The money panel at the start of a High Elves (Lothern) campaign. Click the image to expand.
Money is the basic strategic resource of the campaign. Factions get income per turn, as well as a total treasury of saved money. Money is spent on maintaining and recruiting units, constructing buildings and more.
Money is sometimes called by other names:
Favour — these races do not seek riches, but rather favour with the Chaos Gods
Dark Magic — these races use necromancy to animate undead troops, rather than paying them
Earning money[ | ]
See our guide to maximizing money.
Income[ | ]
Income is how much money a faction is getting per turn. Your faction's income can be seen at the top center of the screen. A positive income adds money to your treasury (see below) every turn, while a negative income takes money out of your treasury every turn. Ideally you want a positive income. However it's sometimes OK to have a negative income so long as your treasury does not run out (see below).
Background Income[ | ]
Background income is the base amount of income you get, even without anything else generating money for you. Background income changes depending on the difficulty level chosen at the start of the campaign.
Tax[ | ]
Provinces you control can be taxed by checking the tax box on the province panel on the left. Tax income is mainly generated by economic buildings and by ports. The tax income a building generates is shown when the cursor is placed over its icon on the province panel.
- Tax is the primary form of income for most factions.
- You only get tax income from settlements you control in a province.
- A province may be excluded from paying tax on the Province Info panel to improve
growth and
public order there. This can be useful if a province is close to rebelling or you only just conquered it.
Trade[ | ]
- Main article: Trade.
Trade agreements can be made with friendly factions, which provides income depending on the resources each faction has.
Upkeep[ | ]
Upkeep is the cost of maintaining lords, heroes and armies of units. Upkeep is the main factor which reduces your income, though there are others. If income is negative and there isn't enough money left in the treasury to compensate at the end of a turn, all armies will suffer attrition as troops desert without payment.
Treasury[ | ]
Treasury is your store of money. This is where you draw money from to pay for buildings and recruit new units. If your treasury reaches 0, then you are bankrupt.
Loot[ | ]
After a victorious battle, players get loot (sometimes called post-battle loot), which is a lump sum of money to your treasury. For some factions, this is their main form of getting money. Some post-battle options increase loot, as do some traits, abilities, items etc.
Sacking[ | ]
- Main article: Settlement options.
After conquering an enemy settlement, one of the available options is usually to sack it. This adds a lump sum to your treasury.
Bankruptcy[ | ]
A faction will feel the effects of bankruptcy should it's treasury run out of money. Public order will suffer greatly, and unpaid troops will desert their armies. This status will continue until a positive cash balance is restored - preferably permanently.
Extra notes[ | ]
- For Khorne, occupying a settlement is more costly than simply sacking or razing it.