield Wh dlc03 bst ungor spearmen shield Wh dlc03 bst ungor spearmen Wh dlc03 bst ungor spearmen Wh dlc03 bst ungor raiders Wh dlc03 bst giant Wh dlc03 bst warhounds poison

Malagor starts with a secondary army:
Wh dlc03 bst ungor herd shield Wh dlc03 bst ungor herd shield Wh dlc03 bst ungor spearmen Wh dlc03 bst ungor raiders Wh dlc03 bst ungor raiders

Mortal Empires[ | ]

Wh dlc03 bst ungor herd shield Wh dlc03 bst ungor spearmen Wh dlc03 bst ungor spearmen Wh dlc03 bst ungor raiders Wh dlc03 bst feral manticore Wh dlc03 bst giant Wh dlc05 bst harpies

Immortal Empires[ | ]

Wh dlc03 bst ungor spearmen Wh dlc03 bst ungor spearmen Wh dlc03 bst ungor herd shield Wh dlc03 bst ungor herd shield Wh dlc03 bst ungor raiders Wh dlc03 bst ungor raiders Wh dlc05 bst harpies Wh dlc05 bst harpies Wh dlc03 bst giant Wh dlc03 bst feral manticore

Lord effects[ | ]

  • Beastpaths Movement range: +50% when using the Beast-Paths (Icon ArmyLord's army)
  • Replenishment Enemy casualty replenishment rate: -100% (enemy armies in local province)
  • Morale Enemy leadership: -8 (enemy armies in local province)
  • Attribute causes fear Attribute: Causes Fear for Harpies units (Icon ArmyLord's army)

WH1[ | ]

  • Campaign movement Campaign movement range: +10%
  • Wizard Bray-Shaman Icon heroHero capacity: +1

Character traits[ | ]

Personal trait[ | ]

Trait beastmen Crowfather: "Into the mud with them, break their skulls and eat their hearts!"

  • Campaign movement Movement range: +50% when using the Beast-Paths (Icon ArmyLord's army)
  • Replenishment Enemy casualty replenishment rate: -100% (enemy armies in local province)
  • Morale Enemy leadership: -8 (enemy armies in local province)
  • Attribute causes fear Attribute: Causes Fear for Harpies units (Icon ArmyLord's army)

Defeat trait[ | ]

Trait beastmen Crowreaver: The despoiler becomes the despoiled.

  • Icon stat attack Melee Attack: +10 when fighting against Beastmen
  • Morale Leadership: +4 (Icon ArmyLord's army)

Talent Tree[ | ]

Chapter Objectives[ | ]

Chapter 1[ | ]

Rank Name Objective(s) Reward(s) In-game description
Primary objective The Seeds of Hate The Beastmen rise from their forests and their filth, frothing over with fury at the 'civilisation' of man. They clamour for blood.
Bonus objective I Eat Your Fill Beastmen despise the notion of civilisation that man so adores. The land is fit only for reaping - to be despoiled and gorged upon. And so the herd ravages the land, claiming it for themselves.
Bonus objective II Beastly Machinations What dark and devious machinations do the Bray-Shamans devise? What brutality can the Gorebull wreak? Ahead of the vanguard, in amongst the foe, they demonstrate their terrible abilities and sow the seeds of man's destruction.
Bonus objective III The Call to War The herd is a mighty, unruly clamour of untempered wills, furious temperaments and single-minded hatred of mankind. Unusually, disunity is their greatest strength - the larger the herd, the greater the force they bring to bear.
Bonus objective IV Knot on My Watch The path back to the fetid realms of men is blocked by the devious and the despicable Greenskins. They are nothing before the guile and cunning of Malagor, as they will soon discover.
Bonus objective V Knot a Discussion The stunted Greenskins are lurid and irrelevant, but they have some tenacity. The herd has no time for unworthy distractions - it would be better to scour them from the land entirely.

Chapter 2[ | ]

Rank Name Objective(s) Reward(s) In-game description
Primary objective Bitterness Grows From afar, the Beastmen watch the cities of man with a baleful gaze, longing to tear apart that which they so detest. And so it comes to pass.
Bonus objective I Riven Land The world was once riven by Chaos; torn asunder by powers beyond mortal understanding. And so the Beastmen strive to return the world to such a state, one ruined landscape at a time.
Bonus objective II The Call to Dark Deeds Though the herd knows the power and rage of direct assault best of all, there is utility in the machinations of a Bray-Shaman, or the direct, single combat of a towering Gorebull.
Bonus objective III Man & Beast It is not only man for whom the Beastmen's rage burns. The world itself inflames their ire, and anything that walks upon it - man OR beast - risks a reckoning with the herd, overwrought with unquenchable fury.
Bonus objective IV Summoning Ruin The herd must grow ever stronger. Worshipping before the Herdstone, feasting beneath the forest canopy, the Beastmen grow ever greater in numbers, quenching their hunger for flesh and for war.
Bonus objective V Corruption Rising When Chaos first burst forth into the world, splitting the earth and deforming the beasts upon it, the Beastmen were tainted and laced with corruption. The world is not safe from this Ruinous touch - it lingers on within every herd.

