- Not to be confused with the
Norsca unit: Marauder Horsemasters (Norsca).
“ | Horse-born leaders, their powerful steeds a symbol of dread status before the Dark Gods. | „ |
Marauder Horsemasters are a Warriors of Chaos missile cavalry unit introduced in Total War: Warhammer with Update 4.
Recruitment[ | ]
By upgrading Marauder Horsemen or Marauder Horsemen (Throwing Axes) to Marauder Horsemasters with the Warband Upgrades
WH1 - WH2[ | ]
Unlocked with: Proving Grounds
Description[ | ]
Some tribes of Marauders hold horses in high esteem, while others regard them with fear and superstition. To many, a warhorse is a sign of status, and only the best warriors may ride them. The steeds ridden by these tribes are powerful beasts, foul-tempered and strong of limb. Once a rider has broken such a horse, it will remain loyal to him until death, but they remain vicious and unruly should a stranger approach. Fed on a diet of human flesh and watered-down blood, these snorting, high-spirited steeds have a glint of intelligent menace in their eyes, and will trample, kick and bite as if berserk when engaged at close quarters. In battle, their speed and mobility leaves even the most able cavalrymen of the Old World sorely lacking. Able to steer their steeds with the subtlest of movements of the waist and knees, the tribesmen have both hands free to wield wicked blades and hooked axes.
Attributes[ | ]
Missile Cavalry
- ▲ Very Fast: This unit can run circles around most other units, taunting and harrassing the enemy or evading its missile fire.
- ▲ Vanguard Deployment: This unit can deploy in an expanded deployment area, allowing it to start the battle within striking distance of the enemy - or somewhere unexpected.
Strategy[ | ]
Basically just upgraded Marauder Horsemen. Even a doomstack can use a couple for their mobility and utility.
Marauder Horsemasters are excellent light cavalry. Don't hesitate to use them in melee against missile infantry, artillery crews and weak swordsmen. Horsemasters don't have lots of missile armour-piercing damage, but it's still enough to help your troops when they're engaging the enemy heavy infantry or cavalry and give them the edge they need. Never expect the Horsemasters to win a tough battle on their own, but they're a very reliable and swift support unit that gives you better battlefield control and is perfect for flanking and attacks from the rear.