“ | Magical fetishes hang from belts and braids, festooning horses and the warriors riding upon them. | „ |
Marauder Horsemen of Tzeentch are a Warriors of Chaos and
Tzeentch missile cavalry unit introduced in Total War: Warhammer III.
Recruitment[ | ]
Warriors of Chaos
By upgrading Marauder Horsemen to Marauder Horsemen of Tzeentch with the Warband Upgrades
Unlocked with: Puzzle-Maker's Hovel
Description[ | ]
Tzeentch is a popular God among tribal shamans and Sorcerers, but tribes who worship the Great Eagle as their sole patron are uncommon. Most Marauders prefer the bloodiness of Khorne, the glittering prizes of Slaanesh, or the resilience gifted by Nurgle. What Tzeentch’s warbands lack in numbers, however, they make up for with cunning. They make use of guile in unison with their brawn, using tactics more akin to guerrilla warfare to destroy their enemies. Carrying totem banners of powerful magic into battle, they are perfectly capable of causing immense suffering to their enemies.
Attributes[ | ]
Missile Cavalry
- ▲ Barrier: This unit has a barrier that absorbs damage until depleted. When not taking damage, the barrier will slowly replenish. Maximum barrier health is proporsional to remaining unit health.
- ▲ Warpflame: These magical flames sunder armour and leave the enemy vulnerable to further flaming attacks.
- ▲ Very Fast: This unit can run circles around most other units, taunting and harrassing the enemy or evading its missile fire.
- ▲ Vanguard Deployment: This unit can deploy in an expanded deployment area, allowing it to start the battle within striking distance of the enemy - or somewhere unexpected.
Strategy[ | ]