Chapter 3[ | ]

Rank Name Objective(s) Reward(s) In-game description
Primary objective Burgeoning Rage With splintering roars, the great throng of Beastmen descend upon the world of men. With much clamour, and a singular hatred, they charge and do not cease.
Bonus objective I Seams To Be Even when the land is cracked and broken, when the world's life seeps from every pore and fissure, still the Beastmen will not stop. They will raid, they will fight, and they will despoil it all.
Bonus objective II The Jaws of Victory Praying before great Herdstones in the centre of their forest homes, the Beastmen call for the strength to sweep away mankind, performing acts of such heresy that the portents of these dark deeds are felt behind man's 'impenetrable' walls.
Bonus objective III Fight! Fight! Fight! Mankind knows the threat posed by the Beastmen is real, and ever growing. Only through unity do they foolishly think they can halt this tide of madness. All band together to face the herd, yet it can never be enough.
Bonus objective IV The Ever-Rising Herd Every beast knows that, for their efforts, they will be rewarded by the Dark Gods. Mutations, aberrations and greater powers are bestowed on those who spread their Ruinous desires, and so they gather, fight and destroy.
Bonus objective V The Tendrils of Ruin Corruption courses through the Beastmen as surely as the blood flows through their veins. It is this Chaotic corruption that drives them forward to greater, darker, and ever more twisted deeds.

Chapter 4[ | ]

Rank Name Objective(s) Reward(s) In-game description
Primary objective Flourishing Venom Every tower, every gatehouse, every thatched home is an affront to the Beastmen's very essence. With fire, brawn and rage, the unending herds will see it all destroyed.
Bonus objective I Roar of the Beast Everything has its price. Even the Beastmen, who deride 'civilised' notions of society and wealth, must pay one another in kind. Bones, flesh, stolen crops, ash, blood - all are valuable to some beast, somewhere.
Bonus objective II Head of the Herd At the head of the herd is the Beastlord, a powerful creature whose demonstrations of raw power have ensured his ascension. None dare oppose him, lest they can overpower his savage might.
Bonus objective III Shock & Roar A herd without enemies is a herd without purpose. When resting, they think only of war, when feasting they think only of greater battles. The world is full of enemies to destroy, and the Beastmen WILL destroy them.
Bonus objective IV Total Roar The Beastmen hate mankind and anything else that dares to get in their way. Their bitterness is unmatched, their hatred unparalleled. Across the Old World, there are none who hate and war as much as the warherds.
Bonus objective V Let the World Fall The failing world of man will know the touch of Ruin too when the Beastmen destroy their homes and conquer their lands in the name of Chaos. The Uncloven Ones will know the hideous touch of the Dark Gods.

Chapter 5[ | ]

Rank Name Objective(s) Reward(s) In-game description
Primary objective The Tree of Wrath The land burns, the seas boil, the world cracks and blooms into destruction. The Beastmen, bloody-handed, see this, and know that it is right.
Bonus objective I The Death of the World At the very end of all things, when Chaos purges the world of its hope and vitality, the Beastmen will know they played their part in its destruction and be proud.
Bonus objective II The Herd Obeys Great herds are led by great Beastlords; those who can weather the trials and tribulations that the herd suffer. Hatred leading hatred; there is no greater strength.
Bonus objective III Let Ruin Consume Even when the world goes to rack and ruin, still some will fight in desperate, pitiful hope. They, too, will be washed away in a tide of blood before the Beastmen's calamitous vengeance.
Bonus objective IV Unseen Masters Ever watchful, the Bray-Shamans coerce and manipulate the Beastlords, telling them what to do, where to go, how to grow. The Bray-Shamans direct their herds, cultivating them like festering buboes.
Bonus objective V The Blood is the Prize The Beastmen will dive into the very earth itself to fight new enemies, and have fought under stone, forest and sky. Those dwelling on the land are nothing before their might - they are powerless before the fury of the herd.

Strategy[ | ]

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In WHI, Malagor is only on foot and his wings are purely aesthetic. In WHII, Malagor was updated to be able to fly constantly with his wings, making him the only infantry sized flying legendary lord.

Malagor starts in the Badlands surrounded by enemies. In Mortal Empires, there are vampires, Greenskins, and Skaven. He should focus on playing defensively, knocking out small factions and razing what they need to level up the horde and gain income. It is probably best to migrate away from such a chaotic region, perhaps moving North to the Border Princes or South to the Tomb Kings.

In battle, his starting giant and the spells Malagor has access to should carry most of the early fights. Given that he does not gain any bonuses to a specific unit, it is probably best to push aggressively towards putting Minotaurs in his armies.

Malagor gets a starting 50% bonus to travel distance using Beastpaths. So he is tremendously fast getting around.

Gallery[ | ]
