Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki

Not to be confused with the World Walkers Norsca unit: Marauders (Norsca).
Chaos Marauders are the rank and file of Chaos armies, perfectly placed in the centre of battle, bloodied weapon in hand.

Marauders, previously known as Chaos Marauders, are a Warhost of the Apocalypse Warriors of Chaos melee infantry unit introduced in Total War: Warhammer with the Chaos Warriors Race Pack.

Recruitment[ | ]

WH1 & WH2[ | ]

Description[ | ]

The tribes of Northmen that flock southwards with any Chaos invasion are known by those in their path as Chaos Marauders, natural fighters born into hardship and brought up in a world where surviving each day is no small victory. They have no time for plough or sickle, for their tools are the axe, the sword and the shield. What their own lands cannot provide, they simple take from the lands of lesser men. They have little fear of dying in battle, for they know that they fight under the scrutiny of their gods, and that cowards are beneath their deities' notice.

Attributes[ | ]

  • Infantry axe Axe Infantry
  • Shielded: Shields have a chance of blocking arrows, bolts, rifle shots and similar small arms fire - but only in a forward facing arc.

Icon unit upgrade Warband Upgrades[ | ]

Button upgrade undivided Undivided[ | ]

Wh main chs marauder
Wh main chs marauder great weapons
Icon treasury favour Cost: 150
Wh main chs warriors
Icon treasury favour Cost: 500
Experience Rank: Experience 55
Wh dlc01 chs warriors great weapons
Icon treasury favour Cost: 500
Experience Rank: Experience 55
Wh main chs warriors halberd
Icon treasury favour Cost: 500
Experience Rank: Experience 55
Wh dlc01 chs forsaken
Icon treasury favour Cost: 500
Experience Rank: Experience 33
Technology Tech: A Thousand Twisted BlessingsYes

Button upgrade khorne Khorne[ | ]

Requires the Wh3 main tech kho 1 3 Searing Branding Iron technology to upgrade!

Wh main chs marauder
Wh3 dlc20 chs inf chaos marauders mkho
Icon treasury favour Cost: 250
Wh3 dlc20 chs inf chaos marauders mkho dualweapons
Icon treasury favour Cost: 250

Button upgrade nurgle Nurgle[ | ]

Requires the Wh3 main tech nur 3 1 Rusted Branding Iron technology to upgrade!

Wh main chs marauder
Wh3 dlc20 chs inf chaos marauders mnur
Icon treasury favour Cost: 250
Wh3 dlc20 chs inf chaos marauders mnur greatweapons
Icon treasury favour Cost: 250

Button upgrade slaanesh Slaanesh[ | ]

Requires the Wh3 main tech sla 1 2 Sensuous Branding Iron technology to upgrade!

Wh main chs marauder
Wh3 dlc20 chs inf chaos marauders msla
Icon treasury favour Cost: 250
Wh3 dlc20 chs inf chaos marauders msla hellscourges
Icon treasury favour Cost: 250

Button upgrade tzeentch Tzeentch[ | ]

Requires the Wh3 main tech tze 4 1 Arcane Branding Iron technology to upgrade!

Wh main chs marauder
Wh3 dlc20 chs inf chaos marauders mtze
Icon treasury favour Cost: 250
Wh3 dlc20 chs inf chaos marauders mtze spears
Icon treasury favour Cost: 250

Strategy[ | ]

Very cost efficient melee infantry that are only limited by their minimal armor. Keep them away from missile fire and charges by monsters and cavalry. Even higher tier infantry can struggle with them if they are supported and fielded in sufficient numbers.

In campaign, this unit is available to recruit virtually anywhere and is good for simply adding a bit of meat to your army, even if you have no intention of upgrading them. With that said, they only need to get to level 3 to be upgraded to Forsaken, who are a significant step up. The Chaos Gift Raider's Raiment is highly recommended for the early game, as it gives Marauders a hefty Melee Attack boost as well as an XP and replenishment bonus, making armies of these not just effective but quickly upgradable.
